CONGRATS to Mars Phoenix Team!!!


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I can't possibly describe to you how exciting it is to watch a monumental aerospace event like landing a probe on Mars. And this one takes special significance to me as a control systems engineer, because this landing was a controlled jet-thrust landing, rather than an airbag uncontrolled crash landing. Accomplishing this feat of placing a probe safely on the surface of Mars via a controlled descent and landing is pretty much the HOLY GRAIL of aerospace vehicle engineering.

Well done to my colleagues at NASA and its contractors who made this happen. A job well done!
Im with you. That was a lot of work. One screw up and that whole project would of bit the martian dust. They deserve something for all that work. That was a lot of responsibility shooting that thing to mars and landing it too with thrusters. There is a reason why only 50% of landings make it and that is because there is a long long chain and at anywhere at any time one little mistake in that chain dooms the on thing if it is not caught. I for myself beleive that just making 50% of the landings is real good considering how many people are involved in making the whole project work. They did real good. Reactor