World War 3 won't happen in this timeline


Temporal Novice
I'm a time traveler from 2084,the world hasn't changed much technological advancements have stagnated, people still fight over ideologies,no from my universe the future isn't dystopian nothing major will change after 2043, world war 3 has a one percent chance of happening from 2020 to 2084

An important person will probably be assasinated soon or has been , windows usage has declined from my time and there's more reliance on open source software the world has been kind of divided between backwards religious theocracies and democracies also I would like to leave a certain message to a specific man: I love you but unfortunately I'm not so lucky in my timeline,i advise all of you not to worry about the future much see ya in 20 years maybe or so if I'm alive

When was the time machine and important event created?
The time machine will be created around 2043-2045 , I wouldn't really call it a time machine it's more like a portal to other universes and it's mentally draining to use it

La máquina del tiempo se creará alrededor de 2043-2045, realmente no la llamaría una máquina del tiempo, es más como un portal a otros universos y es mentalmente agotador usarla.
What were the important events that happened around the world?

What were the important events that happened around the world?
That's a good question, actually nothing major happened except I would say medicine started to suddenly advance in comparison to 2022 robots became more utilized I would say the artificial intelligence tests in around 2036 were the most major ,also everyone carries foldable devices now but that already exists currently ,

Edit:tissue regrowth technology has shown some sign of succes in the 2040s

world war 3 has a one percent chance of happening from 2020 to 2084
What's the metric here that you use to calculate the probability of an event? This was a huge and telling issue with the Titor Saga where he said his "parallel" world differed from this world by a divergence of 2% explaining maybe some football scores changed or some folks had blue eyes instead of green. That statement made no sense at all. Please do better than Boomer did in explaining what you mean.

Your tag line for the thread refers to "timeline". What is the definition of timeline? I know the definition of "worldline", at least in terms of 4d Minkowski space. And why isn't is "spacetime line" considering how Minkowski has defined space and time?

What's the metric here that you use to calculate the probability of an event? This was a huge and telling issue with the Titor Saga where he said his "parallel" world differed from this world by a divergence of 2% explaining maybe some football scores changed or some folks had blue eyes instead of green. That statement made no sense at all. Please do better than Boomer did in explaining what you mean.

Your tag line for the thread refers to "timeline". What is the definition of timeline? I know the definition of "worldline", at least in terms of 4d Minkowski space. And why isn't is "spacetime line" considering how Minkowski has defined space and time?
It's not accurate but so far past events seem to match, I should've mentioned that it's mostly my own prediction , sometimes one can calculate based on the alignment of stars at a certain point in time and analyzing if it matches,computers are prone to bugs and errors so it's possible that I'm not in the exact universe I came from in it's past state , actually more accurately I wouldn't call it a time machine but rather a multiverse traveling machine as it's not proven to change the past of the prior universe,some even simply disappeared trying to use it,as for the explanation of titor about it, it's probably because he's a soldier,which probably means he's not that knowledgeable,I believe his mission was to cause the 1991 collapse of the Soviet union to prevent ww3,I came to the past with my father actually,as he's a scientist so I do admit I'm not much knowledgeable in explaining,my next stop would probably be in the 1890s then to the future again tho I'm debating staying here for some time

sometimes one can calculate based on the alignment of stars at a certain point in time and analyzing if it matches [snip for brevity] ,

as for the explanation of titor about it, it's probably because he's a soldier,which probably means he's not that knowledgeable,I believe his mission was to cause the 1991 collapse of the Soviet union

What does the "alignment of stars" have to do with predicting the future? Especially if the future is for some other universe? The alignment of the constellation Orion, for example, is simply an accident of our perspective from Earth with respect to the stars making it up that are spread out between 250 LY and 1250 LY away. If we move laterally 50 LY away from here our perspective changes and we no longer see the "Orion" shape. Making predictions based on the apparent alignment of stars reminds me of the line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!"

Swords or the alignment of stars is same-same.

You should re-read Titor's Saga. According to his saga he didn't time travel to cause the collapse of the USSR. According to his story the Russians were the "good guys" and his shotgun rebellion tribe's allies. He welcomed the war. The only downside of his general nuclear war, aside from exterminating 3 billion human beings, was the inconvenience of having a low post-war birth rate, they had to scrounge for salt and they had to use 12-volt dc battery electrical systems. Too bad his post-war tribe spent all their resources on building time machines in order to obtain a 1st generation POS IBM 5100 instead of re-building the Florida electrical grid and mining some damned salt. I recall that I did point out to him that it seemed to me that they had their heads up their arses spending their limited resources on time machines instead of more pressing needs. He wasn't amused. But for god's sake, they had computers that could guide a craft down the throat of a wormhole and magically guide the tail of the wormhole, from the past into the future, such that the wormhole exited exactly where they needed it to be in 4D spacetime...yet they needed the piece of crap 5100 to do exactly what? Compile Unix? WTF? I have a Raspberry Pi 4 that is more powerful than the 5100 and it runs multiple Linux distros like a damned champ and does it from a micro-SD card.

This idea of freely traveling the "multiverse" completely ignores the reasoning behind Hugh Everett and John Archibald's paper regarding the relativistic formulation (interpretation) of quantum mechanics. The idea behind it was you can't travel between these universes. The idea was to get rid of absurdities like the Schrödinger's Cat paradox argument against the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics (Bohr, Heisenberg, Born) by getting rid of the necessity of an observer. If you can travel between the universes then you still have Schrödinger's simultaneously dead and alive cat. Dealing with the collapse/non-collapse of the quantum wave function is a lot more complex than Schrödinger's cat. Naively suggesting that travel between such universes is possible based on the many worlds interpretation completely negates the very theory relied upon in the first place - the many worlds interpretation.

True, there are other theories that posit multiple universes (bubble universes for example) that have nothing to do the the wave collapse function. But they are not "parallel" worlds; their histories would have nothing to do with histories in some other universe. Good luck traveling to one of them. It's likely a one-way vacation because there is no way back plus there's no guarantee that the laws of physics are the same as ours. Their creation would not rely on the physical laws of this universe.

BTW: If you're familiar with the Schrödinger's Cat paradox what you might not know is that Schrödinger wasn't serious. It was a joke for Heisenberg and Nels Bohr to absorb. It pointed out the absurd (in Schrödinger's view) outcome that the Copenhagen Interpretation leads to. In Schrödinger's cat thought experiment the cat is in the box in a mixed state of both alive and dead until someone opens the box and looks. His argument was later turned around and used as "proof" of the Copenhagen Interpretation. I guess that somethimes a good joke can backfire. :)

What does the "alignment of stars" have to do with predicting the future? Especially if the future is for some other universe? The alignment of the constellation Orion, for example, is simply an accident of our perspective from Earth with respect to the stars making it up that are spread out between 250 LY and 1250 LY away. If we move laterally 50 LY away from here our perspective changes and we no longer see the "Orion" shape. Making predictions based on the apparent alignment of stars reminds me of the line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!"

Swords or the alignment of stars is same-same.

You should re-read Titor's Saga. According to his saga he didn't time travel to cause the collapse of the USSR. According to his story the Russians were the "good guys" and his shotgun rebellion tribe's allies. He welcomed the war. The only downside of his general nuclear war, aside from exterminating 3 billion human beings, was the inconvenience of having a low post-war birth rate, they had to scrounge for salt and they had to use 12-volt dc battery electrical systems. Too bad his post-war tribe spent all their resources on building time machines in order to obtain a 1st generation POS IBM 5100 instead of re-building the Florida electrical grid and mining some damned salt. I recall that I did point out to him that it seemed to me that they had their heads up their arses spending their limited resources on time machines instead of more pressing needs. He wasn't amused. But for god's sake, they had computers that could guide a craft down the throat of a wormhole and magically guide the tail of the wormhole, from the past into the future, such that the wormhole exited exactly where they needed it to be in 4D spacetime...yet they needed the piece of crap 5100 to do exactly what? Compile Unix? WTF? I have a Raspberry Pi 4 that is more powerful than the 5100 and it runs multiple Linux distros like a damned champ and does it from a micro-SD card.

This idea of freely traveling the "multiverse" completely ignores the reasoning behind Hugh Everett and John Archibald's paper regarding the relativistic formulation (interpretation) of quantum mechanics. The idea behind it was you can't travel between these universes. The idea was to get rid of absurdities like the Schrödinger's Cat paradox argument against the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics (Bohr, Heisenberg, Born) by getting rid of the necessity of an observer. If you can travel between the universes then you still have Schrödinger's simultaneously dead and alive cat. Dealing with the collapse/non-collapse of the quantum wave function is a lot more complex than Schrödinger's cat. Naively suggesting that travel between such universes is possible based on the many worlds interpretation completely negates the very theory relied upon in the first place - the many worlds interpretation.

True, there are other theories that posit multiple universes (bubble universes for example) that have nothing to do the the wave collapse function. But they are not "parallel" worlds; their histories would have nothing to do with histories in some other universe. Good luck traveling to one of them. It's likely a one-way vacation because there is no way back plus there's no guarantee that the laws of physics are the same as ours. Their creation would not rely on the physical laws of this universe.

BTW: If you're familiar with the Schrödinger's Cat paradox what you might not know is that Schrödinger wasn't serious. It was a joke for Heisenberg and Nels Bohr to absorb. It pointed out the absurd (in Schrödinger's view) outcome that the Copenhagen Interpretation leads to. In Schrödinger's cat thought experiment the cat is in the box in a mixed state of both alive and dead until someone opens the box and looks. His argument was later turned around and used as "proof" of the Copenhagen Interpretation. I guess that somethimes a good joke can backfire. :)
I'm thoroughly impressed that you conjured the effort to type all that

well yes but actually no i mean i want to learn about it and if you are a real time travel so you probably know that how it work so if you know can you share that plz
It can not be created with the current technology and materials it's like trying to create a modern computer by yourself in the 1800s,have you heard about the asteroid from outside the solar system? It's suspected to have a material that's tougher than iron, would you like to contact me privately? [email protected]

You can reach me via this email

It can not be created with the current technology and materials it's like trying to create a modern computer by yourself in the 1800s,have you heard about the asteroid from outside the solar system? It's suspected to have a material that's tougher than iron, would you like to contact me privately? [email protected]

You can reach me via this email
i have a question for you if you are a time traveler so is time travel is publicly open and if not then is there any propose of you to be here i mean in this timeline and if yes or if this publicly open so how you have an account on email

i have a question for you if you are a time traveler so is time travel is publicly open and if not then is there any propose of you to be here i mean in this timeline and if yes or if this publicly open so how you have an account on email
See First of all time travel is not possible, we mistaken parallel universe as time travel

See, the multiverse don’t exist at the same place . So the light years required to reach them will also be different and according to the ship of theseus paradox


So some universes can be same as ours so these are connected by wormholes but the time is slow there ( very slow ) so we are actually travelling to other universe not the time

Because Time is not A Medium which can be travelled

i have a question for you if you are a time traveler so is time travel is publicly open and if not then is there any propose of you to be here i mean in this timeline and if yes or if this publicly open so how you have an account on email
The universe/multiverse whatever you would like to call is is terrifyingly big that is why no time traveler bothers to try to fix every universe a lot of them are devoid of life or doesn't have intelligent life anyways

See, the multiverse don’t exist at the same place . So the light years required to reach them will also be different and according to the ship of theseus paradox


So some universes can be same as ours so these are connected by wormholes but the time is slow there ( very slow ) so we are actually travelling to other universe not the time

Because Time is not A Medium which can be travelled
Do you find the thought of that terrifying sometimes?

Do you find the thought of that terrifying sometimes?
Usually No , because we only travel in universes which are alike and have similar frequencies . So the universe with a very different frequency there are no chance of the wormhole reaching there
