My ideal timeline of stories


Temporal Novice
2020 - Sentient machines have been spawned, but they are very limited and unknown to most.

2033 - A steampunk airship adventure. An exploration of a world recovering from big destructive events.

2040 - Some form of time travel publicly known but is not for everyone, in that way its much like early outer space travel.

2050 - Around this time, a strange device has been invented called a "pearlstack" which looks like an elongated button with two wax pearls on either end of it and when its triggered and thrown it insta-warps reality, or merges it with other realities or something like that. Hard to explain. Maybe its like a virtual reality thing or something. Naturists vs technocrats.

2060's - Controlling an army of small robots from one remote control interface gets popular. Real life RTS games played out in the open. More sophisticated robotics which help the users accomplish many otherwise difficult tasks.

2072 - Some contact with species from other worlds has happened by this point.

2080's - Artificial life spawns a race of machine beings comparable with humans. They can eat what we see as garbage to recycle it. Also machine animals like dragons which can go places most organics wouldn't. Machine fairies?

2090's - Genetic experiments have made it possible for people to modify themselves or others with cross species genetic material, resulting in catgirls and similar. By this time one can get sophisticated self generated content, like basically saying to an AI; "I want to watch this kind of show" and the AI will make that kind of show on the fly, based on the specifications.

2100's - Water imbuing and water used in various different ways. Massive arcologies. Some structures floating in mid air. Water and other stuff emerges from some of them. Wetware is common, with semi-organic forms around.

2112 - The drink bottles are made of crystal and so are a lot of other things. Fabricator units can make complicated items from 3d models. Sports events and challenges are still common but no war or any conflict like that except in simulation (like games). People generally respect one another. Self improvement is highly valued. Corporations are no more, but brands and organizations are still around. Legacies of popular franchises. Teleportation gates between various different areas that are far apart.

Keep in mind these are not "predictions" but more like things I might like to see in the future. If we know the potential then we can aim for a better future. It might be similar to star trek in a way. The future is full of potential. It can be full of magic and positivity if you choose it. Some of these events might occur sooner or later than the dates I put, these are just some guesstimates I've made from extrapolation.

The future is full of potential. It can be full of magic and positivity if you choose it.
My thoughts exactly.

2050 - Around this time, a strange device has been invented called a "pearlstack" which looks like an elongated button with two wax pearls on either end of it and when its triggered and thrown it insta-warps reality, or merges it with other realities or something like that. Hard to explain. Maybe its like a virtual reality thing or something. Naturists vs technocrats.
This is pretty specific. Are these ideas you've had in mind for a while?

This is pretty specific. Are these ideas you've had in mind for a while?
Yeah, the 2050 story idea is from when I was having strange dreams in 2003, oddly specific dreams about pearl buildings, pearl devices and reality warping in which buildings and surroundings shifted. Trees with metallic leaves. Regular doors opened by using flakes of tree bark on the locks. A man appeared on a rooftop seemingly out of thin air, at first it looked like a blob of purple/green looking haze, then he was just there in dark blueish overalls on the white roof. He walked around on the roof for a while, seemingly looking for a way down. Eventually he swung himself parkour style from the roof onto a balcony of that same apartment building and out of sight. Inside a dark hidden room, mysterious devices with "Honeywell" written on them. A lot of inspirations like that happened in 2003. Also a character that later inspired the machine beings idea.
