Amazon is selling its "just walk out" tech to other stores

We used to have a man that delivered the ice for the icebox. Now we have refrigerator repair services. Used to put a cop on "every" street corner in the cities; now we have cameras that watch for the police. Humanity is always reinventing itself around the very technology it invents. We have a symbiotic relationship with our creations. Cell phones being an extreme example of the human race adapting to a big shift.

I just hope that they don't require a hand chip because I will refuse.

And automation will kill jobs, yes, so people need to go to school and get higher skilled jobs in robotics, computers, etc.

I just hope that they don't require a hand chip because I will refuse.
I've not been to one of these stores, but I think you just need the Amazon app on your phone.

people need to go to school and get higher skilled jobs in robotics, computers, etc.

I've not been to one of these stores, but I think you just need the Amazon app on your phone.
For now. I'm worried officials will get it in their heads that they can chip us to track us and hide it as a

way to conveniently pay. I think that is going to far!

The observation made by Jurassic Park character Ian Malcolm comes to mind , " Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. "
