Either a time-traveler, a universe-hopper, or just very confused


Temporal Novice
Well, before I go into more detail as to what the title means, I’d like to clarify something. I have a terrible memory and you may take that as you will. My memory of… before is quite vague. Please bear with me.

So I’m not necessarily sure if I’m a time traveler, per sé? But I most certainly think I’m from (or have at least been to?) an alternate universe. I believe my circumstances and location were entirely different, but it was a long time ago, and I hardly remember anything beyond a couple of years ago at best. I just learned about this website and I supposed that the community here might have some idea of alternate worlds or timelines or something like that. I’d love to hear a similar experience, but if you have a thought or question I’d really like to hear it because I want to know more about this myself, and it bothers me how little I remember right now.

What I know:

  • I lived somewhere very very different from where I live now. I currently live in Ohio, US. I live in an extremely rural area. It’s a very brown place with deadly humidity in the summer and very wet winters. In my memory of the “other” place (which is what I suppose I shall call it), I did not live in a rural area. I believe I lived in a city. And a rather clean one. There was a place near my house(or apartment maybe? Don’t remember) that I think I went to often. There was a light grey brick road leading to a place with some fences and trees, so I think it was a park. This is the place I remember best. The humidity was more mild in the summer, and I recall summers being a bit more breezy there. Winter was snowy as heck.
  • I fairly often recall events that I realize never happened, or that other people claim never happened, even though I remember them well.
  • My accent doesn’t match the accent of anyone else in my family, and never has.
  • I get told of events that I was present for/a major part of that I don’t remember
  • this one is a bit more internal, but no matter where I am, I never feel like I’m at home. My house feels like staying over at a relative’s house.
  • I’ve lived in the same place for my entire life, and cannot recall a place like the park I described that I’ve visited.
  • I tend to feel older than I am and I catch myself thinking nostalgically about things that came before my time.

There are some things I’m not thinking of right now but I guess I’ll reply them when they come to mind. Does anyone know anything about alternate realities?

Welcome to TTI, @Ganymede! Interesting scenario; happy to help however we can.

I fairly often recall events that I realize never happened, or that other people claim never happened, even though I remember them well.
Can you give me a few example of this? Your most clear or interesting recollections if you can, but any information is great. I’ve got to get back to work so apologies for the short post - I will add some more thoughts later.

It’s usually small stuff. Someone famous has died on the news, and I think, “no, wait, didn’t he die a year ago?”

One of the ones I noticed one time was that when I was a bit younger I was headed to a nearby lake to see a fireworks show. I believe my mother was driving. We got behind a very drunk driver — he nearly hit a few people, actually. We decided to report him to local authorities. I wrote down his license plate and such. My father called the authorities and reported the driver. We then proceeded to the lake, albeit a bit more late. No one in my family seems to remember this day at all. And when I think about it, I realize that I can’t exactly put a year to it.

There are other times like this that I’m not thinking of at the moment, though I shall tell you if they come to mind.

Hello, and welcome! That’s very interesting though. Sometimes I have the same feeling specially about the age… You ever felt that you know to much for your age? Like, you have knowledge of things that you don’t know how or why… For example, the other day I saw my friend fixing his car, and he didn’t know how to take something from it, and I just did automatically and explained to him why should be done like that… I don’t know how I could know that… Both of us were surprised. I know nothing about cars, I don’t even have a license. But I just looked at it and automatically I knew what to do. That’s also happens with another’s languages… I live in Europe, so we have a lot of different countries with different languages, and I understand most of them. I never took a course to learn other languages, still, I speak fluent English, like is my second language. And like you said, I don’t have an accent like all my family and friends do. Sometimes I ask myself if it’s possible that I have memories now, from my future “me” who was able to time travel.
Yes, very much like that! My friends have actually just started asking me about any random thing they need help with because there’s a chance I know how to do it even though I have absolutely no experience. Sometimes I’ll be explaining something to them, and I have to add something like, “I mean, at least I assume that’s how you do it,” because I realize that I’ve actually never done it before. I’m glad you’ve come with a similar experience. For me, though, I really feel like I can remember pieces of things that I know never happened. Today I actually started keeping notes as to what I remember about the location because I really want to see if I can find it on Google Earth or something.
Hello everyone ? ?,


I’m not sure, but the only thing I can think of is that your mind is somehow linked to your “alternate universe” version & not only that but with multiple versions. Due to which you may be facing the problem of being unable to recognize your very own memories, i.e. you are unable to find/recollect your own memories because they are mixed up since they all(or most of them) are based upon you.

Well, this just my hypothesis.

and @Evellyn_Cardoso, In your case… There have been many cases scene where the person knows the things which they haven’t learned in their entire lifetime… But sadly no fixed answer/conclusion was reached. And I have very little knowledge in this field… But I can only think of 2 possible answers, viz 1st) either its just “HUNCH” or “GUT FEELING.” & 2nd) Little yet somehow your mind is linked with someone, due to which you have there “KNOWLEDGE” (if that would be the proper word). Again, I’m just guessing it.

Correct me if I’m wrong somewhere & share your opinion.

Hello! Thank you for sharing your point of view. That’s really interesting! I spoke with a psychologist of my family, and she said, that the human brain absorves information from everything we see, listen or touch. And maybe that’s why sometimes we feel that we know things that we never learned. In my case she said it could be from movies I saw, from the news or things that I’m always reading online. Because even though we are not looking for a certain information if its pops up in our screens or in our way, our brain will automatically save that information, “for later” because it might be useful for the future. She said that our brain works by itself, that we have no “control” of it, we just work with it. But she said that’s her opinion and that scientists will always try to find a logical answer for everything.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes, not native English ?

Let me know what you guys think of this.

Hmm… Well, that’s a common & simply answer, but it is true. But we have less to none information about human brain… Because according to doctors and scientists human brain is the most complex organ or 1 of the most complex things we have known so far.
Hello! Thank you for sharing your point of view. That’s really interesting! I spoke with a psychologist of my family, and she said, that the human brain absorves information from everything we see, listen or touch. And maybe that’s why sometimes we feel that we know things that we never learned. In my case she said it could be from movies I saw, from the news or things that I’m always reading online. Because even though we are not looking for a certain information if its pops up in our screens or in our way, our brain will automatically save that information, “for later” because it might be useful for the future. She said that our brain works by itself, that we have no “control” of it, we just work with it. But she said that’s her opinion and that scientists will always try to find a logical answer for everything.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes, not native English ?

Let me know what you guys think of this.
That is quite interesting. It makes sense, although I never thought about it in that way. It is true that not much is known about the brain but this is an interesting thing to think about. I’m going to see if I can note when and if this happens to me next.

It’s usually small stuff. Someone famous has died on the news, and I think, “no, wait, didn’t he die a year ago?”

One of the ones I noticed one time was that when I was a bit younger I was headed to a nearby lake to see a fireworks show. I believe my mother was driving. We got behind a very drunk driver — he nearly hit a few people, actually. We decided to report him to local authorities. I wrote down his license plate and such. My father called the authorities and reported the driver. We then proceeded to the lake, albeit a bit more late. No one in my family seems to remember this day at all. And when I think about it, I realize that I can’t exactly put a year to it.

There are other times like this that I’m not thinking of at the moment, though I shall tell you if they come to mind.
That actually happens quite often to many of us - we thought someone died, a building appears that was never there, etc. Do we blame it on bad memory or did our consciousness switch timelines?

My parents apparently went to Italy over 10 years ago. I was just informed. How did I not remember this? I didn’t even see pictures. I find it very odd. Normally, I’d be very interested in this and they would show us all the photos and talk about their experiences.

You are not alone. Many of us experience it.

@Ganymede It sounds like you have some past life experiences as well. I have a personal liking and feeling of nostalgia of the old American west. I don’t know why. I do enjoy a good western on TV. Antique shops give me goosebumps and I feel “at home”, though I would never decorate my house with them. (I like modern stuff!) There are so many things scientists just haven’t studied, yet. And coincidence does not exist!
sorry if I'm late to this. But the description you made seems familiar to me. Do you remember if it was in the US or was it not even English speaking country? Is it possible that you had a balcony towards this place with fences and trees? Are you sure this was already the park or did the park start a little later, like around the corner?
the moment you saw dolly never had braces you all should have stopped what you were doing and make as much noise as you can.... but by then it was already too late.... anyone who understand the significance of the dolly braces topic and i could talk about many others but i specifically mention this one because it is impossible to debunk it so humans change subject in most cases since they feel safe with the familiar.... but moment you did not see those bulky braces there you should have woken up and made as much noise as possible.... this now 8 years too late and well.... too late.... and no richard simmons head band and sally fields and black tom and haas avocados and ford and volkswagen logo and all those are important yes but the moment you saw dolly braces were not there that should have been your red light .... it was so important to wake up when they mubin but you were all either babies and internet was no where to be found snice they did not push it onto society full force yet.... and it is what it... it was sustainable until 2013 early 2014.... but that was the last opportunity to wake up... the masses just did not... minority did but it was deemed conspiracy theories..... best combination of words the cia has ever come with
the moment you saw dolly never had braces you all should have stopped what you were doing and make as much noise as you can.... but by then it was already too late.... anyone who understand the significance of the dolly braces topic and i could talk about many others but i specifically mention this one because it is impossible to debunk it so humans change subject in most cases since they feel safe with the familiar.... but moment you did not see those bulky braces there you should have woken up and made as much noise as possible.... this now 8 years too late and well.... too late.... and no richard simmons head band and sally fields and black tom and haas avocados and ford and volkswagen logo and all those are important yes but the moment you saw dolly braces were not there that should have been your red light .... it was so important to wake up when they mubin but you were all either babies and internet was no where to be found snice they did not push it onto society full force yet.... and it is what it... it was sustainable until 2013 early 2014.... but that was the last opportunity to wake up... the masses just did not... minority did but it was deemed conspiracy theories..... best combination of words the cia has ever come with
Dude...I suppose you're refering to Moonraker. First of all I don't remember the braces, then again I had amnesia in 2014 so I can't be sure.
Or maybe I never paid attention to the braces or whatever. I never liked the film, though I found "Spy Who Loved Me" even worse in a way, as it took itself more seriously than this film. I always liked the more realistic James Bond films. At least Moonraker was more of a spoof.
2016 end of the year not 2014... that is when the braces were no where to be found... you split timeline... you are no longer part of that timeline... i dont ask or wonder i am telling you that as fact
2016 end of the year not 2014... that is when the braces were no where to be found... you split timeline... you are no longer part of that timeline... i dont ask or wonder i am telling you that as fact
I'm sorry, can you explain that please? How you know as a fact?
hi Evellyn.

that sounds interesting…please let me know what other situations did you encounter after then.
Hi! I'm so sorry I'm late for this reply.. So this year was my first time in Cyprus, and I had so many "deja vu's" there. I was supposed to go to Albania but last minute I had to change itinerary.. It was crazy how I knew exactly where to go and even some historic facts without even searching for information. I had to finish every sentence with "I guess", "I'm not sure" because was bizarre my full conviction while speaking. That happens A LOT in my life and some times I am afraid telling people because it doesn't makes any sense and people look me like I'm crazy 🥲
I'm sorry, can you explain that please? How you know as a fact?

Hi! I'm so sorry I'm late for this reply.. So this year was my first time in Cyprus, and I had so many "deja vu's" there. I was supposed to go to Albania but last minute I had to change itinerary.. It was crazy how I knew exactly where to go and even some historic facts without even searching for information. I had to finish every sentence with "I guess", "I'm not sure" because was bizarre my full conviction while speaking. That happens A LOT in my life and some times I am afraid telling people because it doesn't makes any sense and people look me like I'm crazy 🥲
the all "month" of november 2016 was the timeline splitting "period" the actual split happened in the end of the month... the president would have never won 2016 elections without this happening....i am talking about the real president... the one the elections was stolen from later on in your current timeline and was abused as an individual since 2015 by the ds that as you know by now run this place you call (or not) levelled earth
the process of time split is different than timeSLIP... your timeslip out of the other timeline started in 2013 the end of the year and lasted 3 years.... then time split happened november 2016..... but you "officially" entered the HORRIFIC ai "iphone" zombie timeline in november 2019... yes right with "covid"... the timeline you are currently in is not a good one
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