Time travel paratraveling, medical complications


Epochal Historian
I am posting this info, as it is older, now obsolete information.This short telling has to do with the said known Pleiadean aliens, the Pleiadeans and a female of their clan, known as Semjase, said as Sem-ya-zee. Technically she was my fraternal twin, that I never knew that I had. She was involved in the Billy Meier landings.

When she had come here in 1975, what occurred was a joining in a biological fashion between her and myself. This had been a genetic biological complication, that neither her or me, knew would happen.*The thing is, is I still do not know if her father, along with the Pleiadean hierarchy, did, or did not have first hand knowledge about this link, between her and I, before they had come here to Earth?

In other words, this may have been, besides being an illegal confidence game pulled by the Pleiadeans, is an aimed series of violations, in order to knock me out of action? In part this being knocked out of action did occur.

The mistake as Semjase thought that she knew everything, was to take Billy Meier back to the then Cretaceous period. Because she had time traveled on Earth, but I was holding a twin's link, when I went through the catch-up period of time during 1982 April, part of me was actually in that time of the dinosaur.

During this change in the approximate middle of April then, I was so sick for three days, that I was bed ridden. I took aspirin and stayed in bed as I had no idea what was wrong with me.It was as if I was changing into someone else, but I had no ability to stop this process.The reality afterwards to me, is that my Pleiadeans sister had no idea I was even here on Earth, let alone a twin genetically linked to her. My baser id side, then was linked to her and her higher super-ego side, with the entire Pleiadean memory core of her ship, then was linked to me. So of course we were having an effect placed upon each other.

During I think the third day of the transfer of genetic biological transfer of information, was when I recorded her telepresence based in time travel back to the time of the dinosaur.I remember that day as I had just eaten a piece of bread, took water from the sink and tried to make it back to bed before I fainted.

I fell to my knees, in front of the hall closet in a single-wide Titan trailer, that we were renting, when I had gone back in time.I was kneeling on the floor and this was on carpet, however this all rapidly changed into a jungle environment. I could hear wildlife around me.I was in thick brush, jungle foliage and the air seemed thick, almost if the air I was breathing had too much volume based to it.I felt as if I was in very ancient dinosaur times, but could not at the time have any advantage to know, or realize where I was.For that two minutes, I felt that dinosaurs were nearby, that I was slightly out of phase, but that I was in a jungle.

After two minutes or so passed, I could stand up and made it back to bed, continuing on the route I was going to get to the bedroom.

What is alarming to me to this day, is that I was not time travel compensated, or protected by a time travel bubble. The apparent effects were since I was going through a state of bio-genetic-flux, was to adapt some of the gene traits bought back to this time.

These were and not evenly colored on my legs, were spottings. I looked at this dark brown coloration on my legs, and if you study the spots, they resemble the denticle spotting on a reptile.Twenty years ago by instinct, I found a dead snake on the road, just freshly killed and took a section of its flesh from its body. I sterilized the skin of the dead snake I had cut off and then poked this into my arms as an inoculation with a sterile needle.*Snake was run over by someone else's car.

After I had done this, I felt better, more able and level headed.I feel to this day if I had not taken the skin donation from that snake when I did, that I would not be here today.

My sister among the Pleiadeans had died as a result of her falling, within the Billy Meier household.They said the cause of her accident was a friend of Billy's by the name of Jacobus trying to steal a look at her through a crack through his library study sliding doors. She died about in the early 2000 nds. There was extensive damage done to the base of her skull.This is all I know on her, other than her spirit seems to have chosen to stay with me.I had found this out two days ago.

I have no idea what the length of time travel within the million year range of time travel will do, in an uncompensated range of operations.I feel that I've changed all I can for now.This is for historie's clarifications sake and I wish to set the record straight on a few issues here. So I'm really not trying to prove a truth, or some philosophical point, here.

I may have had time travel exposure otherwise.but I have never even heard of anyone time traveling 65,000,000 years in time uncompensated. It seems like my bottom half of me mostly, is what shows these markings.

Note, time back is estimate from I guess 140, to 160,000,000 years ago roughly.Whenever she said, or Billy said, the era that they traveled to.I know it was the dinosaur era, I could hear them in the background. *In say,.."I have no idea what the length of time travel", I put billion mark corrected to millions.Billions is usually a developmental mark of a staged area of a planet, that finishes as a component to development, as a physio-geologic time. Somehow I feel that a billion years is possible.

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I am posting this info, as it is older, now obsolete information.This short telling has to do with the said known Pleiadean aliens, the Pleiadeans and a female of their clan, known as Semjase, said as Sem-ya-zee. Technically she was my fraternal twin, that I never knew that I had. She was involved in the Billy Meier landings.When she had come here in 1975, what occurred was a joining in a biological fashion between her and myself. This had been a genetic biological complication, that neither her or me, knew would happen.*The thing is, is I still do not know if her father, along with the Pleiadean hierarchy, did, or did not have first hand knowledge about this link, between her and I, before they had come here to Earth?
In other words, this may have been, besides being an illegal confidence game pulled by the Pleiadeans, is an aimed series of violations, in order to knock me out of action? In part this being knocked out of action did occur.

The mistake as Semjase thought that she knew everything, was to take Billy Meier back to the then Cretaceous period. Because she had time traveled on Earth, but I was holding a twin's link, when I went through the catch-up period of time during 1982 April, part of me was actually in that time of the dinosaur.

During this change in the approximate middle of April then, I was so sick for three days, that I was bed ridden. I took aspirin and stayed in bed as I had no idea what was wrong with me.It was as if I was changing into someone else, but I had no ability to stop this process.The reality afterwards to me, is that my Pleiadeans sister had no idea I was even here on Earth, let alone a twin genetically linked to her. My baser id side, then was linked to her and her higher super-ego side, with the entire Pleiadean memory core of her ship, then was linked to me. So of course we were having an effect placed upon each other.

During I think the third day of the transfer of genetic biological transfer of information, was when I recorded her telepresence based in time travel back to the time of the dinosaur.I remember that day as I had just eaten a piece of bread, took water from the sink and tried to make it back to bed before I fainted.

I fell to my knees, in front of the hall closet in a single-wide Titan trailer, that we were renting, when I had gone back in time.I was kneeling on the floor and this was on carpet, however this all rapidly changed into a jungle environment. I could hear wildlife around me.I was in thick brush, jungle foliage and the air seemed thick, almost if the air I was breathing had too much volume based to it.I felt as if I was in very ancient dinosaur times, but could not at the time have any advantage to know, or realize where I was.For that two minutes, I felt that dinosaurs were nearby, that I was slightly out of phase, but that I was in a jungle.

After two minutes or so passed, I could stand up and made it back to bed, continuing on the route I was going to get to the bedroom.

What is alarming to me to this day, is that I was not time travel compensated, or protected by a time travel bubble. The apparent effects were since I was going through a state of bio-genetic-flux, was to adapt some of the gene traits bought back to this time.

These were and not evenly colored on my legs, were spottings. I looked at this dark brown coloration on my legs, and if you study the spots, they resemble the denticle spotting on a reptile.Twenty years ago by instinct, I found a dead snake on the road, just freshly killed and took a section of its flesh from its body. I sterilized the skin of the dead snake I had cut off and then poked this into my arms as an inoculation with a sterile needle.*Snake was run over by someone else's car.

After I had done this, I felt better, more able and level headed.I feel to this day if I had not taken the skin donation from that snake when I did, that I would not be here today.

My sister among the Pleiadeans had died as a result of her falling, within the Billy Meier household.They said the cause of her accident was a friend of Billy's by the name of Jacobus trying to steal a look at her through a crack through his library study sliding doors. She died about in the early 2000 nds. There was extensive damage done to the base of her skull.This is all I know on her, other than her spirit seems to have chosen to stay with me.I had found this out two days ago.

I have no idea what the length of time travel within the million year range of time travel will do, in an uncompensated range of operations.I feel that I've changed all I can for now.This is for historie's clarifications sake and I wish to set the record straight on a few issues here. So I'm really not trying to prove a truth, or some philosophical point, here.

I may have had time travel exposure otherwise.but I have never even heard of anyone time traveling 65,000,000 years in time uncompensated. It seems like my bottom half of me mostly, is what shows these markings.

Note, time back is estimate from I guess 140, to 160,000,000 years ago roughly.Whenever she said, or Billy said, the era that they traveled to.I know it was the dinosaur era, I could hear them in the background. *In say,.."I have no idea what the length of time travel", I put billion mark corrected to millions.Billions is usually a developmental mark of a staged area of a planet, that finishes as a component to development, as a physio-geologic time. Somehow I feel that a billion years is possible.
The technical components are based in sidereal logic, or how a planet is based within a star system as this relates to the sun.By using rough mathematical estimates, one can plot the distant placement of the earlier world held in time, to the one, later on.In this particular for instance, there was a point to where the worlds were in very close, if not the same station, however, they were separated by time.How the physical human bodies in this case paired, is by a magnetic scene, to where each person, was in relative communications stance to another.This is situation is similar to how some whales and birds magnetically locate to the environment around them, but in this case this is a bio-magnetic communications through time, minus a long distance.*It must have been the Pleiadeans either guessed intuition or pre-knew, then decided upon location, to stop at the timed sequenced location that they did.

This method was accomplished safely for them, by being in the confines of one of their saucer crafts, however with a way of guiding them by a plotted map to their chosen destination in time. Again, it could have been a proper intuition that told Semjase exactly when to stop and at what location in time and space, in that particular route which then was chosen.*Note the time they chose to stop they're backwards time travel, is a point of contention.

Your person to person biological-genetic transfer rate "and this was only in part", although obviously dirtied by contamination, to the unprotected second person without a time-ship method of travel, had used the twin's ability to signal reference, to locate the second twin throughout time.This only in partiality as told in how the pairing occurred.This process however did not infract on each party, to the then it seems nature's choosing.This is for April 1982, where a vast amount of information was and had been transferred.

As I had said, only a small margin of reptilian DNA influence had transferred from the dinosaur times to me.This is as the said time during that era, had acted as a biological host, or a cradling set of hands holding a chick, so to speak. So therefore some modicum of then reference DNA which was based in reptoid history, which was prevalent then, had acted as a stabilizing based to the second travelers DNA.

If there is not exact proximity to the comparative worlds, then the information could not have been transferred from that time.

What did occur however, was a magnetic pulling of information in similar fashion to a long string of Turkish Taffy, in the hot modeling phase of passing that information string, even though their saucer traveler may have time traveled at a differing date and time.

The bio-magnetic pull and resultant stream, had acted as a transfer conduit for information.This factor of communication, so allowing differing sate for the experience of both to be informed in the information shared to each other, over protracted distance and time.This must have occurred again sidereally, or staged and seperate worlds, as it was reported by Billy Meier that him and Semjase had embarked on a differing time, than the second twin joined time traveler. Time as well as distance at a slower rate, may have acted as a mutual experience fly-ball governor allowing a machine to operate at a set rate, so allowing differing times to still be felt by both parties.

Roughly this what is being told here is what had occurred.*Other notes, the working functions of the Pleiadean beamships allow these craft to act as natural time travel vessels. They simply have to find a time slip resonance and then enter this slip thussly, staying within that conduit of travel.

*Note this information is obsolete, as the Pleiadeans had said that they were going to phase out of using their bodies, with their friends the Andromedans help.Please see current article on the Pleiadean and Andromedan associations.

Sidereal time - Wikipedia

The following link is shown sidereal time travel, with physics motion added to it.All time travel machines in essence are siderally oriented, however a newly discovered Russian model, uses a slightly differing method.

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