
Temporal Novice

The 'heinous mistake' starts here: Genesis 1:1 re'shiyth 'elohiym bara' shamayim 'eth 'erets: "First God birthed air then land"

Genesis 1:1 has been offered up to the world as: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

How is man to reconcile ‘Heaven’ the land where we go after we die with ‘air’? Well, of course, he can’t, so he is left with no idea where or what Heaven is. And so this first intentional misrepresentation of ‘air’ as ‘Heaven’ has caused great confusion. And it gets worse, because from this point on ‘shamayim’ (air) is continually misrepresented as ‘the starry skies’ and ‘the vast expanse of heaven’ ‘the open firmament of heaven’ and so forth. By representing shamayim ‘air’ as ‘heaven’ it would seem, that ‘the starry skies’ (outer space) is the ‘Heaven’ where man goes after death. In Genesis 1:30 ‘shamayim’ (air) has been rendered ‘open firmament of heaven’: God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl may fly above the face of the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

Genesis 1:30 should read: …and fowl may fly above the face of earth in the open expanse of air. Face (paniyem) expanse (raqiya) air (shamayim).

And again, Genesis 1:26 … let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air … not ‘the fowl of the starry sky’!

Since ‘shamayim’ (air) has been misrepresented as ‘the starry sky’ many people have come to think of ‘outer space’ as ‘Heaven’ (where Jesus lives) which of course, it is not, ‘outer space’ is the place of exile. But this mistake serves Satan’s purpose hugely, for whereas ‘shamayim’ is merely ‘air’, ‘outer space’ is ‘tachtiy bowr machshak metsolah’ i.e. dark bottomless depths, the 'pit of outer darkness', the 'dungeon' of outer darkness, ‘the deep dungeon’ etc. It’s as though someone had taken the arrow that was pointing to Heaven and purposely turned it to point to Hell. The issue becomes: where was the arrow pointing to initially? For the answer one must turn to the pages of the New Covenant. And there is more, so much more, to trip you up in the old Covenant.

Transient said "Then It would be advisable to check out why the great fathers of the church made such a heinous mistake on grammar, which is ultimately important in the study of G-D and His Holy Words"

We mustn’t hold the Church Fathers responsible for ancient scrolls that were in place long before they arrived on the scene. Heaven is the ULTIMATE real estate; the ancients who pulled the wool over the eyes of the world when they turned the arrow to face away from Heaven and towards Hell wanted to reserve it exclusively for themselves, and as far as they were concerned the rest of the greedy world could go to Hell. Indeed Hell is represented as ‘sheol’ (the grave) from whence we rise to enter Heaven.

They certainly made the dungeon of outer darkness very enticing and exciting, it has every conceivable toy. Anyone seeing the razzle dazzle of Hell could be forgiven for mistaking it as Heaven. If you have fallen for these deadly words: ‘Look into the past and learn for the future’ you are probably very involved with a group which practices ‘hidden secrets’ of the Old Covenant (such as walking through walls), and places no importance on the New Covenant. In which case the ancient deception has begun to work on you.

Jesus turned the arrow to face towards Heaven again, but it has been almost impossible to overcome the influence of the old Covenant, to the end that millions of people still fear death and the grave and would seize at the chance for ‘immortality’ in the human body, or even the chance to prolong life for a thousand years... or two.

Before anyone opts for cold, dark outer space, they should remember this: Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light was good: and God severed the light from the darkness.

‘badal’ not merely 'divided' more at ‘sundered’ and ‘severed’.

P.S. Shard said: All this bible quoting gives me a headache

Sorry about your headache Shard, please, feel free not to read it, I won't be offended. Tolerate me for a little while longer, I will soon be gone.


Hello Chrio:
The 'heinous mistake' starts here: Genesis 1:1 re'shiyth 'elohiym bara' shamayim 'eth 'erets: "First God birthed air then land"

Genesis 1:1 has been offered up to the world as: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

How is man to reconcile ‘Heaven’ the land where we go after we die with ‘air’? Well, of course, he can’t, so he is left with no idea where or what Heaven is. And so this first intentional misrepresentation of ‘air’ as ‘Heaven’ has caused great confusion.
Very well, now let me share another interpretation of Genesis, if I may. You're free to tell me I will go to hell for such an interpretaion, just as I am free to not believe you if you do. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Genesis 1 is a treatise on science...physics, cosmology, and especially topology. It explains dimensionality and how we and our dimensionality came about through God's act of Creation. And so it teaches us the pattern of Creation. Note there are 31 verses in Genesis Chap 1. Note that there are 32 "paths" on the Qabalistic Tree Of Life (10 spheres, 22 actual pathways). The 31 verses represent the first 31 portions of Creation. The final element, sphere #10-Malkuth represents the Creation itself...#32, which is where Genesis 2 picks up.

But let's focus on Genesis 1, for there is an awful lot here that is attempting to be taught to us. In terms of Creation, how dimensionality arises, and where we emerge into dimensionality during this Creation, we can focus on four mathematically progressive verses: 1, 3, 9, and 27.

GEN 1:1-In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
I agree with your worry on these words, Chrio, but I don't think they are so "heinous". The real focus of this, the first movement is "God Created". It is the same principle of "first motion" that we follow when we create. "Air and Land" or "Heaven and Earth" are just analogical placeholders for expressing a duality. In this case, the duality that God Created is the duality of Non-physical (Heaven) and Physical (Earth). God wished to distinguish Himself, for the purpose of Love. And so He distinguished between the Kingdom of God (which could be thought of as Non-Physical...or even Transphysical....or perhaps more accurately Hyperphysical), and the Kingdom of Man (which is the physical kingdom).

GEN 1:3-And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
This is significant, as it is the first "God said...", so it represents the basis of His Creation of and in the Physical. It is also quite simple to understand: Light=Energy. This is telling us that the basis of what we, the physical Man, are is energy. And in addition, light is the most "perfect" and integrated expression of that energy. This, of course, aligns with what our dear friend Einstein told us about light. It is the fastest thing we know, and the highest frequency form of energy we know of (I a speaking of ALL light, not only the visible band). Light, which is Energy, is comprised of a matrix of three elements: Mass, Space, and Time. These are the 3 fundamental units which, when taken together, form energy. This is also one of the many ways that God appears as "Three Gods in One". Technically, the dimensional equation for energy is: E = (mass)*(space^2)/(time^2). These are, indeed, the basic units of E = mc^2.

GEN 1:9-And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear."
Since God is 3-in-1, Threes are important numbers. Geometric progressions of threes express the unfolding of dimensionality. And here, verse 9, is the first geometric progression of the initial 3, which is light, which is energy, which is Mass+Time+Space. When one "squares" this initial triplet of Mass+Time+Space, we find a 3x3 matrix is created. And indeed, we can see that this is true:

Mass = Electron + Neutron + Proton
Time = Past + Present + Future
Space = Length + Breadth + Depth

This is the 3x3 Matrix of physicality in our dimension. Now when one reads the words "water" and "dry ground" in this verse one might be tempted to apply it to only earth. But if we understand that Genesis is telling is how universal Creation came about, we can see that "dry ground" really means the heavenly bodies... planets, stars, and all the MATTER of the universe. Similarly, we can understand that "water" is referring to some sort of fluid, and a fluid flows, so it shows MOTION. This is the "superfluid" that is the background "dark energy" of our universe. We perceive that "space is empty", but it is not. Space is filled with this superfluid and it is in motion. Therefore, one could summarize by saying "our universe is a compendium of MATTER & MOTION, and it all exhibits itself within an integrated 3x3 matrix of Mass-Time-Space. All things we know physically are part of this matrix.

GEN 1:27-So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Prior to this verse, there were exactly 8 previous verses that began with "God said, 'Let...'". These statements made by God represent His acts of Creation in our level of dimensionality. And our dimensionality is the 3x3 matrix of Mass+Time+Space. This verse, 27, is significant because it is the next geometric progression of 3.... 3x3x3 = 27. And we see that this verse is speaking FROM THE REALM OF WHERE GOD IS (i.e. Heaven, if you will). Whereas God's prior Creative actions up to this point were by "saying", this act of Creating man is much more special, because God is Creating man in His own image & likeness. So God Creates us from His position in the higher dimension (3x3x3=27) and He infuses the Spirit of Himself into us. This is what links us, in our dimensionality, with God in His dimensionality "above" us. And just as God has dualistic male & female potencies in that dimensionality, so God Creates us as Male and Female in our dimensionality. The "image and likeness" of God that we are Created in is nothing other than the Tree Of Life itself. Our physical body is a Mass-Time-Space manifestation, and it has three triangular portions: A Cognitive triad (our head), a Locomotive traid (our chest/heart/lungs/arms), and a Reproductive triad (our pelvis/gonads/legs).

The other verses in Genesis 1 also have specific significance to other areas of science, but this "unfolding" of 1-3-9-27 is the sequence that describes the basic topology of our dimension, and the dimension from which God Created All.

Kind Regards,

How do we know that god created the earth?

Not trying to start the abmonable *open your eyes* thread again

just throwing out a possibility, How come it never mentions dinosaurs in the bible?

Was there any proof of god creating everything or are *we* (meaning you) just taking a namless aurthors word for it?

who wrote the bible any way? and why isn't his name on it? (I say his, because from what i know about that time period women couldn't do much)

Hi Keven:
How do we know that god created the earth?

Not trying to start the abmonable *open your eyes* thread again
I agree, let's not start that over again!

Maybe you are just getting upset with the word "God". That is understandable, as this one word can set a lot of people off. I was using this word mostly to stay within the spirit of what Chiro is trying to tell us about his interpretation of God via Genesis.

Let's not use the word God, and instead focus on the act of Creation. And let's use my favorite means to investigate Creation - the self-similarity fractal paradigm. At the level of you and your life, you know how to create things, right? You can paint a painting, build a house, design a spacecraft.... all humans possess the innate ability to create things. And this is the most important thing that we share with the person/thing/entity that created US.

What if the person/thing/entity that created us and everything we see around us "lives" in a higher dimension than we do? It would seem that such a person/thing/entity would have creative powers well more advanced than ours, right? I mean he/she/it IS at a higher dimensionality! Just like you have very advanced creative power in our dimensionality over lower dimensions. Think of a 2-D piece of paper: You have ultimate control and creativity of that piece of paper. You can draw a beautiful scene on it, which is an act of creation. You could also crumple the whole paper up, or even burn it. If there is any sort of form of life that lives in the dimensionality of that paper, it might look upon you as a form of god.

Now, if the thing that created us from a higher dimension loved us (and it seems reasonable to think that you and I would love things that we create...like children, right?) then perhaps this entity that created us would want to teach us the "secrets" of creation in our dimensionality...for the very purpose of helping us to create wonderful things, and to love them, within our dimensionality. This is the same way that parents want to teach their children to become loving and responsible creators in their adult lives.

The first chapter of Genesis can be viewed as information from this higher dimensional source that created us in this dimension. That Creator is passing along the "how to" manual for Creation and, at the same time, describing the concepts of interdimensionality, AND perhaps even how we can travel interdimensionally... and time is a dimension.

Are you following me? Kind Regards,

Creation implies the existence of a creator. I, myself, do not believe in a creator, no matter what you name it. Consequently every thread that deals with the bible, a creator or anything relevant will provoke a reaction like Keven's or mine. Personally I don't mind discussing the subject, but I understand that other people here don't want to start another thread like "Open your mind!".

I'm willing to accept the possible existence of other dimensions that we are not (yet) able to perceive.


I, myself, do not believe in a creator, no matter what you name it.

Even if it is named Roel van Houten? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You are a creator, are you not? Do you not create things? Who created that last message attributed to you?

You certainly don't have to believe in any sort of creator. But if you don't believe in the concept of creation, as the force that moves the universe.... well, what else is there to talk about? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif We will need to create a means to time travel, so it would seem talking about creation might help us understand how to create said time travel device.

Not giving you are hard time, nor am I trying to covert you to a religious belief....I am "baiting" you to think about what is means for you to create something....anything.

Kind Regards,


Let me rephrase that. I do not believe in a creator that created the universe, earth or mankind. That doesn't mean there's nothing left we can talk about.

People have the ability to create. Some more than others. Hopefully we'll be able to create a timetraveling device of somekind in the future, but I think the bible won't be of much help to us.


I don't know about you put my parents created me, and their parents created them, so on and so forth.

And evolution has more scientific facts backing it up instead of blind obidence, no meaning to offend.

Well, as once before, this forum is for time travel, and not a religious forum.
Apparently, mop will return sometime!

Well, as once before, this forum is for time travel, and not a religious forum.

I'm talking time travel! Can I help it that two of the world's major religions have held hostage a text that explains dimensionality and how to achieve interdimensional travel? Religions interpret Genesis to serve their own needs (which is often to control people). My point in sharing the interpretation I have is to offer an alternative (and more scientific) interpretation of Genesis to compare and contrast against Chrio's obvious religious interpretation.

Kind Regards,