
  1. MadIce

    Chronovisor Trapping Black Hole Remnants

    Trapping Black Hole Remnants by Sabine Hossenfelder, Benjamin Koch and Marcus Bleicher.
  2. MadIce

    Chronovisor Traveling in A- and B- Time

    Traveling in A- and B- Time by Theodore Sider.
  3. MadIce

    Chronovisor Trevor Pole - The E-mails

    Trevor Pole is using e-mail to send us information. This thread is intended to collect the e-mails we have received and sent to him. It makes it easier to compare the "facts" and it also acts as a backup medium.
  4. MadIce

    Chronovisor Butterflies, Tornadoes, and Time Travel

    Very few people are afraid of butterflies . . . but maybe more should be. Imagine this: somewhere in the jungles of Brazil an evil butterfly lurks, biding his time. When the moment is right, he flaps his wings ever so gently, stirring up a nearly undetectable whisper of air. The whisper tickles...