Practical Issue 2: Making plans visiting the past


Chrono Cadet
Let me ask the creative imaginaions of this message board for some assistance.

A friend and I are time travelling into the past -- just to visit, not to necessarily stay.
We plan on visiting two time periods in the past (1) the late 19th Century England and (2) the mid-1980s in the United States.

Here are the problems.
My friend is Asian -- Korean to be exact. He wants to attempt to attending Rugby back in 1892-'94. Although he is 21, he physically still looks like is is only 14 years old. He, however, is Korean.
How can my Korean friend integrate himself into Rugby in 1892?

Along similar lines is my problem. I want to attend Yale in 1984-'88. I am now aged 24 years old. I think it would possible to have some comestic changes to look like I am 18 years old, or just do something similar like the 26 years old guy who conned Princeton (reference: <a href=>read the details about him here</a>)
How can I, like this con man did, gain admissions into Yale in 1984 when I am 24 years old?

Things have changed a bit since the 1965-1985 period with respect to Birth and Death Certificates.

I recognize the tactic that Hogue used - the clue was the identity that he took...that of an infant who died shortly after birth.

The tactic was extensively used by the 1960's radical terrorists. They would look in the newspaper morgues for obituaries from about 1945-1950. They would be looking for babies who died shortly after birth and why. They wanted deaths where the parents also died - maybe an auto accident. They would find this information by looking at back issues just before the obit to see if there was an article about the accident. From the obit they would have the child's name, usually the birthdate and the parent's names.

They would then go to the hall of records in the county where the child was born and claim that they were that child, had lost their ID and birth certificate and then ordered up a certified copy of the birth certificate. The hall of records was usually not computerized and there was no notation on the birth certificate that the child had died. They would choose large cities where the clerk was far too busy to ask many questions because they simply wanted to move the line along.

The other advantage of choosing a large city was the absolute number of deaths. They chose a locale with a very large population because they would need to run through a large number of child deaths to find the right child death situations.

In a large city they would be unlikely to run into someone who knew the family of the decedent(s). This is the advantage of anonymity in a large city.

With the birth certifiacte in hand they would then go to Social Security and obtain a Social Security Card. Next stop was DMV for a driver's license. They then had a clean, new ID with no criminal background, no fingerprints on file and no parents to "pop" up and claim they were imposters.

During that period of time each bank branch issued its own credit cards (i.e. Master Charge - now Master Card). They would go to a bank, apply for and obtain a credit card.

They would repeat this maybe ten times and build ten ID's with ten credit cards. The cycle closing date on each card was different - the bills were not all due on the 1st, 15th or 30th. It could be any day of the month...they could even ask for a specific day.

They would use the cards and pay the bills regularly for a few months and build up a $1,000 cash credit limit. Then they started to kite funds.

They would take the maximum cash draw on the first nine cards ($9,000) and keep the cash on hand. With card #10 they would take a maximum cash draw and pay off card #1. They continued throught he cycle by kiting funds from each successive card to pay off the next card's bill. All payments were on time thus no late fees or interest was due. Using this method they never had to pay back the $9,000.

This kiting scheme had an additional benefit. Great credit! They use the cards regularly, maxed them out and paid them off on time. TRW loved them. The bank would raise the limit to $2,000

When they were ready to bail out they maxed out all ten cards and walked away with $20,000. In doing so they also burned all ten sets of ID and the credit cards. Those ten "dead" people died once again and disappeared without a trace.

This is how the radicals funded their terrorist campaigns in the US during the civil war 1968-1975.

All of this was easy to accomplish because birth and death certificates were not cross matched upon death and credit cards were not handled by an integrated computing system. It didn't come about until the late 1980's. DMV's now digitize the photos and thumb prints used for driver's licenses and they regularly scan their database for fraudulent ID's.

The method will not work today.

The next step is to secure transcripts. The radicals had plenty of contacts in Cuba, Libia, USSR and Nicargua. They would slip into Mexico and travel to those countries for insurgency training. Getting seemingly good transcripts, issued by a foreign jurisdiction, was easily accomplished.

So there you have it. One clean ID and one set of clean high school and/or college transcripts.

BTW: This is how the Weathermen/Weather Underground (WU) and SDS/RYM II factions funded their terrorist organizations.

PS: Please, folks, don't try this. It's obviously illegal and you will get caught it short order. As I said above, the method won't work because banks, halls of records and DMV's have seriously tightened up security to prevent just this sort of fraud by criminals and terrorists.

I posted the detailsbecause it won't work today. The information is no longer classified. If it was a viable scheme I would not have made the post.
You have given a lot of information, but unfortunatly, none of it answered my fundamental questions:

(1) How can my Korean friend gain admissions into Rugby in 1892?
(2) How can I gain admissions into Yale in 1984?
and as an aside,
(3) How can a 26-years old white male every get away with passing himself off as an 18-years old? What ever beauty secret he has for looking young, there are many older women who would love to get their hands upon his anti-aging secret.


As to Yale circa 1984 the method might work. 1984 is a bit late in the game but it could work.

You'd have a clean (though fraudulent) ID and have a suggested method for obtaining a clean set of transcripts. With those in hand you could make application. You'd have the academic background to get past the other entrance requirements.

In any case, the safest method for transcripts is through a foreign entity. The Office of Admissions will run a tracer on teh transcripts and if they come from a US high school you're character will get caught. With a foreign entity your character might be able to run a scam at the other end and sneak it through.

Hmmm...Korean. Any chance that he also speaks Cantonese, Mandarin. His TT character could build an ID based on being a British Subject from the Crown Colony of Hong Kong. Background: one parent Cantonese the other parent with Korean grandparents.

Integration into rugby clubs in 1892. The Hong Kong Rugby Club was formed in 1886. But I don't believe that the team was racially integrated. In any case, they played the game in Hong Kong at that time so it shouldn't be abnormal for him to have played the game.

This one might be very problematic for an otherwise "non-person" with no real background. To get in he might need some introductions. But with no real background this one will be tough.

Rugby needs some thought, Professor. One item: he needs to check the Rugby Union Laws f(rules) or 1892 and become familiar with any departures from the present day rules.
Rugby needs some thought . . .This one might be very problematic for an otherwise "non-person" with no real background. To get in he might need some introductions. But with no real background this one will be tough.

Any help or ideas would be welcomed.
I recommended to him the more exclusive Eton but he is insistent on Rugby and I guess it might be as well.

I guess I could use the same approach with Yale if I wanted to attend Rugby, yes?

Thank you.
PS: I wouldn't be too concerned with the "looks". Grow a beard and mustache. That hides a lot. You're not going to play an NCAA sport so no one will be too concerned about your age.

Build a couple of extra years into the profile...take two years off after high school and travel abroad. That brings your character up to 20-21 years old. Impress the Entrance Committee with how you broadened your life experience and cultural awareness by going overseas before entering college (but make sure that you are familiar with the locales that your character "visited"...they might ask questions).

use the KIS Principle: Keep it Simple

I believe that Rugby at Yale is a club sport and not an NCAA sport (it is a club sport at UCSB). That isn't a problem. But if it is NCAA sanctioned your character has to avoid it. NCAA transcript tracers to determine eligibility are tough. They absolutely are looking for "school hoppers" who use up their eligibility in a sport, dummy up a new ID and transcripts, and enroll at another school to continue playing.

I coached baseball at the college level for 17 years. We came across a "student" who had actually played college baseball for 6 years under two previous ID's. We caught him in the fall semester, before tracers were sent out, when a Dodger scout recognized him...he'd also played three years of pro ball at the minor league level.

Best road to take: your character should not get involved in the university's organized sports. Absolutely no NCAA sports. The character will get caught.
Re: Practical Issue 2: Making plans visiting the p


Are you saying that you actually have a time machine? Have you used it before? Sorry, this is my first time on this board, pardon me for not knowing you history on this forum.

If you have been to the future or the past, where have you gone to? Also, have you videotaped or taken any pictures of these places you've been to? Will you be doing this when you and your friend leave?

I guess the best way for your Korean friend to be able to get into Rugby is by either showing the other Rugby players that your friend CAN play or have him get to the field before hand and practice on his own, like kicking the ball as far as he could and doing some types of excercises and making sure that one or some of the players notice him.

Now, for you going into Yale, well, dress nicely and pretend to be a student or a professor. Reminisce with people or socialize I mean. Go to parties and talk there and impress them with things we know now. Impress the heck out of them just like your friend had impressed the Rugby players.

Make sure you bring some pictures and videos . . . thaaannnks!