Time Travel without Space Travel?


So what do you reckon will happen next?

My bet goes with our misguided 'friend' disappearing in the not too distant future...and perhaps reappearing under a different name?

....A marvelously innovative strategy and no mistake;))...

Oh dear Jon. You can't see what you've just done can you.

While you were 'inventing' supposedly 'solid' scientific theories that go far beyond our current understanding, you made it very difficult to categorically pin you down.

This one message that I'm now replying to however, has sunk your battleship. Game over etc..

You really shouldn't have brought temporal mechanics into it, because you have made the most basic fundamental fuck up.(Excuse my French).
One that shows that you really don't understand what you are pushing. There are people here whose understanding of theoretical temporal mechanics make your 'experience' based postulation look incredibly misinformed, ill thought out and silly....Oh you really should have left that message out..

As I'm sure that you're dying to know upon what I base this, I'll make you a deal.

I'll answer your question as soon as you answer Lee's.

How's that???.....(smirk).
Well how would it work if you would travel to space and time travel from there? Then at least you already know that you'll probably turn up in space.

And with the universe moving at such rates wouldn't it be an astoundingly quick way of travel?

What do you think?
Formet even dredges up Frank Tipler in his 6/3/99 post. Also notice that he says that he doesn't expect to be believed.

So familiar....

I feel some of the reporting in the threads offered is interesting.

This may be what is known as a parallax conversation, which is a race-mouse by its own nature, within another time?

The points of technology that they do not understand, and this level of change is only to have occurred in the past few years, is that one does not need length momentumed velocity, although this does occur, in order to change time.

The product of time can be changed in station, by the wiggle concept, where a shell is formed and at C velocities, which are either overpumped in amplitude, or strength occur within this shell, or possibly some facet of super C itself, might and I say might be established within the time shell itself.

This was a common misunderstanding in such physics discussions boards, as Askme.com and physics use-nets a few years back, as the old train near 99 percent of C or near light speed were used.

These analogies were always forwarded, where a train at 99% of C would be a stage to where a second beam of light could be reflected to super exceed C which was an attempt to supercede C, as a special frame within a frame to exceed Cs natural velocity?

This did not work, as in accelerating C, all frames of reference become co-joined and relative, due to mass feld effect.

They tried and tried however did not succeed this.

>The wiggle concept is such that overtensored or overpumped values of C are only sought in microangstrom lengths, so therefore the concurrent value of mass in motion at relatively long lengths of distance, are now subject to exclusionary principles?

This means simply to exceed the holding velocity of mass field time effect, that C within its own special man-made velocity or stile, must be fashioned to a specialized locale or design, in order to either plus or minus with reference to time travel.

The professing of a supposed quality known as prions also said as chrono-particles, means that if one can effect a sphere of shape to escape a local in time mass field, then one can center on these time particles, system boss these particles and then use them for a way to time travel precisely?

>Darby' do you feel these postings above, are the beginnings of said John Titor or in some way connected to this era of time traveler?

>Other points offered;It is said in Barbara Marciniack's works, that our central sun, has mild variable tendencies.

In the Nancy Lieder web site, there is the appearance said now, of a brown dwarf known as Planet X.

I don't know if there is any connection to our natural central sun and this dwarf star.

If our central sun went nova, all life on Earth would be wiped out.

The content on these post is to say the least, interesting.

>Thank you Darby and thank you Tran 001, for your comments on chronotrons.

I think that the threads involving Jon Formet may be an early attempt at the story by the persona behind John Titor. The writing style is similar; the wit is similar. He does spell a few words in British English rather than as we spell them. That would argue against it being Boomer.

But the threads do sound a lot like the Titor story. It is strange that I have posited that Boomer's war is a race war. Formet stated it very directly that it is a race war.

In the final posts he did break down and get into a flame war which is unlike Titor. It may be a strange coincidence - or maybe not.
Note these two peculiarities on these new threads.

Joe Firmage of California, was one who was supposed to be in-link with real aliens, however Firmage did not make the public disclosure that he should have.

If you take the word torment and Firmage,, combine them, it ends up as Forment, which is the current time that Firmnage came out about his alien contacts?

2.>Note there was a lot of future writing in the British Isles, concerning the Judge Dread comic series, where one of the future wars to be fought, were the ABC wars, as said in the film.

Guess this stood for America, Britain and China Wars.....?

>Who could have come up with about fifty thousand dollars, in order to make both of the designs and a prototype mock-up of the G.E. time displacement unit?

Well there are a few agencies that could have, or J.T. could have been real?

Remember it was some dumb-a** who had supplied him with an on-e-board repair, rather than chance a confederate board, for his G.E., unit when it broke down.

The place Titor had ended up was, a type of reality that was very hostile, which Steven Gibbs had described in his disclosures as one of the possible destinations, for not optimal time travel machines.

Then a said Ardon Krep comes to the rescue, who remarkably has all the attributes of a dimensional slider, known as Steven.

So only a few years after Titor had this nine hundred pound clunker, Ardon said Krep came out with a hand held unit, that would jump dimesniality and did or did not rescue Titor?

I would not dare ask if this is a DIA two-step, as I don't want to know who is printing this program, with easy information that seems like Titorish?

No offence intended, I don't want to know.

I think that the threads involving Jon Formet may be an early attempt at the story by the persona behind John Titor. The writing style is similar; the wit is similar. He does spell a few words in British English rather than as we spell them. That would argue against it being Boomer.

But the threads do sound a lot like the Titor story. It is strange that I have posited that Boomer's war is a race war. Formet stated it very directly that it is a race war.

In the final posts he did break down and get into a flame war which is unlike Titor. It may be a strange coincidence - or maybe not.

Do you still think this is early Titor?