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  • As of yesterday, the real Kraken has been released. 

    Keep your hands & feet inside vehicle at all times. This roller coaster is just getting started!

    I said before I'll say it again. Cryptocurrency is the future.

    The formula for everything including time travel is Δ A = Ω 


    Δ A = Ω

    What does each symbol stand for? 

    e= MC^2 have each variable defined such as "E is energy*

    Do you have something more usable? 

    Change in Alpha = Omega. e = MC ^ 2 literally says the same thing except for we couldn't prove Einstein was right because the value this universe uses for pi was wrong. If you're going to use pi for anything to unify M & E it needs to be pi aleph n = pi

    So like..... pi / aleph n should be the appropriate time set for the doomsday clock which I forced it to be 10 seconds. Right now it's changed to 100 because of the grasshopper

    Pay no attention to the main behind the curtain

    Are you watching Snow Piercer?

    I've not heard of it, but I see there's a TV show & a movie? Is it one you're familiar with / is it any good?


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