Georgia Guidestones attacked


Staff member

If you're visiting a site like this, hopefully you know what these are. For the uninitiated, the guidestones are a monument in Georgia of engraved stones arranged in a stonehenge-like configuration. On these stones are 10 guidelines, the face of each stone bearing these same guidelines in various languages. Those guidelines are:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule Passion — Faith — Tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature

It's associated with a lot of NWO/Great Reset conspiracies and was attacked at about 4AM this morning, taking out at least one of the stones:

It didn't completely collapse, but there's still time.

It should have been demolish sooner.

The Folks that are running everything behind the scenes are getting bolder and bolder.

The Chinese Government bought 500 Square acres in south Texas, Planned invasion of sorts.

The Davos crew could care less ABOUT who knows about the Great Reset. This inflation was engineered.

The Hunter Biden Laptop is so incriminating that Joe Biden Should have Never been allowed to have been on the ballot. And Then if they Attempted to steal the election with Burney Sanders everyone would seen through their hogwash. The Geogia Guidestones Were A DECLARATION OF WAR to U.S. Citizens.

Your Freedom will be Lost Along with 95% of your Lives and you will be our SLAVES and we will be your Masters.

But There are More Of Us than there are of them. So we Just have to get a list of the 1% OF THE 1%.

The Dedicated Group of Population Control advocates, THE ULTRAWEALTHY and water board them until they give up the goods. Who cares about their money, This Place is Temporary.

THE LORD could be Very Displeased with me talking like this.

Some of these people are just normal humans that have fallen prey to the trap of Following lucifer and their evil schemes , while others in these groups are hybrid humans. These hybrid humans have some form of Fallen Angel DNA. These are they of in History have been shown to pick up a lion like a house cat, These People have been depicted in Egyptian Carvings in Pyramids and temples. Also in Mesopotami. These people are born with 6 fingers and 6 toes and double rows of teeth. They are immensely Beautiful, but would rather kill you than look at you. Alot of them could very well be perfectly possessed a term created by a Father Malachi Martin in his interviews with ART BELL Radio show.

I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, and your post probably has more truth in it than anyone might first suspect. The world is changing and we get to watch it happen/be part of it. But Darkness will never prevail because They underestimate Light at every turn. God always wins.
I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, and your post probably has more truth in it than anyone might first suspect. The world is changing and we get to watch it happen/be part of it. But Darkness will never prevail because They underestimate Light at every turn. God always wins.
What has to happen for evil to prevail, For Good Men to Do Nothing.

GOD, has to have men and women that have set their minds on HIM. They have to bring up their children in the word of GOD, To Hear HIS Voice in Their heart. Where do you see the educational system encouraging young boys and girls to Hear GOD’S Voice in their hearts. When they took Teaching the Bible Out of Public School there was a Reason for That.

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I was an ART BELL show Fan for a long time. I also bought an Hyper Dimensional Resonator From Steven Gibbs. I have been attempting to travel not physically but, what do they call it…outside of your body back in time. Those dang Steven Gibbs instructions are crazy to try to decipher. They are so strange. I also have to try to create a negative magnetic field to go backwards in time and a positive magnetic field to go forward in time. I am a completely A Nube when comes to all this science, what also scares me is that Steven Gibbs doesn’t exactly tell you how to have the HDR Hyper Dimensional Resonator come with you when you travel physically.

I remember the Stories of the Philadelphia Experiments that the U.S. Navy conducted in the Philadelphia bay, about how they created those magnetic fields to try to make the Navy Ship invisible to Radar.

And it also phreaks me out that I have been in that bay In Philadelphia, 5 months of Naval Damage Control Training Center, “HT” A School Philadelphia, PA September 1994-98.

If anyone has any expertise in this arena, I would truly appreciate your help.

1) How to Create a negative magnetic field? How many I would need to completely travel NOT physically,

only out of body travel?

2) what frequency would the magnetic fields have to be set at?

3)Does anyone have better instructions on how to bring the HDR with you Physically.

I do have some reservations on Attempting this, but I think the rewards are worth the risks involved.

I wish this was all a joke, but Nope it’s not. I really am trying to recreate a out of body jump into the past to give myself messages and options to do things differently. I waisted all of my GI Bill on Welding and I am no longer a welder. I went to Rescue Swimmer School and Learned Medical training, could have used my GI Bill for Nursing school. I got in trouble my last 6 months before leaving the NAVY, I could have got a chance to try out for BUD/S Training. My GOOD friend got me into more trouble and had to go to Captain‘s Mast.

My ASVAB score was an 85 back then not the greatest but, it was okay. I could have tried out for the SEABEES or for SWCC boats

I spoke to Gibbs a couple years ago on the ph for about 30 mins he never actually said the hdr goes with you as far as i can recall.
I spoke to Gibbs a couple years ago on the ph for about 30 mins he never actually said the hdr goes with you as far as i can recall.
Really, That is Awesome That you Spoke with Him, What was he like? He sounded kinda a little confused when I heard him on his interviews on The ART BELL Show. There was another Time T. That had build his machine into a S-10 pickup truck. That was a different person than Steven Gibbs. That guy would just take his truck with him whatever time he went into.

The instructions that came with my unit have no page numbers to go by, just sections how to do certain things, in his instructions there is a small section that describes how to program the unit to come with you.

I worry that I will do something that will make me go Physically and not have a way to get back. If I do it in my timeline I could watch myself grow up, I guess that wouldn’t be so bad, but what how to get home after that.

I was warned to listen and watch what i said as he could go off on a tangent or be very suspicious of people probably for good reason.

It took a few weeks to get onto him as i dont live in the USA and timezones where off and sometimes he never answered. But on a Sunday 6am one weekend he answered after i left a message said who i was and rang back.

We spoke about crystals and their usage and the stick finger reaction.

I was warned to listen and watch what i said as he could go off on a tangent or be very suspicious of people probably for good reason.

It took a few weeks to get onto him as i dont live in the USA and timezones where off and sometimes he never answered. But on a Sunday 6am one weekend he answered after i left a message said who i was and rang back.

We spoke about crystals and their usage and the stick finger reaction.
That’s another thing, the stick finger reactions are not real precise. And how to use the unit for healing.

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Awesome, I saw the small video they made about how it was paid for, and who the person was that arrived in the bank was acting. How he never wanted anyone to disclose his identity.

A yt that i subscribe to

Mayhem, Do you think that there will be a planned response from the folks that built them?

Like they know that everyone has received the message by now.

Do they have a planned response like could try to run a bill through Congress that would turn over the control of the internet to the United Nations, or the laws were changed so that you can actually run propaganda through the TV Networks instead of REAL new. OOOH WAIT A MINUTE BARRY SOETORO ALREADY DID THAT BEFORE HE LEFT OFFICE in his second term. But Something Like That?

I was warned to listen and watch what i said as he could go off on a tangent or be very suspicious of people probably for good reason.

It took a few weeks to get onto him as i dont live in the USA and timezones where off and sometimes he never answered. But on a Sunday 6am one weekend he answered after i left a message said who i was and rang back.

We spoke about crystals and their usage and the stick finger reaction.
Having to try to speak what you want to happen, then be touching the rubbing plate then adjusting the Numbers on the unit, you really don’t know exactly what the effects will be. I keep expecting to have vivid dreams that will actually be me in time in the past. Giving myself information in the past. But I think that I just need to see someone actually do a whole process completed.
