Burning salt water


Temporal Novice
Hello. A few years ago, there was a guy who developed a way to burn salt water while irradiating it with EM waves. It made headlines briefly, then everyone seemed to forget about it. I remembered it recently and decided to find out if any progress has been made. It turns out that the individuals working on it died shortly after announcing it.

See the following links for details:




According to the PDF, they used 13.56 MHz polarized EM waves at 300 W. It does not say what polarization is used, but I would guess linear. It also does not say if they tried lower power ratings than 300 W (this is what their machine produced, so it's what they used). Salt water concentrations as low as 1% were dissociated and burned, and the higher the salt concentration, the hotter and larger the flame. As the water burned, the salt progressively concentrated further in the remaining water.

Was this a cover-up or conspiracy to suppress this technology? Or was it just a coincidence that they both died within a couple of years of this discovery? Either way, it's knowledge that should not be forgotten.

Is anyone interested in pursuing this matter? With enough people working on it, we could test various power levels, frequencies, polarizations, and other variables to see what works best.

Tell me what you think.

Is anyone interested in pursuing this matter? With enough people working on it, we could test various power levels, frequencies, polarizations, and other variables to see what works best
Why reinvent the wheel? The 13.5 mHz laser signal is assigned to RFID card readers. The guy just pumped up the output to 300 watts.Seriously, check the US Patent Office Online for Kanzius. No, it was not a conspiracy or a cover-up. Maybe an errant Internet meme but no hanky-panky. He wasn't doing Internet alt-sci crap. He was working on and co-patented a laser hypothermic device that combined injecting crystalline metals into cancer patients where the crystalline materials have an affinity for bonding with cancerous cells. The system then sought out those cells and would zap them with the laser, which included 13.56 mHz lasers. The patent application was submitted in 2005 and the patent was issued in 2009 and assigned to Therm Med, Kanzius' medical device R&D company.

This one belongs in the Real Science forum.

I'm guessing you hold stock in oil companies.
That's a good guess. It makes sense that I would. Given that oil stocks pay dividends, the effective price of gasoline is for me considerably less than $3.00/gallon. I want them "evil" Big Oil companies making lots of money. The more they make in profit the less I pay for gasoline.But what does this have to do with Kanzius' med-tech invention?

I have this information but it is piled under years and years of technology collecting on dozens of hard drives, hundreds of cds, disk, and so forth. Including my own methods of technology collection which is off the scope here for this discussion. So to get more to the point high frequency can be used to separate gases in water with voltage and current for energy production. Whether it be emf or electricity the concept is sound. In fact on you tube there are videos on inventors demonstrating this concept. It was predicted that by now electric cars would rule the high way but corrupt politics and corrupt commercialism has kept this out of the main stream society and the news media.

burning water like that doesn't make energy it uses energy, just like the heat you get from a 100 watt light bulb,or am I guessing you want to start lighting your house at night by putting solar collectors under your kitchen lights?
