As T-12 said, Creedo299 is not a pervert:


Epochal Historian
Because humans tack on sexuality as it overs ontop of irregularity, as by the say of T-12 who post here, contrary to T-12s statements that Creedo299 is a sexual pervert, to opposite is true.

T-12 had said in the past, that I had infracted for viewing any sort of erotica.

However the time and circumstances parsed, neurologically in reference to how T-12 said this, shows that T-12 has had transplaced moments himself.

So T-12s say, was modulated.

This is not a contest of will or a disagreement, but an attempt only to set the record straight, in concerns to all who visit this posting board.

T-12 said himself, concerning the jump training video, that the individual trainer with the cigar, showing the minor pool of gravity well within the photo of the jump film, looks directly like him.

Yes I agree, as his hair is blond, curly and the head geometry does appear to be that of T-12?

T-12s lineation in his line is said by his own volition to go well back to Atlantis.

My memories occurred exactly as Billy Meier's did concerning beam weaponry, the use of the gem bracelet's in the razing of a village, while in the service of the Atlantian Army.

I saw the houses burn, the people were inside of them, but I had no ability to stop what I was doing.

Maybe T-12 should look deeper into himself and not to ride me?