Temporal Novice
This forum would make an interesting study on the skeptics.

July 15, 2013 - Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events.

The most recent study was published on July 8th by psychologists Michael J. Wood and Karen M. Douglas of the University of Kent (UK). Entitled “What about Building 7? A social psychological study of online discussion of 9/11 conspiracy theories,” the study compared “conspiracist” (pro-conspiracy theory) and “conventionalist” (anti-conspiracy) comments at news websites.

The authors were surprised to discover that it is now more conventional to leave so-called conspiracist comments than conventionalist ones: “Of the 2174 comments collected, 1459 were coded as conspiracist and 715 as conventionalist.” In other words, among people who comment on news articles, those who disbelieve government accounts of such events as 9/11 and the JFK assassination outnumber believers by more than two to one. That means it is the pro-conspiracy commenters who are expressing what is now the conventional wisdom, while the anti-conspiracy commenters are becoming a small, beleaguered minority.

New Study: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Sane, Government Dupes Crazy
"Psychologist Laurie Manwell of the University of Guelph agrees that the CIA-designed “conspiracy theory” label impedes cognitive function. She points out, in an article published in American Behavioral Scientist (2010), that anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly about such apparent state crimes against democracy as 9/11 due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing belief."
"Psychologist Laurie Manwell of the University of Guelph agrees that the CIA-designed “conspiracy theory” label impedes cognitive function. She points out, in an article published in American Behavioral Scientist (2010), that anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly about such apparent state crimes against democracy as 9/11 due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing belief."

Just look at the facts. Conspiracy theorists have nothing but theories. And the government as usual issues a cover story to coverup government incompetence. And the behavior and actions of the government does indicate that they don't have a clue who is behind 9/11. So if you have any kind of belief other than existing facts, then you also are cognitively impaired.
The authors were surprised to discover that it is now more conventional to leave so-called conspiracist comments than conventionalist ones: “Of the 2174 comments collected, 1459 were coded as conspiracist and 715 as conventionalist.” In other words, among people who comment on news articles, those who disbelieve government accounts of such events as 9/11 and the JFK assassination outnumber believers by more than two to one. That means it is the pro-conspiracy commenters who are expressing what is now the conventional wisdom, while the anti-conspiracy commenters are becoming a small, beleaguered minority.

Just right off the bat, the facts cited here and the conclusion stated here are already problematic. It appears to imply that these 2174 comments collected represent a cross section of the entire public. But clearly it cannot. It can only represent a cross section of those people who elected to leave a comment. The experimental design appears to have nothing in it that guards against the bias that primarily it is those who hold conspiracy theories that care enough to leave a comment. When in fact, we know that people who believe a conspiracy is behind everything are the ones who scream the loudest (leave the most comments) all over the internet (i.e. the internet nutjobs far outweigh more reasonable people who likely keep their opinions to themselves rather than reveal themselves as do internet nutjobs).

As Darby would no doubt point out, you need a random sample of the entire population to make the claim cited above. But what they have is a random sample of only the population that cared enough to post a comment about a story. I have not bothered to click thru and read their entire paper, because if this is their conclusion and how they present it, there are likely several other errors either in experimental design, or inferring conclusions from the data.

Just right off the bat, the facts cited here and the conclusion stated here are already problematic. It appears to imply that these 2174 comments collected represent a cross section of the entire public. But clearly it cannot. It can only represent a cross section of those people who elected to leave a comment. The experimental design appears to have nothing in it that guards against the bias that primarily it is those who hold conspiracy theories that care enough to leave a comment. When in fact, we know that people who believe a conspiracy is behind everything are the ones who scream the loudest (leave the most comments) all over the internet (i.e. the internet nutjobs far outweigh more reasonable people who likely keep their opinions to themselves rather than reveal themselves as do internet nutjobs).

As Darby would no doubt point out, you need a random sample of the entire population to make the claim cited above. But what they have is a random sample of only the population that cared enough to post a comment about a story. I have not bothered to click thru and read their entire paper, because if this is their conclusion and how they present it, there are likely several other errors either in experimental design, or inferring conclusions from the data.

You're crazy. :eek:
Here is my point of view.

- People are blind.

- Conspiracists (lol at this term meaning conspiracy theorists) are people who know the truth but they don't know how, who and why.

- The Government try to keep the people calm and sedulous to what they tell to make and let be the system that is enriching them.

- Conspirators are those who act to dismiss the people, to achieve their plans.

Because of their ignorance most of the conspiracists work hand in hand with the conspirators by putting names on the theories and by dismissing more and more people.

We do not believe anybody yet.

So that is the present now let me tell you what can be our future :

Option 0 : The people dismiss more and more and the war will come over again to achieve the conspirators plan : Ordo Ad Chaos - to divide and conquer.

Option 1 : The people through awareness start to think in harmony, to cogitate and live to gather.

That's why conspiracists live in a better way because they know what not to do : hating.

But many of them are not knowing that they must love everybody, and not hate people they suspect.

That was Gandhi's fight : Prove the inhumanity by his courage and honor, facing the armed idiot with any fear.
Personally, I don't think government conspiracy is even possible. We live in the presence of government idiocracy. The reason for that is because they are the product of our public education system. In reality a persons IQ just stands for Idiot Quotient.
Personally, I don't think government conspiracy is even possible. We live in the presence of government idiocracy. The reason for that is because they are the product of our public education system. In reality a persons IQ just stands for Idiot Quotient.
Since my identification with the characters, who were watching a movie,
in the movie Idiocracy is mainly due to my preoccupation with judging
the speed of four-legged animals based on their hind quarters, I know
your namesake would never have believed the ‘magic bullet theory.’

Mentioned by Prism and quoted by Rainman Time was "the JFK assassination",
which was set in the cold war era. Of Congressional Record that year, 1963, was
The Takeover of America.” From “The Naked Communist,” by Cleon Skousen:

The bigger picture?
JFK II (Full movie)

See, too,
Alex Jones Movie (2002) - 911 - The Road To Tyranny - Full version
with an overview from ~ 2 to 8 minutes therein.
More about our fascist government:
EndGame HQ full length version
Is one a "nutjob" for seeking truth,
for differentiating between science and fiction?

Lol... On this website you might be labelled as such. The fun part is learning what is actually a fact. Surprisingly it appears that not many people can differentiate between a fact and a belief.

For instance: Science and Fiction. Aren't they one in the same?
Lol... On this website you might be labelled as such. The fun part is learning what is actually a fact. Surprisingly it appears that not many people can differentiate between a fact and a belief.

For instance: Science and Fiction. Aren't they one in the same?
That's one you'll have to answer for yourself.
We do not need any answer to the question 'is there a global conspiracy" because if there is not there can and will be one.

We are divided nation electing people for reign and conquer.

Because we are in an idiocracy they can do anything to help their networks or to achieve their plans. People react like we ask them through education : they do not give any interest into the reality of what people(government & finance) are doing because they believe so much in the system we learned them. They think everything is gonna be alright without doing anything. They do not give any interest into things that TV is not telling them !
Most of the best scientists believe in god, civilization existed really long before we believe, the holy books are the compilations of the old science - but no if it was true - TV would have told us...

Let do some conclusions...
What happens ?
Do the whole system is based on the negation of god and on the holy power of money ?
Don't we think that we are right to do anything ?
Don't we act against the life itself ?
Aren't we running on head ?
If you follow conspiracy theories to their final conclusion, the it becomes plainly clear that you are instigating the removal of mankind from the face of the earth. All based on the belief that conspiracy theories are real. The very concept of a theory falls under the category of "Let's make believe".

So by all rights then conspiracy theorists are terrorists hellbent on destroying mankind.

Now if I could just use the same line of reasoning for scientific theorists, then maybe we could eliminate the concept of theory altogether.

Let's face it, the concept of "Let's make believe" is fine for entertainment. But it has no place in contributing to the advancement of science.
Only a demonstration by illumination can lead us to the truth of life. Self-constructing against "conspiracy" would lead us to be the same by opposition/negation. The Communism and the Liberalism are two ideas that are considered as opposite but they are leading to the same capitalism !

The way is shining in our heart, but our heads are hypnotized... The power of life and the knowledge reside in the faith in self. From this assertion the faith in your citizens will come and the equality (total-sharing and thrive) will result from fraternity (love) and liberty (justice)...

The Demons are in our heads.
The Angels, our hearts.
Syzygy said: ↑
Is one a "nutjob" for seeking truth,
for differentiating between science and fiction?

Einstein said:
Lol... On this website you might be labelled as such. The fun part is learning what is actually a fact. Surprisingly it appears that not many people can differentiate between a fact and a belief.
For instance: Science and Fiction. Aren't they one in the same?
#12 above

Einstein said:
If you follow conspiracy theories to their final conclusion, the it becomes plainly clear that you are instigating the removal of mankind from the face of the earth. All based on the belief that conspiracy theories are real. The very concept of a theory falls under the category of "Let's make believe".
So by all rights then conspiracy theorists are terrorists hellbent on destroying mankind.
Now if I could just use the same line of reasoning for scientific theorists, then maybe we could eliminate the concept of theory altogether.
Let's face it, the concept of "Let's make believe" is fine for entertainment. But it has no place in contributing to the advancement of science.
#16 above

It is apparent that you have absolutely no understanding of the concept of "theory" and I shall give up trying to explain it thru word or even example, but I do not blame you for your lack of understanding. You are a product of the education system's failing, as pointed out by Darby and Rainman Time on several occasions. I mentioned in an earlier post, perhaps I may look for it... that the term theory is erroneously and flippantly applied to any idea set forth by nearly anyone, scientist, media persona, or John Q Citizen on the internet ( nut-jobs and non-nut-jobs alike). Applying the term theory to any sort of poppy-cock offered by any of those previously mentioned, devalues the term to the point where someone, like you, disparages "all" theories.
You point out...
Einstein said:
Surprisingly it appears that not many people can differentiate between a fact and a belief.

and then you state...

Einstein said:
The very concept of a theory falls under the category of "Let's make believe".
Let's face it, the concept of "Let's make believe" is fine for entertainment. But it has no place in contributing to the advancement of science.
Your Belief...?!

When, In Fact...!!

The concept of theory is the bedrock on which "real" science is, has, and forever will be based.

Now on to the point of this post.

Einstein said:
So by all rights then conspiracy theorists are terrorists hellbent on destroying mankind.
I see the opposite situation as, the conspiracy theorists believing the conspirators are the ones that are, "terrorists hell bent on destroying mankind".
Which is why I give no consideration to the conspiracies that lean toward that concept.
If you destroy that which sustains you, logically, what could you possibly gain?

Jcpo said:
The Communism and the Liberalism are two ideas that are considered as opposite but they are leading to the same capitalism !
I understand there is a language barrier that needs to be overcome but I must question your statement here.
I tried to get some information by searching the web and, while I was not surprised by the bias I found in every one of the several articles I read, I was disappointed that it exists as flagrantly as it does. I can only offer my own opinions to establish my question toward the understanding of your statement.
You state "communism and liberalism are considered opposite".

Perhaps they hold different meanings where you live as compared to how I understand them in America.
You state "they are both leading to the same capitalism".
The goals of both are actually anti-capitalistic.
Since I find no help on an internet search I offer my understanding of each.

The Government is the be-all-end-all for the people it governs.
The government controls all domestic production.
The government seizes all of the goods of the country.
The government distributes these goods, what little is left after it's own consumption, to the people as it sees fit.
The government restricts the information it's people have access to concerning life outside it's borders as much as it possibly can.
(This is far more difficult today than it was even a decade ago as information and technology become more available to every day people, hence the movements away from communism in recent years)
There is much more to it but this will suffice for my point.

The government is the primary benefactor to the people.
The government is better able to make decisions for people.
The government takes from the successful, productive people of the population, to bring them down to the "fair and equal" level of the less successful and productive people.
The government redistributes these assets, what little is left after it's own consumption, to the very least successful and productive people, to try to bring them up to the middle level.
The government claims to be the defender of individual rights, while regulating and restricting most actions the people may undertake.
Again, there is much more but I leave it here for now.

The Private sector is the primary source of economic growth.
The individual is their own best vehicle to achieve success.
The open market, not regulations, is the best method for economic growth.
The government should use no more of the peoples assets than absolutely necessary for it's operation.
The assets of the people are best left in the hands of the people and let the market decide which path is the best path toward success.
There is more but again, this is enough for now.

As I see it, communism and liberalism each carry their own faults. They are more similar than different and often go hand in hand to achieve their similar goals. Control of the people.
Capitalism, regardless of the faults is does have, offers more of a chance for success than any other "ism" out there.
Do I have a bias? Absolutely! That's why I am leaving Illinois next year. I want the government out of the people's pockets, out of the control of their lives, and out of the way of economic progress, the result of their regulations.
Both Parties are currently to blame for the failing direction of the country. A complete house cleaning of the government, replace every damn one of them, and a return to government "under" the Constitution and of the people, not ignoring the Constitution and ruling the people. I do fear though, with over 45% of the people "dependent" in one way or another on the government, that we are not likely to ever again see the Country the founding father's originally envisioned. I hope I am wrong.

Einstein said:
The very concept of a theory falls under the category of "Let's make believe".
Let's face it, the concept of "Let's make believe" is fine for entertainment. But it has no place in contributing to the advancement of science.​
Your Belief...?!

When, In Fact...!!

The concept of theory is the bedrock on which "real" science is, has, and forever will be based.

I agree with your assertion for the present. But forever is a long time. And may not be true for future generations. At any rate, round and round and round we go. And on to a previous statement I also made.

Einstein said:

For instance: Science and Fiction. Aren't they one in the same?​

Since a theory is not a fact, by all rights, the bedrock on which "real" science is based upon is fiction.

Now you also pointed out that we all are products of our education. Or victims is the way I view it. So the way I see it is, don't assume your education has educated you beyond those that aren't educated. What good is an education based on fiction? Rainman pointed out that I'm convinced I was taught bad science. But what I find so ironic is that the science I was taught is probably the same science everyone is taught. Do you honestly feel educated, just knowing the basis for your science and math education is based on fiction?

The thing about relating this to conspiracy is that you can't. The previous generations have done this to us. And they are gone. No one wins. So who are the puppet masters? Or are we so inept as a species, that we will be the cause of our own demise, because of our preferred belief systems?