The political correctness conspiracy


Chrono Cadet
Political correctness is a new term for censorship. Instead of debating the issue like in the past, claim the issue is politically incorrect and then do a personal assasination on the person spreading the idea.

McCarthyism failed because they openly attacked communists and leftists, and then attempted to openly black ball them. The leftists learned that to get things done, they have to work in an indirect and obtuse manner. So claim the person is politically incorrect, never mind his rights about freedom of speech. Then start a social network group to get the person fired from his job, or have his business closed down.

It is the same thing as McCarthism, except in a nice fuzzy warm wrapper.

You are absolutely correct! It is censorship in its worst form. I love the correlation between PC and McCarthyism. As much as I hate political correctness, and as much as the leftwingers scream about McCarthyism and "witch hunts," I had somehow failed to make the connection. Well done! BTW,the subterfuge behind it certainly sounds like a page out of the communist playbook, via Saul Alinsky, or Hillary Clinton!

You are absolutely correct! It is censorship in its worst form. I love the correlation between PC and McCarthyism. As much as I hate political correctness, and as much as the leftwingers scream about McCarthyism and "witch hunts," I had somehow failed to make the connection. Well done! BTW,the subterfuge behind it certainly sounds like a page out of the communist playbook, via Saul Alinsky, or Hillary Clinton!
McCarthyism is in a nice warm fuzzy wrapper versus McCarthy was a pretty nasty individual. Also McCarthy attempted to use the legal system to achieve his goals, versus the PC attempt to use mob justice.A recent example was an article on a man who called a female news reporter something rude and sexist. Should then man have done this ? No. The reporter then reacted by getting the guy fired from his job by saying it gave the company he worked for a bad name. When the man commited the offense he was not working at the time, and him calling people rude things does not affect his job performance. So probably you could argue that he was fired illegally.

If you have certain views about things that do not follow the PC view of things, your livelihood and income are at risk. Worse yet unlike under McCarthy you do not even get a trial.

Thankfully for modern tech, censorship is really hard to do these days, its still happening in other forms but with whistles blown and government spy agencies coming to light, the public is getting a little wiser to their tactics and trying to get the truth out.

I haven't really thought about it this way and in general I am very much against all conspiracy theories. Though what you guys are saying does make sense, it really is an easy way to cencor what certain people are saying. Overall, conspiracy or not, I think political correctness has been taken way out of proportion a long time ago and the current situation is idiotic beyond belief.

It makes sense - instead of declaring something no bueno, you lead people to believe it's in their own best interest to self-censor and prevent discussion on those topics. Even if this isn't an active conspiracy, there's a good chance it can evolve into one since the precedent's been set. Anyone in a position of power that can influence opinions (the media, basically) could start a modern witch hunt where people will burn themselves.

It's setting my paranoia alight, which is a shame as I've been pretty calm for a while now.

Political correctness isn't censorship. It's merely recognizing that using certain words and phrases have consequences. Freedom of speech was never intended to mean you get to say everything you want to say and nobody can respond in anyway. This isn't a conspiracy, it's the reflection of our social consciousness evolving to be nicer towards minorities. Nobody is actually telling you that you can't say certain words, they're just saying if you do, you might not like the consequences. I think that's how it should be. Freedom of speech shouldn't be a shield to say things that are offensive. People have the right to respond to your speech (and you have the right to respond to their response.)

You should have the right to say whatever you want but if you say something racist, I should be able to call you out on it. If people don't like that you said a racist thing, then they should have the right to not support you anymore.

I think that's how it should be. Freedom of speech shouldn't be a shield to say things that are offensive. People have the right to respond to your speech (and you have the right to respond to their response.)
30+ years ago there was the saying, sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me. What is defined as offensive depends on the individual. If you just go by the majority definition then it is mob rule.The majority of the population thinks that aliens do not exist, you hang out on a forum that discusses these issues. I could argue that believing in aliens is a mental illness. Discussing it can harm other parts of society since it might cause these beliefs to spread. Therefore companies should have pressure applied to them not to hire people who believe in UFOs.
