Loch Ness Monster Search Calls on NASA for Help

The Loch Ness Centre in the Scottish Highlands is gearing up for an ambitious new search for the Loch Ness Monster, coinciding with the 90th anniversary of the first organized surface watch of the loch. This new expedition, slated for May 30 to June 2, follows last year's extensive search which recorded several mysterious underwater sounds and potential sightings. In preparation for the latest search, the center has reached out to NASA, other scientists, and universities for expert assistance. The revamped Loch Ness Centre, now located at the historic Drumnadrochit Hotel site where the monster was first reported 90 years ago, has become a hub for both local and international Nessie enthusiasts. This year’s activities will include live surveillance, both onsite and online, extensive use of a 60-foot hydrophone, and a special screening of the documentary "Loch Ness: They Created a Monster," followed by a live debate and Q&A session. Paul Nixon, the general manager, expressed enthusiasm for the global participation in the quest and the use of advanced technology in unraveling the loch’s enduring mystery.
