

Quantum Scribe
What is Einstein@home?

Einstein@Home is a project developed to search data from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (LIGO) in the US and from the GEO 600 gravitational wave observatory in Germany for signals coming from extremely dense, rapidly rotating stars. Such sources are believed to be either quark stars or neutron stars, and a subclass of these are already observed by conventional means as pulsars or X-ray emitting celestial objects. Scientists believe that some of these compact stars may not be perfectly spherical, and if so, they should emit characteristic gravitational waves, which LIGO and GEO 600 may begin to detect in coming months.

Bruce Allen of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's (UWM) LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) group is leading the development of the Einstein@Home project.

Einstein@Home is one, small part of the LSC scientific program. It is being set up as a distributed computing project, which means that it relies on computer time donated by private computer users like you to search for gravity wave-emitting compact stars.

This project is still very much active, and one I just started running on my second PC:

This is pretty easy to set up if you’re interested in joining, and there are some other projects you can donate your CPU time to as well.


I just started going with this, and once I earn a “credit” I’ll create a Time Travel Institute Team people can join 🙂 I’ll update this thread then!

In the meantime, it’s just signing up on the main Einstein site and downloading the client from here:

Yeah that one used the same client download as above, but that project looks to be dead now:

I remember running some SETI@home stuff on TPN and Paranormalis at some point though, was fun wondering whether I’d be the one to find something LOL.
Yeah, the thrill of maybe finding something was awesome. Even though the chances of finding anything were near zero. lol