I am from TVA


Temporal Novice
Hello all My name is Trosten, I am from California. I came from 2029, all world going to destroy in 2029 April 07. STOP VIOLENCE!!
Hi, welcome to TTI!

I'm afraid we, the regular folks of TTI, aren't the ones committing and encouraging the violence you are referring to. We're merely helpless observers.

Can you tell us more?
Hello all My name is Trosten, I am from California. I came from 2029, all world going to destroy in 2029 April 07. STOP VIOLENCE!!
Yes. Cancel World Cup, ban the NFL and down with rugby. Football, all three major forms, are violent sports. We stop violence. Now, mind you, there's going to be about 6 billion very pissed off football fans who might get violent in other ways. But it's the thought rather than the effect that counts, yes?