mass hysteria


Rift Surfer
why is it that certain people try to create mass hysteria?

for instance, i tend to trust people until they prove that they are not honest, and when people come to me with some crazy stuff, i tend to tell them something along the lines of, "theres nothing to fear but fear itself." but then they usually get on this wild goose chase trying to prove to me that this stuff is real. my question is why? what does it matter if crazy things are real or not? if you believe its real, nothing changes. if its fake, nothing changes.

ill give an example.

say that you are given knowledge that the earth will explode in ten years. heres your two options:

A. run around like a chicken with your head cut off, freaking out for the entire decade, trying to "warn" everyone that they will die and there is nothing they can do about it, and then die of a stroke in five years.

B. enjoy the time you have and make the best of it. be proud that you were among the last to ever walk the earth.

this is just a rant from an aggrivated man. fear mongerers drive me nuts. too many times have i fallen into their game from trusting people i shouldnt have.i dont know if i am going to change that about myself or not, but what i do know is that i am dammed tired of it. i know some people cant be as ignorant as they act at times.

if i ever make a book, im going to make the title this: "rife machines, nephilims, and fallen angels: a skeptics guide to idiocy."

on a side note, i have had severe chest pain for the past couple of days and its getting to me. pain usually does not bother me, but uncontrollable chest tightening really sucks. it feels like a 500lb. weight is on my chest always, so im just bitching. ignore this if you want, im just trying to vent a little stress and frustration. tti is like my second home.
maybe you need a medical exam...

or some of these gadgets...


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Link to PM website /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
this is just a rant from an aggrivated man. fear mongerers drive me nuts. too many times have i fallen into their game from trusting people i shouldnt have.i dont know if i am going to change that about myself or not, but what i do know is that i am dammed tired of it. i know some people cant be as ignorant as they act at times.

if i ever make a book, im going to make the title this: "rife machines, nephilims, and fallen angels: a skeptics guide to idiocy."

Well-spoken, ruthless. You are now not only beginning to understand my position on hoaxes and hard-to-believe claims, but you are also articulating these positions quite well!!

Being a skeptic is NOT a bad thing. And it it NOT about saying "I will never believe what you are saying." What it IS about is asking for veridical evidence BEFORE one believes. Without it, anything that anyone else is trying to get you believes becomes nothing more than a religion (at best) or snake oil (at worst). My reasons for debunking come not only from enjoying exposing people who are trying to pull the wool over people's eyes, but quite honestly as a service to my fellow man, some of whom may be VERY good and trusting people, who simply are more willing to trust rather than verify.

when i made that post, my chest was hurting real bad. i did something stupid and was paying for it.

i apologize to anyone if i offended. i was just hurting and felt like venting a little. i agree with what i said, im just usually not that aggrivated.

people sometimes try to sweep me up in stories, and im just not going for it anymore.