I’ve been told this is right place to talk about this


Temporal Novice
From where and when did you depart?

The State of South British Columbia, 2295

Where and when did you arrive?

San Diego, 1988 (Original drop - malfunction lead me to this time). Intended time was December 4th, 2021. Actual drop happened on December 10th, 2021.

Describe the mechanisms involved in your time travel:

Drydin 850, manufactured by a company called Aeon (I work for them). It uses a technology that we call the Oort drive. It’s particle based, mostly from particles found in the Oort Cloud and later in the outer edges of the Kuiper Belt. They have a reactionary result that allows us to access time travel (it’s beyond your understanding for now). It was discovered by an astronaut named Bryce Herdman in 2201 during the first manned mission to the Kuiper Belt. This particle was later fully understood by his granddaughter Allison Herdman.

Was this intentional, accidental or forced?


If intentional, for what purpose did you travel through time?

People in this time need to know of how things will go in order to prepare themselves for the awful world that awaits them. We determined that December 4th, 2021 was the date that things began to go wrong. Of course, we had no idea and issues didn’t become visible until the late 2080s. I have a made contact her, a man that wishes to remain anonymous for now and i respect his wishes. He has told that this is the right place to talk to as many people as i can.

Anything in particular you’d like to discuss?

Many things, but i’m open to anyone wanting to know about the future. Just know that information disclosed, it could affect your future, someone else’s future or cause a cascade effect.

Proceed at your own caution.

I know I said I wouldn't get involved with Time Travel claims, but I can't help myself. You've done your homework. So, are you still here so we can ask questions out of curiosity?
From where and when did you depart?

The State of South British Columbia, 2295

Where and when did you arrive?

San Diego, 1988 (Original drop - malfunction lead me to this time). Intended time was December 4th, 2021. Actual drop happened on December 10th, 2021.

Describe the mechanisms involved in your time travel:

Drydin 850, manufactured by a company called Aeon (I work for them). It uses a technology that we call the Oort drive. It’s particle based, mostly from particles found in the Oort Cloud and later in the outer edges of the Kuiper Belt. They have a reactionary result that allows us to access time travel (it’s beyond your understanding for now). It was discovered by an astronaut named Bryce Herdman in 2201 during the first manned mission to the Kuiper Belt. This particle was later fully understood by his granddaughter Allison Herdman.

Was this intentional, accidental or forced?


If intentional, for what purpose did you travel through time?

People in this time need to know of how things will go in order to prepare themselves for the awful world that awaits them. We determined that December 4th, 2021 was the date that things began to go wrong. Of course, we had no idea and issues didn’t become visible until the late 2080s. I have a made contact her, a man that wishes to remain anonymous for now and i respect his wishes. He has told that this is the right place to talk to as many people as i can.

Anything in particular you’d like to discuss?

Many things, but i’m open to anyone wanting to know about the future. Just know that information disclosed, it could affect your future, someone else’s future or cause a cascade effect.

Proceed at your own caution.
Minus 1 for a single hit and run post.

From where and when did you depart?

The State of South British Columbia, 2295

Where and when did you arrive?

San Diego, 1988 (Original drop - malfunction lead me to this time). Intended time was December 4th, 2021. Actual drop happened on December 10th, 2021.

Describe the mechanisms involved in your time travel:

Drydin 850, manufactured by a company called Aeon (I work for them). It uses a technology that we call the Oort drive. It’s particle based, mostly from particles found in the Oort Cloud and later in the outer edges of the Kuiper Belt. They have a reactionary result that allows us to access time travel (it’s beyond your understanding for now). It was discovered by an astronaut named Bryce Herdman in 2201 during the first manned mission to the Kuiper Belt. This particle was later fully understood by his granddaughter Allison Herdman.

Was this intentional, accidental or forced?


If intentional, for what purpose did you travel through time?

People in this time need to know of how things will go in order to prepare themselves for the awful world that awaits them. We determined that December 4th, 2021 was the date that things began to go wrong. Of course, we had no idea and issues didn’t become visible until the late 2080s. I have a made contact her, a man that wishes to remain anonymous for now and i respect his wishes. He has told that this is the right place to talk to as many people as i can.

Anything in particular you’d like to discuss?

Many things, but i’m open to anyone wanting to know about the future. Just know that information disclosed, it could affect your future, someone else’s future or cause a cascade effect.

Proceed at your own caution.
Ok, i will give it a try, what happened on December 4th, 2021 that went horribly wrong?

From where and when did you depart?

The State of South British Columbia, 2295

Where and when did you arrive?

San Diego, 1988 (Original drop - malfunction lead me to this time). Intended time was December 4th, 2021. Actual drop happened on December 10th, 2021.

Describe the mechanisms involved in your time travel:

Drydin 850, manufactured by a company called Aeon (I work for them). It uses a technology that we call the Oort drive. It’s particle based, mostly from particles found in the Oort Cloud and later in the outer edges of the Kuiper Belt. They have a reactionary result that allows us to access time travel (it’s beyond your understanding for now). It was discovered by an astronaut named Bryce Herdman in 2201 during the first manned mission to the Kuiper Belt. This particle was later fully understood by his granddaughter Allison Herdman.

Was this intentional, accidental or forced?


If intentional, for what purpose did you travel through time?

People in this time need to know of how things will go in order to prepare themselves for the awful world that awaits them. We determined that December 4th, 2021 was the date that things began to go wrong. Of course, we had no idea and issues didn’t become visible until the late 2080s. I have a made contact her, a man that wishes to remain anonymous for now and i respect his wishes. He has told that this is the right place to talk to as many people as i can.

Anything in particular you’d like to discuss?

Many things, but i’m open to anyone wanting to know about the future. Just know that information disclosed, it could affect your future, someone else’s future or cause a cascade effect.

Proceed at your own caution.
Can any big thing happen on 24 September 2022(as per German news)? ??
