Site upgrade previews

I've done quite a bit of work on this today and think things will be ready to launch next Saturday. There's a little template work left and some content to work on but everything is looking good.

If you'd like a login to play with stuff before then let me know and I'll get you hooked up.

I've done quite a bit of work on this today and think things will be ready to launch next Saturday. There's a little template work left and some content to work on but everything is looking good.
If you'd like a login to play with stuff before then let me know and I'll get you hooked up.
Hook me up !!! :)

Forum is pretty much complete:
[ATTACH type=full" alt="Screen Shot 2020-07-03 at 10.46.11 AM.png]341[/ATTACH]
I'm a bit old fashioned and like the LIST of forums better, but I do not represent the majority, so I will go with the flow. This *is* visually pleasing and device friendly. Are these the ONLY topics you are going to have or is this just an example? We have to be able to put the old posts in proper places. I may not be understanding too well. LOL

I'm a bit old fashioned and like the LIST of forums better, but I do not represent the majority, so I will go with the flow. This *is* visually pleasing and device friendly. Are these the ONLY topics you are going to have or is this just an example? We have to be able to put the old posts in proper places. I may not be understanding too well. LOL
The grid will be the default layout since it looks pretty. However, there are little buttons in the upper right corner of those screenshots to display things in the traditional table layout and in the "activity feed" layout that Discourse uses.
In the new software, there are different "applications" that manage different parts of the site:

  1. Forums
  2. Clubs
  3. Galleries
  4. Files
  5. Calendars
  6. Pages
  7. Commerce

Forums are exactly what they sound like. That application is for the CORE time travel topics (I Am a Time Traveler, General Time Travel, Urban Legends Fan Fiction, etc). Those are the "bread and butter" forums that make up the foundation of the community.

Other topics that are not time travel related will exist as a Club. Those are like subreddits or Facebook groups, and can contain their own versions of forums, galleries, files and calendars:

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The ones you see here are open Clubs that anyone can participate in without having to join... Sort of like how reddit has default subreddits. These replace the need for a sprawling forum structure to try and cover non-TT things like Computers & Technology or general physics/science stuff (which you've found a lot of). Keeps things tidy, lets us branch off into whatever subjects interest us and keeps the time travel "core" from being diluted.

Members will be able to create their own clubs to cover whatever other topic they want to add, and those will be public groups where people can see the contents within it but have to "opt in" to participate.

People with a paid subscription will be able to create closed or private clubs. In a closed club, you can see that it exists but you must be invited to join or apply to join and be approved by the club's owner. In a private club, you cannot see that it exists until a club owner invites you.

Each club is a little like it's own mini site. Clicking into one of them you'll see stuff like this:

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So, not only do we have spaces for this stuff but those spaces have a lot more room to stretch out and become a substantial piece of the site (while not stepping all over the core time travel theme).

I have a handful of open Clubs already. created here which might help explain how things will remain organized:[/URL]


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Clubs - very cool - so are we concerned with repeats? Let's say you get super duper popular and there are thousands of clubs. Repeats are bound to happen. I may be jumping the gun a little, though. (One step at a time, Paula). We'll just see what happens.

Are we going to move archived posts to the clubs?

Clubs - very cool - so are we concerned with repeats? Let's say you get super duper popular and there are thousands of clubs. Repeats are bound to happen. I may be jumping the gun a little, though. (One step at a time, Paula). We'll just see what happens.
Are we going to move archived posts to the clubs?
Yep! Threads in clubs are the same thing as threads in forums, just a different kind of "container". Think of them like a pseudo-forum category; moving an archived thread into one will basically be the same way it works now. That's an important piece I neglected to show:
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Let's say you get super duper popular and there are thousands of clubs. Repeats are bound to happen. I may be jumping the gun a little, though.
You mean like 10 people making 10 different "Bigfoot Hunters" clubs?
At first I. think we'll hold new clubs for approval to help guide things down the right track and help continue to define the overall theme of the site. We can weed out duplicates that way, but later on when we get some momentum we'll open it up and see what happens. Even if a few members start clubs with similar themes, I think they'll end up different enough or one of them will win out in the end.

You mean like 10 people making 10 different "Bigfoot Hunters" clubs?
At first I. think we'll hold new clubs for approval to help guide things down the right track and help continue to define the overall theme of the site. We can weed out duplicates that way, but later on when we get some momentum we'll open it up and see what happens. Even if a few members start clubs with similar themes, I think they'll end up different enough or one of them will win out in the end.
But we need some pre-made clubs, right? They are like subcategories. And yes, I know how people are :p . People won't search for an existing club and they'll make a new one. Just like regular posts. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
