Let's Talk Non-Linear Phenomenon, Shall We?

Re: NonLinear Fractals:Sound, Shock, Light, Mass Waves

Notations to the forgiven post:Boundaries in the continuity of space and time.

This would be represented by such phenomenon as a meteorite beneath the ground, so bending time and space, so that openings to other frequencies are apparent.

These openings may open and close, or stay open, at any time.

Other phenomenon added to notes:A rise in overall scalier frequiencies, may also open and or change supposed null space or what is grudgingly given now, as stringed space, by the newer academic community.

Quantum flux, is the process, by where power pools of energy and or particles in other frequencies, may have an excess or special envelope in other dimensions, so the curtain of time and space as we know it opens and allows energy to come on thorough.

This is known as a quantum flux spike or bolace of energy.

*It was said that while John Titor had made a series jumps, while talking to the more darted Anomalies.net, that he himself appeared at Anomalies.net and had asked if anyone knew how to repair damage done to his time machine.

The possable problem, was that when said Titor came through a certain era, maybe a proposed either energy burst, or a nuclear war, that a quantum flux bolace, hit one of the boards of his machines and disabled one of the on machine boards.

There was a problem in the solution to repairing this board, as the suggestions was to shoot a test, via O-scope on the board linearity itself, rather than to have the entire board replaced, within his said machine.

There was later talk that Titor ended up in a hostile other reality, due to this board not being one hundred percent in what is known as burn-in linear performance capacity.

So the quick fix, rather than replacing the entire board, may have temporarily sent Mr. Titor to another reality?

>Any excessive mass size density, such as either a buried meteorite or large amounts of iron within say a mountain, will bend space and time, so that there are both gaps and access into that time and space signature.

The idea behind any frequency adjustment to space and time, is for the bolate, or the time travel machine, to represent an object within the matrix of time and space.This is so that, that particular machine, can travel as one would let a slippery ball, travel within silk sheets.

Time and space at times, are only curtains and all time may overlap into other times, without warning and or notice.

An example of this was the Jersey Triangle, which is a streatch of road in New Jersey, which was said in a publication of FATE Magazine to have taken a full bakery truck, into another dimension, driver and all.

Thank you very much Ray!
Re: NonLinear Fractals:Sound, Shock, Light, Mass Waves

How about Stochastic electrodynamics (SED)?

Non linear Stochastic predictions are not just simply high-powered guesswork. It's a science that teaches that everything is mathematically deterministic.

We are simply cogs in the machinery of the universe. Our passive role is watching events unfold that are already written on the page of history.

However, thinking "outside the box" in computing Stochastic predictions, one can gain "foresight" and therefore some degree of change and controllability within limits.
Re: NonLinear Fractals:Sound, Shock, Light, Mass Waves


Earth first, we'll mine the other planets later!
Re: NonLinear Fractals:Sound, Shock, Light, Mass Waves

We are simply cogs in the machinery of the universe. Our passive role is watching events unfold that are already written on the page of history.

I must disagree with this concept CAT. One idea behind the Qabballah is taking the control over ones destiny. I believe that an infinite number of possiblities exist for each of us and we are the one's that make those choices as to where our path may travel.

As far as ultimate destiny, yes, it may be pre-ordained, but the journey on the way is determined by our strength of will. God gave us the power to create and use our wills to make changes. God may already know of the possible outcomes, but I really think He leaves that alone, and allows us to determine our own course through existence.

God knows our ultimate fate, but gives us the opportunity to choose the path on the way to that ultimate fate.

Your concept undermines taking responsiblity for your own actions. I go out and torture someone to death, I could just chalk it up as pre-destiny, it wasnt my fault as I has no choice, it was just the unfolding of history as already written.
Re: NonLinear Fractals:Sound, Shock, Light, Mass Waves

I agree with you OvrLrdLegion,

I myself have a strong faith that we can certainly have influence and change over our future even if it has already been predetermined by Gd...

I think Gd starts us all out with the best of intentions. After all its just not our body, its his body too, its when we are attacked by foreign enemies that weaken the body that we become subject to sin...

If that makes any sense?
Re: NonLinear Fractals:Sound, Shock, Light, Mass Waves

think Gd starts us all out with the best of intentions. After all its just not our body, its his body too, its when we are attacked by foreign enemies that weaken the body that we become subject to sin...

If that makes any sense?

That does make sense. The innocence of the babe, sinless at birth. Until time allows for that to change. However, some of our greatest enemies are borne from within. There is a saying from a philosopher that states..
" When I look into the mirror, not only do I see my best friend, but I am also looking at my greatest enemy !"

From the beginning God makes it clear, we have a choice.. to Sin or not to Sin. And if we so choose to do so, accept the reponsibility of it yourself. Blaming others doesnt address your participation of the sin. " The Devil Made Me Do It !' is only an excuse.
Re: NonLinear Fractals:Sound, Shock, Light, Mass Waves

Off topic notation, this belongs in the God threads, as it pertains to the past time area, we are now in:

I don't think allot of people are getting what I'm trying to say as of late, in reference to God and I defer this to the God thread alone.

God by Betty Luca's saying within her book, has told of a mistake in the planned abduction of a person to be impressed at what is known as an underground God place.

This man was the wrong one, and the gem robots, which worked for the angelic hierarchies, tried to abduct the wrong man.

How God references people here on Earth, is that in some ways his hierarchies, help manufacture humans with souls and spirits.

In a way, this consortium is very much similar to how a modern automobile is made.

If you should by a Chevrolets, then so many years down the line, the manufacturer, might not take your complaints about the car, so it's yours.

God does respond to some of people's complaints via prayer and so do the Angels, but it is, your car, or your being!?

What modern religion tries to do, is to make you think that without going to church all of the time, that your ownership is defiantly endangered.

This is at times a scare tactic and in some ways violates a person's true relationship with say God and the Angelic hierarchies, also the other gods, within the gods union, such as Nordic, Malaysian and so-on.

The other topic that is not understood now, is that mankind at this point in time, is changing.

This is via a DNA connection with frequency and changes said going on in the sun.

So in-part, the mankind has not only received a notice from the hierarchies that they made a mistake and to take note of this mistake, as mankind may be more responsible for his own self manufactured religious environment, but that a change in his DNA modification is now, on a wide scale taking place.

See the term, Star Children and or Star Seed, within any search engine, or known library data.
Why is everything \"squared\"? Non-linear maybe?

The Power Law and How To Use It...

E = mc^2

KE = (1/2)mv^2

Dynamic Pressure = (1/2)rho*v^2 = (1/2)gamma*Pressure*Mach^2

Electrical Power = Resistance*Current^2 (I^2R)

All the really "important" dynamic aspects of physicality that our science has discovered seem to revolve around the "squaring" of some quantity. It shows up in many domains, but I know it best from my aerodynamic domain that tells me I will get a "squared benefit" in producing lift by increasing my velocity in a linear manner. So for every mile-per-hour that I can make my airplane fly, I can create that much SQUARED in terms of lift to keep it above the earth's surface.

But, as shown above in the several examples of energy equations from different physical domains, they all rely on 3 variables, and the squaring of one particular variable. The squaring always is referred to the surface area of some sphere. The surface area of an expanding bubble of light from any of our lifetime events is what defines our time signatures in this year, 2004.

This is the nature of light. It is fractally self-similar to sound, just at higher frequencies. We will learn to transcend light just as easily as we have learned to transcend sound. In fact, I would take anyone on a bet against it. I would bet that by 2020 we have mastered the "superfluid dynamics" of the light domain in much the same way we have mastered the fluid dynamics of the atmospheric sonic domain today.

Any takers? I'll start at 25 credits....
