Hello I'm from the year 2046

Lussorio F

Temporal Novice

 I gather I have probably posted this in the wrong section, there is a sound reason for this but I wish to keep this my opening post succinct. So without I hope coming across like the latest nutjob to chime in, my name is Lussorio and I am from the year 2046. Yes you read right the year 2046.

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Please present us with proof that you are a real time traveler.
Basically what I suspect your really saying is provide me with a working time machine or the plans to produce one, which I’m sorry to say will not be happening. Individuals that get sent back are never scientists, engineers or technicians or put another way, you don't need to be mechanic to drive a car but you do, if you need to repair one beyond something simple. John was a soldier and I a civil servant.

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Come on dude, with people in this 2016 time line who know the technology checking everyone who comes in making this claim, it just doesn't seem like a legit excuse anymore. Some of the tech isn't that difficult to cook up.

I am from the year 2046
Welcome to Time Travel Institute Lussorio ! What I'd like to know, if you don't mind me asking, is about daily life in 2046.
What do people do for entertainment ?

Has the movie ( x-box and the like ) gone into more of a virtual reality type thing?

What kind of cars do people use? Are they gas powered or other?

Communication systems? As far as cell phones

And aircraft, what kind of advances have been made in that field?

Space exploration, anything to tell about that?

Thank-you for you consideration. Looking forward to your answers. ?

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We have many questions. ?

What is your purpose for coming to 2016?

For whom do you work?

Are you authorized to talk on a forum and for what reason?

What year was time travel discovered? Can you explain the technology even a little bit?

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What are they then?
Psychologically stable enough to handle it I would imagine. That is just my guess. Imagine that you knew you could never go back to the exact same worldline you left it is the equivelant of a one way trip. You would never see your same exact friends and family again. Even if you were doing a military operation, you would have to be knowingly cooperating with other militaries on other worldlines similar enough to yours to be indistinguishable by the most scrutinizing checks and passwords.
I would imagine it would be quite a pain in the ass, if it were true and very hard to wrap your mind around.

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I've been presented with quite a few questions, that I will answer at some point. Possibly in other threads. What I will say, to kind of answer KerrTexas, life in 2046 is not a bed of roses, but then its also not a bed of thorns. I was initially sent back to 20th century to 1993 to be precise to either retrieve the formula for or obtain a sample of, a extremely heat resistant insulating material. That was stumbled upon by amateur scientist, but later lost when he passed away leaving no samples behind and taking the formula with him to the grave. My appearance here in the early part of the 21 century was neither scheduled or sanctioned, I bent the rules slightly for personal reasons.

Welcome to our timeline! I know you may not answer my question for security reasons or whatever but are you here now for personal reasons or on a mission?

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I've been presented with quite a few questions, that I will answer at some point. Possibly in other threads. What I will say, to kind of answer KerrTexas, life in 2046 is not a bed of roses, but then its also not a bed of thorns. I was initially sent back to 20th century to 1993 to be precise to either retrieve the formula for or obtain a sample of, a extremely heat resistant insulating material. That was stumbled upon by amateur scientist, but later lost when he passed away leaving no samples behind and taking the formula with him to the grave. My appearance here in the early part of the 21 century was neither scheduled or sanctioned, I bent the rules slightly for personal reasons.
Could you go a little deeper into life in the 2040's? Give a brief timeline, maybe a little history on the invention of time travel?

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Could you go a little deeper into life in the 2040's? Give a brief timeline, maybe a little history on the invention of time travel?
There are certain directives that I have to adhere to, I can not talk about specific individuals or what is considered natural disasters or provide information that would benefit profiteers. However I happy to furnish you with a reply within those constrains, in another thread.

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I have another couple of questions. Seeing as you're literally in my neck of the woods, what do you do to keep yourself occupied in 2016? Are you working? Watching Jeremy Kyle?

Additionally, have you any connection to Trina Dopp?

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There are certain directives that I have to adhere to, I can not talk about specific individuals or what is considered natural disasters or provide information that would benefit profiteers. However I happy to furnish you with a reply within those constrains, in another thread.
I am wondering why you are not posting points to view for us concerned with time travel. Things like laws being written or in place to keep you from reply as you want. Profiteers , that exploitation from behind the scenes will go on in another way.

I am wondering why you are not posting points to view for us concerned with time travel. Things like laws being written or in place to keep you from reply as you want. Profiteers , that exploitation from behind the scenes will go on in another way.
I have to be honest I don’t fully understand your post, so my response is based on assumption on what your asking. I have posted on other forums including the social media site that was once known as facebook, many answers to questions relating to time travel.

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What do people do for entertainment ?
Has the movie ( x-box and the like ) gone into more of a virtual reality type thing?
I took me a few moments to realized that what you mean by virtual reality is what is better known as in 2046 as Artificial Reality (A.R). Yes A.R units are used for education/training and medical purpose, but prohibited for use as pure entertainment.

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I've been presented with quite a few questions, that I will answer at some point. Possibly in other threads. What I will say, to kind of answer KerrTexas, life in 2046 is not a bed of roses, but then its also not a bed of thorns. I was initially sent back to 20th century to 1993 to be precise to either retrieve the formula for or obtain a sample of, a extremely heat insulating material. That was stumbled upon by amateur scientist, but later lost when he passed away leaving no samples behind and taking the formula with him to the grave. My appearance here in the early part of the 21 century was neither scheduled or sanctioned, I bent the rules slightly for personal reasons.
OH, 1993, the year I graduated High School. If I could go back, lol. Seems you did. Or so you say. 9-10-1993 is my equivalent to Doc Browns, "red letter date, November 5th, 1955." I would have never gone out on that date.
