Spielberg - Illumnati Director?


Rift Surfer
Is Steven Spielberg a member of the Illumanti?

Is he responsible for Illumanti propaganda in his films?

Spielberg rose to fame on the movie "Jaws"

A film responsible for incredible fear of the water and sharks in the United States.

At a time when no one had any real FEAR of the ocean or sharks.

The likely hood of being eaten by a shark is very low statistically speaking...

50% of the U.S. population lives near coastal water regions....

"Jaws" became an effective tool for instilling FEAR in the populace.

With the success of Jaws, was Spielberg rewarded? With information about ALIENS.

Rewarded by the Illumanti and the Military Industrial Entertainment Complex

Did he make ALIEN propaganda films like "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "E.T."

Films that depict 'greys' as lovable child like beings that we should not be afraid...

Is this why South Park depicts Mr. Spielberg as 'evil'...

I say YES :)

Let's review some projects "Mr." Spielberg is working on....

Interstellar (2009)
Plot Outline: An exploration of physicist Kip Thorne's theories of gravity fields, wormholes and several hypotheses that Albert Einstein was never able to prove.

When Worlds Collide(2008)
Plot Summary for
When a group of astronomers calculate a star is on a course to slam into Earth, a few days before, it's accompanying planet will first pass close enough to the Earth to cause havoc on land and sea. They set about building a rocket so a few selected individuals can escape to the planet.

Disturbia (2007)
Plot Outline: A teen living under house arrest becomes convinced his neighbor is a serial killer

Mmmm still looks like he peddling FEAR and information from the Military Industrial Complex... :)
