"The future ain't what it used to be."

Young's Double-slit experiment as it relates to "time"

That answer is pretty straight forward using the Lorentz Transformations. At the speed of light (the velocity of our photon) both length contraction and time dilation are infinite in the photon's frame. For the photon the entire universe ends up collapsing to a point in which the photon is contained. In other words, the photon fills the entire universe and time, if we are using it to plot a change in the photon's position from the POV of the photon, is irrelevant. From the POV of the photon there are no slits, length or time.
. For the photon the entire universe ends up collapsing to a point in which the photon is contained. .

Quote from thread.............

"First off, I never heard of a book that claims that the universe is point sized to a photon. I have only heard of claims that the universe is planar to a photon. So what book did you read that made this claim? Can you quote the passage?"

Photon's Point Sized Universe or plane sized?