Fishing and Baseball


Chrono Cadet
Rainman Time,

Is temporal fishing anything like cosmic baseball?

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Hi Persephone,

Is temporal fishing anything like cosmic baseball?
Oh yes, I think there could be some similarities between them. However, I do know at least two ways that they are different:

1) In temporal fishing, no one ever calls you out!
2) Cosmic baseball may have an infield fly "rule", whereas in temporal fishing anything related to the fly is really just a guideline.

Kind Regards,
To Rainman Time,

You cracked me up.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong

If you teach me how to lay a bunt down at the edge of the galaxy, I can teach you how to land the elusive Timetrout!

One would surmise that your elusive time trout resides in the cosmic stream of consciousness.

Instead of having a rod and reel in your hand, try a fastball to stun the consciouness of the trout, and when he comes to hold on for dear life as you traverse the cosmos.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"The second Century BC Greek scholar Apollodorus suggests that the Eleusinian Mysteries began sometime during the 15th Century BC The Homeric Hymn to Demeter tells the tale on which the cult is built. The goddess Demeter, daughter of Kronos and Rhea has her own daughter, Persephone, kidnapped by Pluto, god of the underworld. Demeter goes to Eleusis and interacts with its people. Eventually her Persephone is returned and the people of Eleusis honor the goddess with a temple that becomes the focal point for the Mystery rites. It is on one level a relic (and a portent?) from the matrifocal stage of our collective history. Demeter is the goddess of agriculture, fertility and marriage. In a remarkable example of historical secrecy the core experience of the initiation rite has remained unknown for thousands of years"
Trout slapping, though it enlivens the crowd at the field, gets one called out of the game by the Ump.

Better sit it out till next season.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Hope your stats pick up next season and you catch at least a few goalies.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
e your stats pick up next season
Hey Kevin,

Yes, someone could make a rule book for this, but the problem is that the rules are always in flux, and it would be an entirely new book of rules each time you look at it, as it would be an entirely new instant in time. Kind of a mystery like the expanding universe. Kind of spooky like Schrodinger's kitty.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding
Oops...You spelled Keven's name as Kevin...make note of that, as he really much prefers the proper spelling. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Yes, someone could make a rule book for this, but the problem is that the rules are always in flux, and it would be an entirely new book of rules each time you look at it, as it would be an entirely new instant in time. Kind of a mystery like the expanding universe. Kind of spooky like Schrodinger's kitty.
Very well put.

Another way to describe would be that the rules would follow the Butterfly Effect, and follow the precepts of Chaos Theory and fractals. Small changes in one part of the rules would have drastic effects in other parts of the rules. Quantum entanglement, with a highly non-linear change space!

Actually, this applies to current technology development, and the eventual perfection of "zero point, ultra-efficient energy production devices" as well as understanding time and how to accomplish time travel. The key concept could be stated in terms of anything one calls a closed-loop system:

Exploiting small changes in one factor of a closed-loop system, can yield very large, specific (designable, useable) responses in other aspects of the system. This is the key aspect of Chaos Theory that will develop unbelieveably advanced, intelligent, and effective products.

Watch for them...coming to a neighborhood and galactic center near YOU! :D

Please accept my deepest apologies for misspelling your name. I really stuck my foot in it, as I too dislike to have my user name misspelled.

(And thank you to Rainman Time for pointing my error out to me. I guess I struckout in this inning)


If only someone could calculate a fractal equilibrium, meaning the rise and fall of cyclical events. Somewhat like predicting earthquakes or forrest fires. (See book entitled "Ubiquity"). We could then outline the statistical range of cause and effect ("butterfly" magnitude), and therefore know before launching a spacial/temperal journey or manipulation, the risks or worst case scenario.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Yikes! Such violence from an intellectual. Thanks for the pardon.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
Rainman Time,

Ooooh, do tell me what you think and/or know is to come?

"Exploiting small changes in one factor of a closed-loop system, can yield very large, specific (designable, useable) responses in other aspects of the system. This is the key aspect of Chaos Theory that will develop unbelieveably advanced, intelligent, and effective products." says Rainman Time

Are you referring to nanotechnologies? Quantum computers?

My mind is racing with anticipation.

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong
One might be able to conduct a simulation with a computer program, but that would be impossible since one would need all infromation in the universe present and future,

What I mean by this if you say, stopped WWIII but by doing so one of the soliders who was supposed to die went to become a scientist who had helped in the creation of a new space engine, which then lead to the creation of better ones and many years down the road when we were going to an alien planet the engine gave out and crashed and killed the leader, then they came and blew up the world, that would be bad.

So it would be impossible to know what things we might trigger with changing our past or present.

Kind of like Murphys Law
Hi Persephone:

Are you referring to nanotechnologies? Quantum computers?

Yes, these sorts of things...but so much more. What I am referring to is an entire "mindset shift" in how we view our universe. Our recorded human history has always been marked by major discoveries. Such discoveries placed our prior beliefs about the universe into a much bigger context. The best example is Einstein's revolution of relativity. Prior to Einstein, the Newtonian equations of motion were how we viewed Massive SpaceTime interaction. Einstein showed us a larger context, where E=mc^2 was the "superset" that contained F=ma as a "subset".

Linearity, and our beliefs that everything in the universe is linear just because that is how we perceive things, is what is crumbling around us. Chaos Theory arrived on the scene in the 70s (at least being able to compute its effects). At the heart of this theory is the concept that every process is "closed loop", even though it may not seem so from limited observations. The more you widen your perspective, the more you see that any linear response is a "local phenomenon" that is embedded in a much larger closed-loop system that can exhibit highly non-linear behavior. Learning how to uncover non-linearities and tap into them is already the hallmark of advanced science.

The view that Time is a linear function of "cause vs. effect" is not, and never has been, the whole truth. It is only the truth as our limited senses report it to us. It is a subset of a wider truth, and the folks that have tried to keep the lid on (people who make $ off the supposition of a linear world) will not be able to prevent this message from getting out.

Kind Regards,
So it would be impossible to know what things we might trigger with changing our past or present.

Plus, if we're to accept the existence of other worldlines, any calculation would be wrong and right at the same time. For instance, lets assume you can calculate the effects of a certain event. The outcome might be right on one worldline, but the effect could be totally different on another.