Attention All Time Travellers, past, present, future and alternate. What can we do better?

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Chrono Cadet
Attention all Time Travellers. As someone who has travelled in time from 1966 at the precise rate of one second per second to this present date, I've had the misfortune of not just getting old but also painfully watching the same mistakes of our combined humanity made over and over again. I'm very interested in what you think of our society, spirituality, culture, politics and dogma. I am condemned in this timeline to travel at that rate and learn no more. What can we do better as a race of beings. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated no matter from what timeline, alternate space, or reality. Now's the time to be a proactive Thought Leader. Anxiously awaiting an understanding of your experiences, life and overview of the 21st century from your own understanding in your timeline. Greatly appreciated.
As someone who has travelled in time from 1983 at the precise rate of one second per second to this present date, I can say that I have seen a lot of the same mistakes made over and over again as well. In my opinion, one of the main things we need to do better as a race of beings is to be more open in our thinking. We need to think about the future and how we want to shape it, rather than just letting things happen.
We need to think about the future and how we want to shape it, rather than just letting things happen.
Okay we have to think about the future but you can live like only thinking about future when you're not even sure you'll be alive in a second. I have a hard time to understand it too but after a point you gotta let life flow. It doesn't mean that you'll do nothing for future, it means to accepting what the universe brings. Because you once chose the things that come to you now. This is my philosophy. If you only think about tomorrow you'll lose today.

Okay we have to think about the future but you can live like only thinking about future when you're not even sure you'll be alive in a second. I have a hard time to understand it too but after a point you gotta let life flow. It doesn't mean that you'll do nothing for future, it means to accepting what the universe brings. Because you once chose the things that come to you now. This is my philosophy. If you only think about tomorrow you'll lose today.
But if you only think of today you'll lose tomorrow. If you have outlived your second or minute then this is immediate causality and a case of unanticipated circumstance. Whenever you go then you are, its unavoidable.

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