British 'Illuminati' attack Angelina Jolie!!! :(


Rift Surfer
British \'Illuminati\' attack Angelina Jolie!!! :(

It seems Jamie "The Naked Chef Moron" Oliver posed as a "reporter" asking Angelina Jolie about an interview request...

During the unsolicited phone call, JAMIE "The Naked Idiot" OLIVER, a BRITISH CITIZEN referred to Shiloh as "Piece of Sh*t"...

An obvious harassing attack by the British 'Illuminati"...

And where does OLIVER show up today! THE MARTHA STEWART SHOW on NBC/UNIVERISAL/GE!!!

Come on?!!!... Don't tell us their isn't a "Satanistic Illuminati" Conspiracy!!!???? :)

Be careful! Mr. Oliver! You might not want to "head butted" by angry Irish man or American. :)
<They love to do that stuff to the British!!!... :)> <You can easily break a nose that way..>

\'Illuminati\' attacking Hollywood???

It seems strange that the following has happened in the last few months and weeks...

o George Clooney Motorcycle Accident

o Dennis Qaud Twins Accidental Overdose

o Donde West alleged malpractice death

o Halle Berry run off the road by paparazzi

Maybe someone should keep a list of "close calls", "accidents" and "deaths" of famous people to see a pattern.

I wonder if they are all "democrats"...
