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the Time Travel Institute - Our Mission (on Mar 20 1998)

Our Mission:

Over the years a great number of theories have been put forth concerning time travel; how it can be done, why it can’t be done, what would happen if you did travel in time.

We, here at the Time Travel Institute, are determined to clear up the confusion on this matter and, furthermore, to put forth new and truly revolutionary theories that actually work!

Led by some of the world’s foremost experts in the field of time travel, the Institute is on the brink of attaining its goal. Our team, led by the acclaimed Dr. Gunthar VonSchnelling, has made immense progress in the field of time travel. More progress has been made at the Time Travel Institute in the last 10 years than in the whole history of mankind before then.

With the aide of his able assistant, Dr. Yoshi Yamamoto, Dr. VonSchnelling is developing ingenius concepts in time travel bordering on the epic. In fact, Dr. VonSchnelling is promising groundshaking breakthroughs in the forthcoming weeks and months.

The Time Travel Institute is dedicated to Dr. VonSchnelling’s research, the de-mystification of temporal science, and the eventual advancement of time travel technology into the mainstream.