The Ethics of Time Travel


I would like to politely ask that you cease in the practice of posting and then deleting posts. It disturbs the natural back and forth flow of a discussion thread, and in some forums such practice is looked upon as anti-social. As Admin I am able to go back and read the posts you have deleted, and I have seen nothing in them that is offensive or otherwise in need of deletion. Just let the conversation flow, and let the record stand.

RainmanTime, since you are an administrator,
I must say my experience at this forum
has been highly unusual. Initially, I had to
wonder whether one member's eagerness
to kill "idiots" was an implicit threat. Next,
I am being badgered in consecutive threads.
Then, because Pacram is understandably
hesitant to express his genuine feelings and,
thus, become vulernable, he deletes his part
in our dialogue. Thank you for confirming
the fact that this was not a monologue.
Well them that's a path you better correct before it consumes you, science doesn't always have to fall into morally grey areas. Although its harder to define these days.
(Yes, what Syzygy said. Understood Rainman, sorry for you having to step In)
Well them that's a path you better correct before it consumes you, science doesn't always have to fall into morally grey areas. Although its harder to define these days.
(Yes, what Syzygy said. Understood Rainman, sorry for you having to step In)
That's what I get for ribbing you so often.
No,no,no. I'm sorry if it came across that way, the first part of that about your choices was just a joke to lighten the mood. I meant no harm,sorry.
No,no,no. I'm sorry if it came across that way, the first part of that about your choices was just a joke to lighten the mood. I meant no harm,sorry.

Given time, Pacram, you tend to reverse yourself.
It is for that tendency that I clarify:
I have a sense of humor, but not at the expense of truth.
Factual is my wont to await response before elaborating.
That truth was twisted by your betraying my confidence in you--
my allowing you ample time to edit your replies
versus being quick to quote a bunch of babble.
Your deleting your responses altogether
created herein the deception
that one might have had cause to challenge my coherence.
Conversely, Troy's precursory confrontation was totally unwarranted.
Another, in my shoes, might even feel set up.
In any case, misrepresentation of another’s integrity is defamation.

My pardoning you restores nothing
as you have yet to prove yourself reliable.
Still, it is for your callowness that I forgive you.

To whom it may concern,

I am tired of my username.
It is not my nature to obstruct light.
With the air cleared,
so be the heavens above.
Pacram et al,

Were it the first time Troy had purposely been disruptive,
I'd sooner forget it. Apparently, he was angry after his
having failed to hijack "Willing to be a Guinea Pig."
After his having similarly been fractious therein, next he,
in #27, wrote
"I don't understand why people think early time travel
experiments will involve sending humans through[,]"
Willing to be a guinea pig | Page 2 | Time Travel Institute
i.e. Troy tried to steer participants to his pet thread.
Time Travel With Computer Data/Early Time Travel Technology (Speculation Thread) | Time Travel Institute
I viewed the topic incidental, because my time travel
has been per chance (unplanned and by no known
mechanism). Besides, who was to stop Tesla from nearly
electrocuting himself in his attempts to time travel?


More on the intended topic:
My sole interest in places otherworldly
is owing to my desire to transcend evil.

I actually made that comment BEFORE creating my thread. The only reason I created the thread was so that I could continue my discussion there, rather than shit up that thread with off-topic posts.

Basically, do to that at thread what you guys did to this one.

And yes. I am an asshole. Deal with it.

I actually made that comment BEFORE creating my thread. The only reason I created the thread was so that I could continue my discussion there, rather than shit up that thread with off-topic posts.

Basically, do to that at thread what you guys did to this one.

And yes. I am an asshole. Deal with it.

't is a would-be god, again.
Again, there is no rule against members' discussing ethics.

What example are you to members of TTI?
There are rules against both the use of profanity
and personal attacks against other members.
But, when belligerent persons, such as yourself,
are free to defy forum rules
and disregard administrators here,
why should anyone bother to read them?
And yes. I am an asshole. Deal with it.

Fine. I am dealing with it. I suggest you had better reign-in your attitude a bit Troy Titor. My co-admin is not as fond as I am of giving warnings, so were it he, you might already find yourself banned. I am more the "good cop." :) Consider this your one and only warning. I don't need your help in policing the site. What I would request of you is to be a bit less of an asshole (self-proclaimed, so I take you at your word).

Fine. I am dealing with it. I suggest you had better reign-in your attitude a bit Troy Titor. My co-admin is not as fond as I am of giving warnings, so were it he, you might already find yourself banned. I am more the "good cop." :) Consider this your one and only warning. I don't need your help in policing the site. What I would request of you is to be a bit less of an asshole (self-proclaimed, so I take you at your word).


Insofar as "let[ting] the record stand,
"good cop,"
what standing have I?

"[L]et the record stand":
I was unjustifiably attacked.
Pacram was unconscionably silenced,
wherefore all of my statements are devoid of context.
Stripped thereof,
shall I and virtual TTI eunuchs
be more surgically explored
while vultures,
ready to more flay unsuspecting guinea pigs,
circle overhead?
Fine. I am dealing with it. I suggest you had better reign-in your attitude a bit Troy Titor. My co-admin is not as fond as I am of giving warnings, so were it he, you might already find yourself banned. I am more the "good cop." :) Consider this your one and only warning. I don't need your help in policing the site. What I would request of you is to be a bit less of an asshole (self-proclaimed, so I take you at your word).


I apologize for my profanity and attitude, RMT. I will try to improve it. I just forget occasionally that I'm not on "a certain fourth channel" XD.

And for the sake of everyone, Syzygy, I suggest we ignore eachother. Our personalities seem to be abrasive of one another.
I apologize for my profanity and attitude, RMT. I will try to improve it. I just forget occasionally that I'm not on "a certain fourth channel" XD.

And for the sake of everyone, Syzygy, I suggest we ignore eachother. Our personalities seem to be abrasive of one another.

Thanks Troy,

I like your solution. When people begin to butt heads and things get heated, it is best to walk away and avoid the temptation to escalate.

Insofar as "let[ting] the record stand,
"good cop,"
what standing have I?

"[L]et the record stand":
I was unjustifiably attacked.
Pacram was unconscionably silenced,
wherefore all of my statements are devoid of context.
Stripped thereof,
shall I and virtual TTI eunuchs
be more surgically explored
while vultures,
ready to more flay unsuspecting guinea pigs,
circle overhead?

I have stepped in as I saw fit. Do you think I should do more? If so, what more would you have me do?

You have a penchant for asking questions. I would suggest that sometimes you engage in the practice of offering potential solutions. Therein lies a sort of balance. And we can never have too much balance.

I have stepped in as I saw fit. Do you think I should do more? If so, what more would you have me do?

You have a penchant for asking questions. I would suggest that sometimes you engage in the practice of offering potential solutions. Therein lies a sort of balance. And we can never have too much balance.

Thank you for bearing with me so far,
but "ignore" as in never mind the bullying of others?
Was Pacram able to fulfill the objective of this thread's opening statement?

He wrote,
"I would like to share my views and opinions on the ethics of time travel
and whether ultimately it is a goal humanity should aspire to achieve."

Perhaps it is not so much Troy's abrasiveness
but my 'soft touch' * that Pacram found most disarming.
And, maybe, least tolerable to John
is a strong woman who is equally at ease being feminine--
gentle, nurturing ...&c.
After all, people today really seem to believe an 89 pound weakling,
e.g. Ulma Thurman,
fit for kicking brawny "ass"--
er, donkey...
No matter, for my being more motivated by divine love than fear, *
Morcheeba - "Fear And Love" | Listen on Youtube and get on Itunes
refuses to let me 'stand down,' soldiers.

Greater tolerance for individuality would be appreciated.

I believe such discussion healthy.
I commend RMT and the rest of you
for permitting me to be respectfully candid.
Insofar as suggestions go, maybe unlimited deletions,
except by owners/administrators,
shouldn't be an option--
no more chaos for caprice.

Lastly, may your warnings be heeded
lest order itself be lost on arbitrariness.

0 :- ) XOs to y'all
Te-he, especially for Troy and, not least of all, Pacram.
I'm sorry, this has called for my permanent silence on the forums.
I thank you Syzgzy for your knowledge, good bye.
Dear Pacram,

You’re welcome. Thank you for your input.

Silence by choice? Were you banned,
I doubt you’d have been able to say goodbye...

My initial statement about universals still applies
as you still have an “all or nothing” approach to things.
Leave your options open, e.g. strike thru "permanent":
“[T]his has called for my [...] silence on the forums.”

You, after all, are fond of believing yourself open-minded.
I, decidely open to what is good, like the straight and narrow.
That didn’t stop me from studying the sciences equally as
much as the arts.

Speaking of science, I do think it more logical to believe
the source of intelligent life Spirit versus inanimate matter.

You will ultimately decide what you will believe.
May you keep faith.
Things meritous of belief enrich life;
with faith, may you realize strength.

Every generation inherits its own challenges.
Each of us has limitations to overcome.
That is why each of us is singularly gifted,
blessed to give to as well as receive from others--
win-win, everyone!

All of us must trust from time to time.
Most of us get our heart broken at least once.
Those who do not succumb to bitterness
become more compassionate...

You mentioned "false hope." Inasmuch as
the undertaking of any task at hand requires hope,
if only for success, some hope is better than none.
No hope is despair, futility itself.

Everything boils down to two rules:
One, “Know thyself;"
know what matters most to you,
and do not compromise your values.
Two, the golden rule,
"Do unto others as
you would have them do unto you."

It is for us to be principled.

0 : - ) God loves you.
Well I did not read all your messages but I saw some interesting things. As Syzygy topic suggest, NDE have to do with time travel.

Why ? because by going faster than light you go through the light tunnel... ;)

And so it goes all together with this topic.
But I know and can tell you that making such a topic does not consist in any need for a time traveler. If you reach to achieve a time travel machine, you must be as wise as possible.

Here is an example that can explain it :
The alchemist, when they looked to turn lead to gold have never been able to do it. But if they look differently they will be able to do it but will never need to do because they will have reach such a consciousness that everything is nothing for them.

Well when you go faster than light, navigating through time, you are in the same feeling. Nothing will never achieve to distract you from the only one and indivisible thing : KNOWLEDGE. The light !

Go looking in dead languages such as latin and Greek for the definition of "mathematikos" or "astrologus" ;)

Time traveling, needs all knowledges : astronomy, alchemy, astrology, physics, chemistry, architecture, history, navigation, ... and so many other ; time traveling requires to be as god. No beliefs just knowledge !


The "bad guys" are grouped in the side of all those who conceive the existence only through the DOMINATION of their fellows, including up to exorbitanceand by any means. These are the individuals whose existence revolves around the "self-serving".

The "good guys" are all those whose aim is the existential FLARE of others by transmitting knowledge in a future life worthy of the name and knowing that this path is the one that produces the optimal Harmony in all things. These are people-oriented in the "Service to Others".
:-D Greetings, Jcpo.

Is to "go through the light tunnel" an euphemism?--
preliminary, maybe, to "pushing up daisies"?

"No beliefs just knowledge,"
as though belief isn't preamble to hypothesis?

Where did you get your avatar?

I would comment more,
only that much of what you write
has more to do with the NDE thread.
"Is to "go through the light tunnel" an euphemism?"
Not at all, the way I use it meaning the tunnel of knowledge, the virtuous ascension !

"as though belief isn't preamble to hypothesis?"
Well it depends. But here I mean belief as a dogma, something you can't get over, containing to itself.

"has more to do with the NDE thread."

...go back to my conclusion.
If you don't get that there are enormous dogmas and that you only can skirt by thinking as a good guy you won't be able to do anything so...

In the darkness comes the light ;
Light can lead you anywhere, anytime ;
Light is the revival of mind ;
NDEs will let you know the strong reliability of life.

I should be more clear, but I await your response to try to explain it better :)

Ps: "Where did you get your avatar?"
GIYF my friend, that is a well know avatar... I don't know any about its origin.

Thank you for your reply.

It was via Startpage that I stumbled upon Yoda.

Is it easier to rhyme in French?
I like the poem => herein;
I like that virtu is feminine.
She is exquisite, no?