Do you see? A Titor Discussion Perspective


Temporal Novice
Civil war in the United States will begin in 2004 or 2005, as the result of increasingly oppressive police state tactics like warrantless searches and other violations of American civil liberties. It will become common for people to have their doors kicked in and homes violently invaded by police looking for evildoers. The Gestapo-style oppression of innocents by an increasingly oppressive and murderous government will be worst in the cities, so many people will seek refuge in the countryside, but police will soon enough seek them out there too. Civil war will emerge as a more or less continuous series of military sieges and confrontations resembling the Ruby Ridge and Waco police massacres of 1992 and 1993, and it will begin by 2004 or perhaps 2005 (it might not be obvious in the beginning what's actually happening). As time goes on the civil war will become more and more a continuous conflict between paranoid government forces headquartered in the cities, against perceived or imagined threats in the rural civilian population. The American government will wage war against its own citizens, winning most of the battles, but the battling will drag on for years. In the nuclear war of 2015 our cities will be primary targets, so the civil war will end then in favor of the rurals when the government and its domestic armies are destroyed. In this way the nuclear war will be regarded by the survivors as a good thing.

Call me a pushover, flame me, whatever, but reading, and researching every aspect of the technology, and global afairs, and the state of our society in regards to this years election, compounded with the controversies of the electronic voting system, I can see where someting very volatile could erupt in the latter part of this year.

We have our military overworked on foreign soils, fighting a people that really do not want us there, and are gaining in religious, and physical support every day. While this will not trigger an event as predicted, it does support a compounding of a bigger problem... public perception, and reaction to the events that led us into the war, which are now slowly trickling into public view.

If enough of the american public feel threatened by the outcome of an election where the winner is decided by electronic votes, which would only be compounded by being told they had no other choice that using the electronic method, I could see some public tension coming to our reality.

Now our news sources are indicicating that our government has decided it is time to pull a large chunk of our military forces from other countries, and bring them the homeland to serve active duty.
Current reports contend this recall of soldiers is due to global change in policy, or necessity to inhabit the world in the manner we have in the past, but do you think as citizens we would ever know if it was for any other reason if it was for something other than what was reported?

When it is considered how the passing of the patriot act gives sweeping new powers to the current government which was imposed by the current government, this current leadership winning an election by electronic measures could be very controversial, and intense, considering the current leadership wasn't really elected, but was appointed by legal means, which is possibly referenced in Titors' discussion.

Now theorize that the current leadership not only wins, and wins by electronic votes, but immediately following winning the election and controversy has erupted, the leadership amends the patriot act to entail even more laws that strip even more liberties from the people, and make the government even more powerful.

Do you not see the potential for a volatile situation?

Have a look on CNN, or goole for "Bush Protestors detained", "Bush Protestors questioned".
You'll find that everyday people, who are doing nothing more than excersizing their freedom to assemble, are being treated like terrorists. Americans excersizing their constitutional rights.. being confronted like terrorists,.. ie... Waco events.

As far as the scientific aspect of the technology used in said discussion, anyone who rationalizes their argument with "It's just not possible" should really look back 75 years, when someone mentioned going to the moon. Like human evolution, technological evolution is inevitible, and is advancing at a rate like never before.

There are more scientific projects dealing with things of such nature than the general public will ever now about, and it will continue to be the case.

If a mass poll was setup for every american citizen to be able to participate in, asking the question "If a Civil War broke out in 2005, which side would you take, the governments, or citizens,?" Which side do you think would take the polls' majority votes?

I stand to one view on all of the Titor discussions, and one alone.

Whether fact, or fiction, it is chilling to see the similarities in current events spoken of 4 years prior to the fact.

If any of you have really done your research on the politcal pulse of the nation, combined with the technological aspect of the discussions, you'll find it disturbing, fact, or fiction.
I find it peculiar with all of the debating and speculatory minds within this board that I haven't had one reply since I made this post.

Could this be an indicator of some people really thinking about the possibility of this whole Time Travel Theory?

You people should really pay close attention to the experiments at CERN labs.

The 'gravity' of the research is very interesting, to say the least. =-)
From an engineering standpoint outside of the said microsingularities, I must say the following.

What one has to look at with respects to the said shown G.E. time displacement unit, that was supposedly used by John Titor, is the placement of two said Tippler Cylinders.

Simple question is, how do they work?

Most engineering students would say, that they are probably a series of high precision machined cylinders, within a cylinder, possibly a spooled inlay or rare Earth magnets.

These magnets, when the cylinders are rotated and moved over one another, would give the approximation of a Kerrs double black hole, or doublearity, or an approximation.

This action may not be the single microlarity, however something more invested in a broader stance?

This also might not be a said stable platform, but an apparatus that is very hard to use?

There was a said incident on, to where a person fitting Titor's general description, had asked for technical help, as he said one of his time machines broke down.

This may have been Titor, so the G.E. said time displament unit, may not be all that it's cranked up to be?
As opposed to thinking this unit may not be all it is cranked up to be, I would speculate that it, like any other mechanism created by man, has a specified limited usage lifetime before intense maintenance.

Think in the sense of quality control, and the potential for an individual to be sent through using equipment that was not up to quality approval standards, or was possibly sent back in such a rushed manner that it was a risk that had to be taken.

In that scenario, I could see an individual asking for help from the brightest minds in the aforementioned worldline, in efforts to complete the task at hand, while not dislosing too much information to the minds of this worldline.
All electronics boards on such a proposed device, must be subject to large scale integration.

This means planners and a large LSI white lucent board.

This also could mean project managers and mission planners?