
* Update!

In reply to:

There is a channel six on the TV..


I just checked my TV! HEY PEOPLE! I HAVE A TV FROM THE FUTURE!!! Yep, mine's got Channel 6!
I just checked again, and you guys are NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS!

MY TV HAS OVER 700 CHANNELS! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

I think I am just about convinced by this fact that TTA is right about people manipulating us from the future! It is QUITE OBVIOUS that DirecTV is a force from the future, since they provide WAY more than 6 TV channels!

That's it! I'm joining TTA's cult....errr... I mean "club".
* Update to the Update!

2) There will be an astrological event around 2012 it will be both beautiful and deadly
At first, I must admit that I misread this prediction... probably due to my natural inferiority being the "stone age" man that I am here in 2006.

At first I thought it said ASTRONOMICAL event. But now that I see it is an ASTROLOGICAL event, I have some questions:

1) Are you SURE Cancer is still around, or do I now have to petition to become a Gemini (I HATE FISH!)

2) Did you read about this in someone's horrorscope?

3) Does Jeanne Dixon (bless her dead little corpse) agree with you?

4) If the Moon is in the 7th house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, will peace guide the planets? Will love steer the stars?

5) Is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?

I got a million of 'em! :D
(I can't get enough of this hoaxer!)

I think we need to call Cipher in on this one! Is it just my imagination or does my nose detect "Chronohistorian Classic" in Akasha's writing style?

Not you Kinky... I mean the ORIGINAL, unadulturated, non-sifted, unfiltered, FULL-STRENGTH, super-duper-overlord-king-of-the-galactic-empire Chronohistorian!

Did those Lizardmen clone him????
Re: * Update!


Yikes. Another hit and run time traveler. This one from the UK (I didn't go so far as to check the IP as Jim did. The "odd" useage of the language was a dead give away.)

Do Euros know something that we don't know or have they simply given up on life because that particular continent joined the Third World in 1940? They're so fatalistic...gloomy.

And it sounds like their space program is gonnna suck...according to what-ever this new TT's name is.

"Boring", "trite", "lack of original imagination" pretty well sums up this novella.

"Six channels" - now that was funny. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hey Akasha!
What does this picture represent?


It's what I think of your TT claim.
Euro Trash?

Hey Darb,
Do Euros know something that we don't know or have they simply given up on life because that particular continent joined the Third World in 1940?
I'd vote for the latter. And there may be a way to explain their gloom and doom outlook. The Euros can't feel too good about the fact that TWO world wars were allowed to erupt in their back yards. Ones that the US was called upon to help straighten-out. So by Euro-trash TT hoaxers always telling a story of a US civil war that will devastate us, perhaps it is their twisted version of trying to "even the score" between our continents? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif After all we have done to help Europe in the past, I find it a bit odd that so many Euros would cheer for a US downfall via civil war. Who will be around to help fix their next problem child?

And it sounds like their space program is gonnna suck...according to what-ever this new TT's name is.
Related side story: I work with and interact with a lot of aerospace engineers all around the world. And I have found an overwhelming tendency for many of my British counterparts to deride and scorn US aerospace failures without looking also at our accomplishments. In one online conversation with a Brit, he was making fun of and generally deriding NASA's loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter followed by the loss of Columbia in 2003. I politely asked him to tell me:

How many Brits (or Euros) have ever set foot on the moon?
How many British (or Euro) rovers have been successfully landed on Mars and explored well past their planned lives?

It got awfully quiet from him after that point. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
New/Improved RMT
Re: Euro Trash?

I gotta take issue with this.

that particular continent joined the Third World in 1940?

Europe is connected geographically to the third world, but if a United States of Europe were to form I think you Americans would find yourselves playing second fiddle.

I'd vote for the latter. And there may be a way to explain their gloom and doom outlook. The Euros can't feel too good about the fact that TWO world wars were allowed to erupt in their back yards. Ones that the US was called upon to help straighten-out. So by Euro-trash TT hoaxers always telling a story of a US civil war that will devastate us, perhaps it is their twisted version of trying to "even the score" between our continents?

RMT, you don't normally come out with stuff I disagree with, but here, c'mon. I think in WWI, you'll find resoundingly that although you joined the war, the vastly inexperienced and ill-trained american infantry was nought but cannon fodder for the german army. We definitely, beyond all doubt, were the major force in acheiving this victory.

In WWII, your help was a major part in the victory in both pacific and european theatres. We could debate all day on whether your involvement was the 'deciding factor', but I feel it would be disrespectful to the memory of all veterans, so we won't debate this.

After all we have done to help Europe in the past, I find it a bit odd that so many Euros would cheer for a US downfall via civil war. Who will be around to help fix their next problem child?

I personally don't want a US downfall, or civil war, just a national reshaping of morals and education.

After all you have done!?!? We aren't going over the WW's again, so what else have you done? Am I missing some key part of history? Many 'Euros', cheered for the downfall of the British Empire too, its no biggie. But really to the rest of the world, America is a massive time-bomb, threatening to engulf the world in war. Debate this if you want, but I think most, if not all, other nationalities (maybe even elements of your own) will agree that the US is more dangerous to the populace of The Earth than Iran ever will be, or Iraq or Vietnam or where ever the perceived 'Axis of Evil' appears to be.

Maybe its because after all you do and ever will do, most of you are still european's, ethnically, culturally, politically and linguistically. You should really be the 'exiled Euros' or the 'Euros in Denial'.

Here's a measure of the sentiment I should share with you; not my own opinion, but hey. I was recently talking with a French friend who said that there is a nationally murmurred joke about the US. Which basically states that if they could go back and decide not to enter The American War of Independence, then they would not (there is some punch line about what they would give, but I can't remember it). The significance? Well without France joining the war, Holland and Spain would never have done so, and you would not have won your independence at that time.

Re: Euro Trash?

I gotta take issue with this.
Sorry, GS. It should be clear that I was, indeed, generalizing, and whenever one generalizes they cannot claim their generalizations apply to each individual. And I didn't mean to insult you as if to say you, or "all" Euros think this way. I was just sharing my general view.
Europe is connected geographically to the third world, but if a United States of Europe were to form I think you Americans would find yourselves playing second fiddle.
And I think you could well be right. And I am one American (of many) who have and always will cheer for some kind of "United States of Europe" to take shape. I've had reason to be disappointed in how the EU has handled integration thus far. And I think quite a few Euro citizens might agree that things could be much improved. In fact, this area could branch off into an interesting discussion about what was really intended for a "New World Order"... much more basic, and much less evil, than conspiracy theorists contend. I think a lot of people around the would would love for a "real" United States of Europe to come about.
RMT, you don't normally come out with stuff I disagree with, but here, c'mon.
I don't disagree with your rebuttals, as I know they are from a Euro-centric view, just as mine are from an Ameri-centric view.
After all you have done!?!? We aren't going over the WW's again, so what else have you done? Am I missing some key part of history?
The financial support from the US to Europe to help rebuild after these two wars is often forgotten or minimized, not to mention the cost in American lives. If there is one thing we keep track of beyond body count in the USA, it is money. Some think we focus too much on money. But just think about how much money the USA spent on helping Europe rebuild after two world wars... and then consider how much of those "loans" were forgiven by us, the creditors (we basically canceled German debt... and they were the ones who started the war!). A lot of that was never demanded to be repaid. If we were to be the typical "bottom line" Americans that we are in the business world, the fiscal debt of Europe to the US would be quite significant. Many of us would simply consider it a good investment for our future... hoping that you will remain staunch allies, and help us in our times of need.
Maybe its because after all you do and ever will do, most of you are still european's, ethnically, culturally, politically and linguistically. You should really be the 'exiled Euros' or the 'Euros in Denial'.
Maybe. But for the most part we are composed of a European heritage that WILLFULLY LEFT Europe to build something better here. And the fact that, to this day, people still want to emigrate to the USA should be enough testament to the fact that people will always be willing to leave where they are if they think that can do better somewhere else.

As I say, I did not mean to insult you or any of my other Euro/UK friends (Hi Olly!). My overall point (as exhibited by my side story about US/UK space development competitiveness) is that sometimes there is heavy critcism of us here in the USA without a fair amount of deference to what we have been able to accomplish BECAUSE we take on great risks in what we choose to do. That's all.

New/Improved RMT
So this is the new breed of time travel claimants. You don't have to even try to convince anyone you're a time traveller, you just launch straight into all the mystical vague tellings of things to come.

Sheesh. Even hoaxers are getting lazy these days.
As I say, I did not mean to insult you or any of my other Euro/UK friends (Hi Olly!). My overall point (as exhibited by my side story about US/UK space development competitiveness) is that sometimes there is heavy critcism of us here in the USA without a fair amount of deference to what we have been able to accomplish BECAUSE we take on great risks in what we choose to do. That's all.

I wouldn't bother even addressing me anymore Ray. Don't even look at me! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif

Actually, I quite agree with your rant Mr Hudson. I dont look at a country through patriotic eyes - so i can say as much. Yes, it certainly was a willfull movement from (some more then others - especially Ireland) parts of Europe. Certainly their current situation at that time led them to want and literally NEED to create a better life. If anything (and possibly ironically) the UK is the biggest 'Euro' in denial. After all, what country steals the language from all the rest of europe, mess it up throughout the centuries - then force the rest of Europe to re-learn it under their 'economic muscle'. I think that the relativey rapid rise of the overall US economy says enough to silence the nay-sayers.

However, this still can't and won't stop me making the occasional cheeky 'Yank'
at US strings /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif!