Was Obama placed in the White House with a purpose?


Epochal Historian
Instructions before you read; This is time travel history and this type of known animal can be similar to trying handle as a bar of slippery soap.This is mainly because your dealing with three phases of time, which are in some way all connected, but at different times, as each operator in time, can change. So this writing may seem odd, but is semi-universally based, so at times the explanation can be confusing:

I feel that Barack Obama was placed in the U.S. presidency in part, to pay for the past American Civil War.Additionally to that, the people who put him in there, did not calculate enough to know what they were doing.So in part, if the accusations stands up that Obama indeed had a target area of reflex from the American slave eras of the 17 and 1800s, "roughly mathematically rounded, as there had been slaves in the America prior to the 1700s", as a reparation to erase for the current political head of the 2000 nds. United States.

This had been targeting of supposed white people, which is a non-plused or real term for lighter skinned people.So this would be intended as a scatter-gun type of punishment retribution for the United States having some level of slavery at all, and this may have been because of a large affinity group to the then president Obama.

The ancient actuary of this precedent was based in the probable fact that before Barack Obama was himself now, that formerly he was known as King Akehanatin of ancient Egypt.This was a physically odd shaped king who is intimated to have in part, be associated with off world alien sects.

The only perk that most have to know here, is that Obama was past royalty, to where royalty is a quality mark in how a society can be run, as this is considered by the managers of that society, to be a leading quality mark.

How Barack Obama intersects with this time as an allowance, in other words he should have been put in there, is that the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, which is still said to be around, agreed that Obama just being in the office of the presidency, was okay.Lincoln however did not specify the nature of Obama's actions while in the office.

Where the problems react badly is that the incarnate of said once by proof Darth Vader, also known as Lord, or a royalty figure in the great past, is that the act of placing Obama in the office of the presidency with an agenda, which it seems was persecution, drew on and effected the incarnate of this Lord Vader which was royalty.

*The problem with Vader who was said to be made from a character known as Anakin Skywalker, is that Vader's appearance here on Earth was connected, because of the fact that Lord Vader was a very complex individual in his former existence. So for both Vader and the one hundred other incarnates known from that time to appear on Earth, is that they had their own problems based on Earth-time to contend with.

In other words, royalty cannot persecute royalty wrongly, as nine times out of ten, a defensive curse is enacted.

The problem with King Akhenaten-Obama is that he came back, as an overly lithical, or masculine character._The problem with Lord Vader is that he came back confused, wanted a simpler life, but later found out that the past ties to the former era were too great.In some ways, he could still be held responsible for his past ties as well as affiliations to a distant society.

*I have to insert that the Planet Earth is considered as a hub planet.In other words the galactic councils do not desire or overtly ever want all out wars based on Earth.So this is a balance point in these up to this postings times relations.

The problem with Vader invest in evolution.This is know that Lord Vader was very well traveled and affiliated space travel wise.He had known a myriad of off world cultures.Additionally he was a startlingly gifted technician in the areas of artificial intelligence and robots.His abilities were such that beings from other systems would come to see his inventions or at the least check up on what he was doing.

This train of history all goes to the Nostradamus claim of an alien invasion in year 2017 of Earth.What is not known at this point in time, is whether the persecution complexes brought upon the general US population from past wrongs done, in any way pulls to Vader's past associations with possible machine-like people?

If you were this person, you would see about fifty percent into Darth Vader's life.What is also odd, is that the owners of this story, which I feel was built over a real past Lord Vader, are now currently in the NEW movie script story, trying to inflict pain upon that held character imprisoned on a projected volcanic planet.

What the observer looking into this situation may begin to see, that all of the characters are placed as if on a large table cloth, all thinking that they may be separate from each other's doings.However if conditions are not carefully thought out at first, one begins to see that the entire table cloth begins to pull in a general direction, if something socially is unfairly done wrong.

Note the sliding table cloth in some way is associated with the projected alien invasion.

I will answer limited questions for a limited time.However I will not argue.If you desire to question, make you questions brief and to the point.

SPECIAL EDIT: There is a problem here with the 2017 alien invasion prediction by Nostradamus. The direction of the problem seems to lie in two divided fields here as we face this plausible problem. Number one is,.. That the aliens we do know which are the Pleiadeans are already starting to have very bad problems with inter-their-sect- of aliens genetics difficulties. This is the want, "Oh' I want to be youthful looking for x amount of years and free of disease>So what we'll do is barrow gene materials from the Earthlings.I mean their dumb enough to think that they're related to us and the entire situation is buddy buddy between us; so they wont know or understand what we're really trying to do".

The problem is, once you start to introduce genetics engineering into your society, unless your very, very careful, you place blocking bars in the structure of the DNA helix itself. And eventually you cannot breed procreatively as you once did, so all figure births are inclusive to an water bathed birthing method.This is why the Billy Meier modern landings, we such a failure, as them landing here trying to sell themselves off as long lost relations, was easily detected as a self wanting ruse.

So I;m just saying and this is a very good leveled guess, is that maybe this may be one invasion._Not known at this point in time, although now we know the motives.

Problem two, The Lord Vader relations. Now just suppose for a moment as the original author to this piece had intimated that the Empire, although perceived as evil by some, was also actually counted into as a part of their evolutionary cycle of development.And furthermore say that Lord Vader just happened to know then a society that was similar to his enforced self identification, which was a mechanical suited personality, as years before he was the victim of an accident to where the aftermath left him in need of a life assisting body shit.Let's just suppose that their technology had been that acceptable.

Now let's Finnish supposition two by adding that say after the big space wars had stopped that this civilization had evolved into something similar to the Borg from Star Trek or something like that.This is really in finite wisdom the same thing as a sea crab wearing a tin can, to add that exterior exoskeleton-shell, but say that their technology became a part of them, down almost to the cellular level?

Okay' what we're left here is transposed into two doors. With one door, a nagging sister, who already knows you and thinks that she can sit on your couch eating chocolates all day while watching the sitcom Tom's other wife. Or two, a very cunning straight to the kill track leopard-like series of aliens, who would look at the weak points first and then know where and how to attack.I'm sorry you can get out the KY now, but the second invasion would not be at all nice.

Do you see what a predicament that this leaves Earth in.The repulsion forces would not know or expect what kinds of aliens that would show up. We would be all at a disadvantage as someone wanted to prove a power point all over a past didn't really bother anybody, legend.__Mmmgh, "it's not so clear now, the state of things", as little Yoda would have said. Thanks for you attention.

I skimmed through the first post of this thread. From what I've read there, it seems that there's this idea that Barack Obama was placed into the Oval Office as payback for decades of black American slavery. It's plausible, but I figure there's a way out of that.

From my knowledge, a big reason Obama was first elected in 2008 was judging by the color of his skin rather than the content of his character. That's actually something that US civil rights leader and icon Martin Luther King was against, as seen in his "I Have a Dream" speech.

I think MLK would be more proud if some other black person, one with integrity, was elected president. Examples of this include Alan Keyes, Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, and Thomas Sowell. As a matter of fact, I'd make the first example elected president in 2008 instead of Obama if given opportunities to change history.

Here's a fun fact that I realized fairly recently: Alan Keyes' full name is Alan Lee Keyes, so that would make him "ALK"! Get it, MLK and ALK, just like JFK and RFK? On that note, it would be very fitting to have Alan Keyes be President of the United States!

It appears Obama had an Islam agenda, being that he wasn't even born in the United States. (That is supposed to be against the rules, but they allowed it, anyway). And Soros has a lot to do with it.
