A increasing percentage of Americans think aliens are to blame for UFOs.


Staff member
According to an insightful new survey on UFOs, more Americans are open to the idea that they might be extraterrestrial in origin, while they also express skepticism about the likelihood that we would ever encounter these hypothetical aliens. The website YouGov performed the fascinating survey of 1,000 adults in the US in the first few days of September. First, respondents were asked whether they believed UFOs to be caused by aliens, something with a "natural scientific explanation," or if they genuinely did not know. The responses were extremely divergent, with 34% of respondents supporting the well-known "ET" explanation, 33% the more conventional answer, and 34% having no idea what was going on.


According to a Newsweek poll, 34% of respondents believe that UFOs are from other worlds. In 1996, only 20% of people believed the phenomenon to be natural. Some people may be wondering if first contact with aliens is imminent in light of recent events involving government interest in unexplained aerial phenomena, but it seems that the majority of Americans are not nearly as hopeful. Only 7% of survey participants think we will come into contact with aliens in the next ten years, while 13% think it will happen in the next fifty. More individuals were pessimistic than optimistic, with 21% anticipating it to happen within a century and 28% expecting it to take two centuries.


66% of respondents speculated that these fictitious aliens are likely more technologically evolved than humans, while 17% proposed that this is not necessarily the case. Participants' perceptions of the intentions of the alien visitors are divided: 41% think they will be benign, while 35% worry they might be aggressive. The survey's funny final question compared respondents' beliefs in aliens to those in other "mythical beings," and it revealed that 57% of respondents said ETs exist either definitely or probably. Sadly, only 31% of respondents shared these opinions on Bigfoot, 28% thought the Loch Ness Monster might exist, and only 18% acknowledged the existence of the dreaded chupacabra.

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