HDR users discussion


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This thread is for the general discussion of the HDR device and those who use it. Please add to the discussion here.

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I think it was over 10 to 12 years ago. Like in 2009 or 2010. I used it for a good month, several times a week. 

I used it a couple of times in 2015too, I think, but didn't commit enough. 

I still have it and I plan to use it once more, but I don't have time. Or I don't take the time. 

I remember you mentioning it gave you some super vivid dreams... Did that put you off of using it? Or something else? I've always wanted to try one.

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Steven gibbs is somewhat of a mentally unstable chap. The basic schematic of the HDR was given to him by a young man, who in turn was offered it by (Bruce Perrault - if I recall the spelling) another….as a hypothetical imagining on how you might replicate the crude EM theory being the Philadelphia Experiment with just a single individual.

If you read any of the terrible nonsense Gibbs has written (I don’t recommend it), you will know that he is someone how has lost his mind. Most of the details on how things have happened are quite delusional.

I wouldn’t be sticking high powered electromagnets around your body and especially your head. It’s not wise.

It’s quite possible you will instigate some form of ‘astral’ but it wont be because it’s an ‘HDR’. Many high powered magnets have the potential to do this and it’s not entirely enjoyable. And for god sakes, do not play around with EM in along the earths energy channels. It can make you quite ill/disturbed.

The HDR was not something given to Gibbs by time travellers or aliens. This is his own delusion and lies. He got some notoriety in the new-age ‘radionics’ community which quite literally sent an already troubled man…off the rails.
I remember you mentioning it gave you some super vivid dreams... Did that put you off of using it? Or something else? I've always wanted to try one.
No, it didn't. I wish it did, though. All I got was reaching a super deep meditation state, then an intense feeling of freefall. Had it happen twice in a row. Not bad at all. There's clearly something.

Man, I still want to use it, but I have so many things to do nowadays... It's been sitting in this box for years in my desk drawer.

Let's start with an intention. I want to use it again and explore its effects.
No, it didn't. I wish it did, though. All I got was reaching a super deep meditation state, then an intense feeling of freefall. Had it happen twice in a row. Not bad at all. There's clearly something.

Man, I still want to use it, but I have so many things to do nowadays... It's been sitting in this box for years in my desk drawer.

Let's start with an intention. I want to use it again and explore its effects.
your freefall feeling is what you should look for it is the exact opposite of the out of body experience where you feel the shaking and the torn apart feeling that comes from lucid dreaming that went too fat and became out of body
the freefalling is different but the gibbs machine lacks the ability to actually move you physically through timelines this is the problem... the way someone uses it... it lacks the capability to transform your physical structure.... on the molecular level... i think mariya back in the day said her friend from your paranormalis site had her dad disappearing for few hours using that machine and then coming back but it is most likely her friend tale telling stories.... i forgot the name of that girl but she was also on the para site
there is no doubt that your reality is being interfered with since this is a simulation and because of that going though the timelines within is possible....both to "future" but much more importantly to "past"