About the Earth


Chrono Cadet
The world is slowly disappearing. Because of people. No one is taking the seriousness of the situation yet. We think about this issue for half an hour of the day and go on with our lives as if nothing has happened for the rest of the day. It is obvious that after a while, we will come to a situation where we cannot continue our normal lives even for half an hour. People ease their consciences with two or three good deeds and sharing, and they move on with their lives. Their good deeds are not enough to even cover up their bad deeds. Let me explain it like this; For years, you don't care about nature, you pollute it, you harm it, and when you donate saplings and share it on social media, everything gets better. This person continues to engage in a consumption frenzy and to use things that are harmful to nature. The half-hour show people put on social media doesn't save the world. What we need is that this world, our "home", is protected every second, well taken care of, and living in love.

I suffocate at the slightest harm to the world. It is our home, we must love and protect it with everything. Animal, plant, insect, everything.

i hope you read it.

We're too greedy to take care of our home planet. Why waste time caring for and protecting nature, when you can instead make money? It's too bad it has to be that way for now.
Every day, I wake up depressed at the state of the world. The over consumption, the use of artificial means to support a population that's bloated. The inevitable conflict that's coming as resources become scarce. Russia recently torched a seed bank in Ukraine.

We're genetically modifying food, and creating havoc with the body. This doesn't end well for humanity.

Of the possible timelines that are out there, my favorite is the ones where aliens come down and help us out. I hope that more people will answer yes to the great question, "Do you want their help?"

Every day, I wake up depressed at the state of the world. The over consumption, the use of artificial means to support a population that's bloated. The inevitable conflict that's coming as resources become scarce. Russia recently torched a seed bank in Ukraine.

We're genetically modifying food, and creating havoc with the body. This doesn't end well for humanity.

Of the possible timelines that are out there, my favorite is the ones where aliens come down and help us out. I hope that more people will answer yes to the great question, "Do you want their help?"
It would be great if aliens showed up with their help but i hope we can help ourselves before it's too late. I know there are people who thinks like us. I just want to bring them together. One person means everything. Don't say nothing happens from one, do whatever you can. Pick up a trash, plant a tree, feed an animal, make someone aware about the situation, volunteer to protect nature.

Sometimes, i think about if people don't belong the Earth. We have everything we need but we don't use it as it should. Humans are the only creatures that destroy the world. Something is wrong with the Humanity.
Sometimes, i think about if people don't belong the Earth. We have everything we need but we don't use it as it should. Humans are the only creatures that destroy the world. Something is wrong with the Humanity.
Destroy is a relative term since matter cannot be created or destroyed, only changed. However, I know what you mean as far as altering the delicate balances in the ecosystem that permit the particular state of life that humanity has generally enjoyed over the past 200,000 years.

However, it's been proposed that methane from the "exhaust" of cattle may have a very significant effect on global warming and that the same phenomenon from large dinosaurs may have played a role in climate change that ultimately caused their extinction. In that way, animals may be capable of altering the environment to a level that will harm their own existence. #exstinktion

Sometimes, i think about if people don't belong the Earth.
I used to have very vivid dreams about this being true. A recurring kind of Zechariah Sitchen storyline, where I kept being told "we" came here to escape something else, and took this planet as our own, like it was in our nature. Each time, we were in a reddish Mars/Arizona type desert. More to it than that, but your comment reminded me.

We think about this issue for half an hour of the day and go on with our lives as if nothing has happened for the rest of the da
This is true, but I think it has a lot to do with the existing "control mechanisms" people have to deal with. Governments and corporations and taxes and bills. You're put into this RPG called Clown World with permadeath enabled, and not everyone gets the chance to see a tutorial. Most people don't have time to really think about what's outside our fishbowl, let alone have the self awareness required to arrive at a conclusion that matters.

Self-awareness is its own battle too, we're continuously distracted and dazzled by our consumerist overlords with stuff like Marvel, the new iPhone, that 10,000 calorie sandwich commercial with the attractive girl, and whatever the latest SJW outrage is, etc. We're so busy being taught to hate ourselves and people around us that it's no wonder people don't have bandwidth to consider what we're leaving behind.

Sometimes, i think about if people don't belong the Earth. We have everything we need but we don't use it as it should. Humans are the only creatures that destroy the world. Something is wrong with the Humanity.
In the movie Men in Black, there's the line:

A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.

At some point, maybe enough people will "wake up".

Human is such a creature that instead of seeing the millions of mistakes he has made, he is obsessed with the substance coming out of the gas of an animal.

Destroy is a relative term since matter cannot be created or destroyed, only changed. However, I know what you mean as far as altering the delicate balances in the ecosystem that permit the particular state of life that humanity has generally enjoyed over the past 200,000 years.

However, it's been proposed that methane from the "exhaust" of cattle may have a very significant effect on global warming and that the same phenomenon from large dinosaurs may have played a role in climate change that ultimately caused their extinction. In that way, animals may be capable of altering the environment to a level that will harm their own existence. #exstinktion
Self-awareness is its own battle too, we're continuously distracted and dazzled by our consumerist overlords with stuff like Marvel, the new iPhone, that 10,000 calorie sandwich commercial with the attractive girl, and whatever the latest SJW outrage is, etc. We're so busy being taught to hate ourselves and people around us that it's no wonder people don't have bandwidth to consider what we're leaving behind.
This is so true, because of this we are not making any progress.

As much as I hate saying things like this, we actually do live in a REAL society. And by proxy, that means we live in a civilization, or in other words, a place of culture. Feats of scientific accomplishment will be produced and made 'Human', by that proxying.

We have a whole planet and shaping our home planet, our own Earth into something that allows us to flourish, as a part of the human flourishing process, is just a part of how we've come to evolve.

Now that doesn't go without saying that Humans need nature. We do need it, and I hope that I don't need to pull from @Cosmo's choice of words to tell you that Self-awareness is its own battle too.

Being constantly unaware of things around is bad and all... But what about not knowing yourself?

"Who am I? What am I doing here? Why is it like this? How did it get this way? What caused this all to happen?"
And I will add that I bet my 'intellectus mundi et ipse' (understanding of the cosmos and myself) that some people believe that in order to understand why we're so connected to nature... and why we need it... We need to look inward first.

Know Thyself. Cognosce te ipsum, and until we do have an understanding of ourselves... Until we do understand the benefits of treating nature with care, and living in harmony with it, which we won't be able to do until we understand ourselves, and each other, better... At least treat nature with care.

Because this is our only planet and if we're going to live here... if we're going to live here, and nowhere else, for the time being, then we need to be all the better for it. Both for ourselves and for our planet. Live and let live.

Until then: make space for the trees, and uhhh, quia nunc vale!


I wrote the above Exurb1a-Style script in an attempt at an explanation that we really do need to live harmoniously with nature, but we can't do that without knowing ourselves or each other, first. I hope you all enjoy it.

Maybe close to extinction of the population will they realise that as White Cloud said 'you cant eat money' and the earth will have to be looked at in a different light and those that remain.
i wanna add something there*

İ have a feeling, everytime i stand in my room and do nothing i feel a ghost come to me and remind me that the reason i didn't give up is the "earth". whenever i hear a cat sound i automatically stop and check if it needs help. every time i see a trash on the floor i feel like i have to pick it up. i don't do these things because i feel like a good person. i do all these things because i wanna make our home feel good and happy. the most important point where we differ from each other as humans.

i wanna add something there*

İ have a feeling, everytime i stand in my room and do nothing i feel a ghost come to me and remind me that the reason i didn't give up is the "earth". whenever i hear a cat sound i automatically stop and check if it needs help. every time i see a trash on the floor i feel like i have to pick it up. i don't do these things because i feel like a good person. i do all these things because i wanna make our home feel good and happy. the most important point where we differ from each other as humans.
im just a human who tryna do things for our world. i wont give up i hope u won't too. some people don't need the effort after they've done their show. im here with my weird nickname, you don't know me you don't see me you just read my opinions via this forum, no show, no personal benefit.

Human is such a creature that instead of seeing the millions of mistakes he has made, he is obsessed with the substance coming out of the gas of an animal.
Crusade and degrade seems to be your modus operandi. I prefer intelligent conversation with a tinge of humor, but to each their own. I pick up trash too, btw ?
