if you could go back....


Temporal Novice
<font color="purple"> if you could go back, would you stay there? and re-live everything but do it all differently? so obiovusly the outcome of the future would be different? would you use knowledge from the future to help you..........? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif [/COLOR]
I'd go back to the 1960's. The only problem is that it doesn't last. In fifty years I'd be right back in this time (assuming I lived that long).

You can't imagine what an open place the country was just fifty years ago. L.A., Phoenix, San Franscisco were like different worlds. There was hope for the future and a sense of optimism (that stopped dead in the 1980's).

The key to this is simple: there were fewer people.
Man I would love to do college all over again! This time around I would choose the other chick I liked and see how things go with her.. tehehe
I would go back and change everything in my life school, women mistakes ive made also have a little chit chat with my youngerself
I would like to go back to 2004 and live from there on, this is really what got me interested in TT. Mostly to relive certain things, and of course do somethings different.
That begs another question then, because if anyone did or could go back, why do you think you would like yourself any better then? And if enough people went back, perhaps it all just end up worse than it was before anyone had gone back. Because if one of you can go back and change things or do things differently, then many people should be able to go back and change things again.

As sad as it is, we all are just stuckies in this inertial frame of reference and dragged around with the Planet. Better to go on now since most people should realize that so as to make the future better rather than worse. Perhaps it has to do with that problem or probability of Trust.
The past is easier because you know more about it than the future.

If you are a 4th grader it is easier to go back to 3rd grade than to jump ahead to 7th. You will struggle if you jump into the future because the technology is different.
Hi. I bet many of us would like to go back and change things in the past that we regret having done. You might want to check out some of my comments on "Changing the Past." It is on Louise Hauck website (I'm one of her apprentices.) My username on that website is mozart1234. She is wonderful to work with on metaphysics. Anyway, the past, present, and future is ONE. I believe that all three are changing. By going back to the past and changing it is creating another time line. But....I also believe that all timelines affect each other just as I believe that, in the "string theory," all alternate universes that are created are not isolated from one another but have impact on each other as a pebble does when it is tossed into the water. I believe we can toggle back and forth between the past and the present. Astral travel is probably the best vehicle. The question then is whether or not we return to this present timeline or an alternate present timeline. I would say we, no doubt, return to the alternate present timeline. I think this is one way to raise the vibes of people we have been "not so kind to." /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]
i'll rather come back to 1997 and tell someone "i love you"
or back to Song Dynasty in China as a bard.
Hey people...what's going on... This is my first of many posts in the forum...

I've always been fasicinated with the idea of time travel ever since I was little and I saw the original time machine from 1960 with Rod Taylor (I'm 24) then I became a bigger fan of time travel when I saw the Back to the Future movies.

Now with that said... I would go back to to 5 weeks ago and prevent the death of my girlfriend. She was killed on May 25th and everytime I think about what happened to her I wish I had a Delorian with a flux capacitor or something that would aide me in saving her... I've done a lot of dumb [censored] in my life that I would wanna change but after she was killed those events seem very insignificant. Only yesterday I found out about the story of John Tritor and after reading his posts and seeing the diagrams of his "time machine" and reading about the research that CERN is doing I feel confident that mankind is closer to time travel. His story might be a hoax and a good hoax at that but I believe with the information he left about his time machine, even though it might take a couple of years, one can be built.
go back and stay? no thanks, i hate reruns. and the first thing i changed would affect everything that follows.

imagine a complex gear setup. moving one part will immediately affect the whole construction. shooting your grandpa wouldn't work, because something would happen to prevent it.
Hi IMthatGUY, i'm so sorry to hear that.
For me, i'd like to go back my chirldhood, just like what said in stratovarius's forever: memories go back to childhood, to days i still recall...
if you could go back, would you stay there?

I don't think a parallel cycle works that way...
superconscious cognitive-shifting anyone?

(not to be confused with a cognitive shift..thx but no thx).
You never know when the punch to the side of the face will happen..

Thanks anyway.. mine was killed January 25th.

(even though, I know he wont read it)

Just making a point, who says ya cant time travel.
if i could travel back in time i would be a National Heroe because i will show the Gouvernment the videos and pictures from 9/11 and other huge disasters around the world like the Tsunami,etc, so i can be famous and also i would warn evryone about this worldwide economic crisis we all are facing like Andrew Carlssin did a few years ago(he was a hoax,but he was so damn right:)),and i will do exactaly what andrew's store says,I will become the richest guy on earth,hahahahaha /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

by the way i'm just kidding about the last part /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.but definitively I would like to become a very important person in my past,thanks /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif