Time travel is closer than we think

Sounds like an incredible project! It’s truly inspiring to see people pushing the boundaries of scientific possibility. I’d love to hear more about how you are planning to make time travel a reality. Best of luck with your research!
If I am not wrong, the person above is with us, working in Time Machine Dao.
Maybe Alex, Pro. Preecha or somebody else in their team.

Nice to meet I am Time Chan
Currently Handling the Time Institute, which we use for enlightening people around the world about our Dao.

Some News are.

The project name is De Ja Vu, which is named Randomly.

Researching in the supervision of Professor Preecha Yupapain.

Currently planning to quit the Dao (Not our Time Machine, but only the Dao) and shift to any other means of Fundraising.
Thanks for the share, really appreciate. :: Could i translate them with a free service like google? because some terms are a bit complicated;
i’m non english based but i understand quite well. btw
Respected Mylar,
Yes of course you can, and that’s my work to enlighten interested people about our project. Feel free to ask any questions, if arising and you can also meet us on our discord server, which can be found here.

Yours sincerely
Time Chan
Not much difference, you can get your answers either in bbs, or in discord, in discord you can meet the whole team, but in bbs you can’t.
My job isn’t to promote that discord server, my work is to enlighten people about our project and it’s functions, and I am doing it here as well as in that server.

It’s on you, where you want to be, both places are equivalent in terms of getting your answers.

Time Chan
Hi, I am TimeChan
Aware a couple of people working in a group to find the key to time travel.
And we are succeced in generating a timeline experimentally. Some of our results are here.

I didn’t copy/paste the arXiv papers but this is a response to your post and them:

My friend, are you taking credit for the three papers you pasted into your post? Just to be clear, it is not cool to take credit for other people’s work, especially if their work has been posted to Lawrence Livermore National laboratories archive arXiv.org. You sure you don’t want to walk back the assertion just a bit?

Anyway, before you posted the papers did you bother to actually read them? I did. Your tag line for the thread here “Time travel is closer than we think” is not supported by the three papers.

  1. The first paper (The Blue Box White Paper, Doctor Benjamin K. Tippett & Doctor David Tsang) is a humorous presentation of the possible physics of Dr. Who’s “Tardis” submitted by two “Doctors” from “Gallifrey Institute of Technology.” You did catch that, didn’t you? It concludes:
"Building the TARDIS bubble geometry would require an exotic type of matter which violates the clas-
sical energy conditions. We could not generate the required spacetime curvature using normal matter.

Finally, we discussed other ways the TARDIS geometry could be used. By cutting up different TARDIS
tubes and joining them together, the new geometry could transport a traveller between any two points in space and time. If a TARDIS geometry is cut in half, a traveller who enters one end may emerge into a universe made of antimatter." (Bold text added by Darby)

  1. The second paper (Hyper-Fast Positive Energy Warp Drives, E. W. Lentz, Dec 2021) isn’t actually a research paper at all. It is a synopsis of Lentz’s own March 2021 paper, "Breaking the warp barrier: hyper-fast solitons in einstein–maxwell-plasma theory, Classical and Quantum Gravity 38, p. 075015 (Mar 2021). In the original paper Lentz explores the possibility of a positive (normal) energy warp drive (where all other solutions require negative energy exotic matter).
Lentz, “The required energy for a positive-energy soliton with central region mean radius R = 100 m and average source thickness along the z-axis w = 1 m approaches a mass equivalent of E total ∼ (few) ×
10^−1M (solar) v^2.” (Bold text added by Darby)

Lentz’s own conclusion is, “The most glaring challenge is the astronomical energy cost of even a modest warp drive, currently measured in solar masses where kilograms is closer to the threshold of human technology. Extreme energy savings is going to be necessary – tens of orders of magnitude – to bring the energy required for a warp drive down to a level that can be tested in a laboratory setting let alone be considered a viable transportation technology.” The “astronomical energy cost” he refers to is found in the above equation. The “even a modest warp drive” minimum mass requirement is 1/10 the mass of the sun.

  1. The third paper “Wormhole Time Machines and Multiple Histories”, Barak Shoshany & Jared Wogan does not claim that time travel is possible or that warp drives are possible nor does the paper attempt to prove one way or the other that they are possible.
"7.2 Are our assumptions valid?

It is worthwhile to make some comments regarding the validity of our assumptions. Of course, the
most radical assumption is that time travel is possible.
We do not yet have enough data to determine
whether this assumption is valid, and it may take many decades to get anywhere near a concrete
answer.While some exotic metrics in general relativity seem to, at least in principle, allow for the existence of closed causal curves, time travel may still be forbidden, for example by some version of Hawking’s chronology protection conjecture [11, 12, 13], as discussed in more detail in section 1.1.

However, this simply does not concern us here, as we are merely interested in proving that multiple
histories must exist if time travel is possible
; we make no claims whatsoever regarding the existence of time travel itself. (Italic text added by Darby. Bold text is the original text as submitted by the authors)

The lesson to take away here is, if you are going to submit scientific papers to support your position it is probably best if you first read and second understand the papers to make sure they actually support your position. 🤠

PS: In the Dr. Who related paper the authors refer to “Building the TARDIS bubble geometry would require an exotic type of matter which violates the classical energy conditions.” They don’t state which energy conditions they are referring to (there are 4 such conditions - Weak, Strong, Null and Dominant. Because they relate it to exotic energy I’m assuming they mean the Weak Energy Condition and Null Energy Condition aka WEC and NEC.)
Time travel has already occurred at least 3+ times in the Bible using wormhole technology. Using weather vortex tech. God’s way is in the storm and the whirlwind, as stated in the book Read the book don’t wait for the movie.
Can you tell us more? Perhaps, guide us to specific texts of the Bible in which we can decipher time travel taking place?

You’re welcome to share more, I’m super curious about this one.

Time travel has already occurred at least 3+ times in the Bible using wormhole technology. Using weather vortex tech. God’s way is in the storm and the whirlwind, as stated in the book Read the book don’t wait for the movie.
Me too i’m really curious, can you mention specific chapters?
look around you my friend… you are in a simulation … time travel has always been part of the simulation… again look around you and start connecting the dots… and there are plenty
You keep teling this to everyone I notice but you can’t force it down their throats like that (sure that might not be your intention but still). I’d like to hear how you come to that conclusion though and without using confusing terms like “runners” etc.