Welcome to the Time Travel Institute. Our goal is to help you to understand the various nuances, intricacies and paradoxes involved in time travel.
Meet our expert staff. The most knowledgeable professionals in the fields of time travel and quantum physics have been recruited by the Time Travel Institute.
We at the Time Travel Institute teach by example. Though some theory is involved, we find it is much easier to understand a concept with hands on experimentation.
Time travel is a popular subject in the movies, television and literature. We explore these popular tales of temporal displacement.
The future (or is that the past?) is here. Be present as our scientists put their theories into practice. Will the world ever be the same? Soon you’ll be able to read detailed logs regarding out top secret experiments.
Links to other time travel sites on the Internet. There aren’t many.
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The backdoor to the Time Travel Institute. Watch your step… once you leave, you may never return!
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