New World Order (NWO) / Global Disorder

I think worrying about this stuff is pointless. The reality is, the people who have power in this world-whoever they are- are never ever going to ask yours, or my permission to do what ever they want to do. They do not even care about our opinion. We are the little people.

You just have to live your life the best you can, eat the best food you can, educate your children the best you can, try not to go out to fight anybody else's war or see your kids sent off to fight a war. And try to find a job you like that pays you the most money for the least amount of work. That's it.

The power, historically, has gone from The tribal chief, to petty kings, to kings of countries, to nations. Now nations are becoming obselete and multi-national corporations hold governments in their pockets. Of course they are plotting and planning behind the scenes. That's what they do.

That there is good and bad to most things in this world suggests that strengths

are sometimes weaknesses and vice versa. May the ways in which we differ serve

each of us according to our distinct constitutionalities and respective priorities.

You seem far too pragmatic to overlook, historically, causal facts;

so, herein, particulars are supplied consequent to circumstance:

Elsewhere you stated that you found “very hard to understand” a message

of mine that was addressed to RMT. Unfamiliar with the New World Order,

its acronym (NWO) and other organizations associated with it, you said,

“I don't know what half of those things are.” Hence, this thread was meant

to reduce any residual or future ambiguity about globalism.

Sure, but is worrying about any of these things going to make your life one little bit better? I kind of find it odd that someone who is religious and considers God to be running the whole show is worried about wordly stuff?

Christians should be the most relaxed people out there but the opposite often seems to be true.

Hello Syzygy. I am proud to announce the launch of our new Aperture Science Subdermal Currency Drive (SCD). With SCD, you simply swipe your right hand over a scanner and immediately pay for your goods and services, without the hassle of cash or cards! Or, for extra security, you can be implanted in your forehead. Combined with facial recognition and iris scanning, your SCD will conveniently and effortlessly let you pay the bills, control your smart phone, communicate with friends, and even monitor blood pressure. The SCD is extremely popular. Everyone's getting it! Don't be left out. Get yours today!

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Sure, but is worrying about any of these things going to make your life one little bit better?


Superfluousness is your preoccupation.


I kind of find it odd that someone who is religious and considers God to be running the whole show is worried about wordly stuff?


Moral choices are informed choices.

Odd is your fixation with me.

More concern yourself with the message than the messenger

for, if you are to scrutinize anyone, it behooves you

to “[r]emove the wooden beam from your eye first”--Luke 6: 42.


Christians should be the most relaxed people out there but the opposite often seems to be true.


It behooves men to be wary. When satanists rule the world, and

when they are hell bent upon claiming as many souls as possible

prior to their mass murdering over 80% of the population, whom

of us dare be so lax and complacent? Not I and especially not more

selfless persons. Since redemption isn’t merited by seeking reward,

we are won in the Sacred Heart.

Hello Syzygy. I am proud to announce the launch of our new Aperture Science Subdermal Currency Drive (SCD). With SCD' date=' you simply swipe your right hand over a scanner and immediately pay for your goods and services, without the hassle of cash or cards! Or, for extra security, you can be implanted in your forehead. Combined with facial recognition and iris scanning, your SCD will conveniently and effortlessly let you pay the bills, control your smart phone, communicate with friends, and even monitor blood pressure. The SCD is [i']extremely[/i]popular. Everyone's getting it! Don't be left out. Get yours today!
No comment necessary.
Hi Syzygy, hmm thanks!

I am preoccupied with many things.

I am not fixated with you just getting to know you is all

I don't understand the worries about Satan....

Christians see Satan in everything.

Going into your world for a minute ;)

God created everything, correct? So he also created Satan and allows him to exist in the world. Why?

Satan is supposedly a fallen angel , a created being. Therefore he can only be in one place at one time, unlike God who is everywhere He wants to be at once.

Several million muslims believe America is Satan

Had to leave for work before so didn't finish what I was trying to say....

I am willing to consider the existence of a First Cause, a Creator of all things......because using the rigorous experimental parameters of science we cannot rule one out yet...We don't know what or why the Big Bang started or what came before..we do not yet know exactly how Life started (evolution, though elegant and great at explaining the way we are changing, does not answer the question of what started us off) or why.

Until somebody answers those two biggies I am willing to admit the possibility of a Power or Start Up Diety. Whether he is still here is debatable.

I don't, however, believe in Satan.

If you examine it objectively it is not logical. These things are additions to man made religions to bring followers into line through fear and guilt. Sin is an artificial construct to induce guilt. Control by guilt is the main object of religion.

I am sorry Syzygy but I went through thinking about this years ago and it doesn't wash. The Bible is so full of contradictions and inconsistencies. I will just pick out one that really irks me.

God is supposed to be outside of His creation, outside of time. I can dig that, it makes sense. We are often told that God already knows the future; He knows who is "saved". Interestingly, that accords with the physics concept of "Block Time" where past present and future are all laid out somewhere .

Yet, in the Old Testament , God consistently fails to act like he knows whats going to happen in the future at all. He creates Adam and Eve gives them free will but then punishes them and all mankind for all time for using it. Especially women. How could He not know what was going to happen? After that He is continuously tinkering , "starting again" with floods and destroying cities before finally starting "a New Covenant" and sending down an avatar of himself in human form. Why does He keep trying new things and punishing Jewish disobedience if He already knows what is going to happen? God is not acting like an all knowing omnipotent being at all here.

Not only that, but as far as the Middle Eastern people He seems most concerned with, his New Best Plan was another momentous failure. Nobody could agree what Jesus was talking about and still can't. Christians are still squabbling today. The Jews carried on as they were and 400 years later the desert arabs re-wrote the same story book and started another religion with all the same people in it.

Hi Syzygy, hmm thanks!I am preoccupied with many things.I am not fixated with you just getting to know you is all
I don't understand the worries about Satan....

Christians see Satan in everything.

Going into your world for a minute ;)

God created everything, correct? So he also created Satan and allows him to exist in the world. Why?

Satan is supposedly a fallen angel , a created being. Therefore he can only be in one place at one time, unlike God who is everywhere He wants to be at once.

Several million muslims believe America is Satan
Vodkanfan wrote,“God created everything, correct?”

He created everything wherefrom all else is resultant,

e.g. evil is consequent to egotism/selfishness.

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall"--

Proverbs 16:18.

Tradition has it, also, as follows:

God is infinitely good,

whereas Satan isn’t infinitely evil.

Angels were and men are created innocent. They were

and we are provided the free will to voluntarily love Our

Father. Too proud to serve men in accordance with the

will of God, some angels were disobedient whereupon

they fell forevermore from Grace; too egotistical to be

conscientious, some men are unable to comprehend

the Beatitudes or, much less, realize heaven.

Hell is the absence of God.

Taken together, the last two statements imply the afterlife,

initially, a state of mind and, ultimately, a set way of being.

Had to leave for work before so didn't finish what I was trying to say....I am willing to consider the existence of a First Cause' date=' a Creator of all things......because using the rigorous experimental parameters of science we cannot rule one out yet...We don't know what or why the Big Bang started or what came before..we do not yet know exactly how Life started (evolution, though elegant and great at explaining the way we are changing, does not answer the question of what started us off) or [i']why.[/i]Until somebody answers those two biggies I am willing to admit the possibility of a Power or Start Up Diety. Whether he is still here is debatable.
I don't, however, believe in Satan.

If you examine it objectively it is not logical. These things are additions to man made religions to bring followers into line through fear and guilt. Sin is an artificial construct to induce guilt. Control by guilt is the main object of religion.

I am sorry Syzygy but I went through thinking about this years ago and it doesn't wash. The Bible is so full of contradictions and inconsistencies. I will just pick out one that really irks me.

God is supposed to be outside of His creation, outside of time. I can dig that, it makes sense. We are often told that God already knows the future; He knows who is "saved". Interestingly, that accords with the physics concept of "Block Time" where past present and future are all laid out somewhere .

Yet, in the Old Testament , God consistently fails to act like he knows whats going to happen in the future at all. He creates Adam and Eve gives them free will but then punishes them and all mankind for all time for using it. Especially women. How could He not know what was going to happen? After that He is continuously tinkering , "starting again" with floods and destroying cities before finally starting "a New Covenant" and sending down an avatar of himself in human form. Why does He keep trying new things and punishing Jewish disobedience if He already knows what is going to happen? God is not acting like an all knowing omnipotent being at all here.

Not only that, but as far as the Middle Eastern people He seems most concerned with, his New Best Plan was another momentous failure. Nobody could agree what Jesus was talking about and still can't. Christians are still squabbling today. The Jews carried on as they were and 400 years later the desert arabs re-wrote the same story book and started another religion with all the same people in it.
Granted the old and new testaments differ greatly,they appeal to altogether different mentalities.
Each is geared for 'the times.'

The former's being based upon fear addresses ignorance

while the latter, based upon love,

makes use of parables for broader understanding.

Thus, it follows that parts of the bible are meant to be taken verbatim

while other parts are purely symbolic.

Syzygy I am sorry . You believe whatever makes you happy. I got carried away. I will try not mention religion again.
Prophesied was Armageddon, a final battle between good and evil.Will there be any faithful left?
That the Church has been infiltrated as much as corrupted

inclines me to be less religious than spiritual, yet still faithful.

Faith is the first of virtues, "whose object is truth"--Summa Theologica.

Hence, the overall objective of this and the clarifications above is accuracy.

Syzygy I am sorry . You believe whatever makes you happy. I got carried away. I will try not mention religion again.
Your having stated your erroneous impressions re: "THE FALL OF THE ANGELS" inclines me toward accuracy; therefore, Catechism of the Catholic Church - The Fall:

How to read the account of the fall

390 The account of the fall in Genesis 3 uses figurative language, but affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man.264 Revelation gives us the certainty of faith that the whole of human history is marked by the original fault freely committed by our first parents.265


391 Behind the disobedient choice of our first parents lurks a seductive voice, opposed to God, which makes them fall into death out of envy.266 Scripture and the Church's Tradition see in this being a fallen angel, called "Satan" or the "devil".267 The Church teaches that Satan was at first a good angel, made by God: "The devil and the other demons were indeed created naturally good by God, but they became evil by their own doing."268

392 Scripture speaks of a sin of these angels.269 This "fall" consists in the free choice of these created spirits, who radically and irrevocably rejected God and his reign. We find a reflection of that rebellion in the tempter's words to our first parents: "You will be like God."270 The devil "has sinned from the beginning"; he is "a liar and the father of lies".271

393 It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes the angels' sin unforgivable. "There is no repentance for the angels after their fall, just as there is no repentance for men after death."272

394 Scripture witnesses to the disastrous influence of the one Jesus calls "a murderer from the beginning", who would even try to divert Jesus from the mission received from his Father.273 "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil."274 In its consequences the gravest of these works was the mendacious seduction that led man to disobey God.

395 The power of Satan is, nonetheless, not infinite. He is only a creature, powerful from the fact that he is pure spirit, but still a creature. He cannot prevent the building up of God's reign. Although Satan may act in the world out of hatred for God and his kingdom in Christ Jesus, and although his action may cause grave injuries - of a spiritual nature and, indirectly, even of a physical nature- to each man and to society, the action is permitted by divine providence which with strength and gentleness guides human and cosmic history. It is a great mystery that providence should permit diabolical activity, but "we know that in everything God works for good with those who love him."275


Sure, but is worrying about any of these things going to make your life one little bit better? I kind of find it odd that someone who is religious and considers God to be running the whole show is worried about wordly stuff?Christians should be the most relaxed people out there but the opposite often seems to be true.
Indifference to evil and suffering makes the world a much worse place. It's better to care.
Indifference to evil and suffering makes the world a much worse place. It's better to care.
But some people seem to care about the wrong things. Instead of caring about whether people in the world have clean water, or enough food, or access to medicines, or education and safety for their children, or freedom from war or fear or exploitation, they care more about who is having sex with who, whether they agree exactly the same religion, what colour they are or what politics they follow. Its all small tribal stuff.
Religious interpretations are like fecal evacuation portals: yours stinks and mine is digitally simulated and therefore incapable of producing odors.


Indifference to evil and suffering makes the world a much worse place.



Re: “[...]caring about whether people in the world have clean water, or enough food, or access to medicines, or education and safety for their children, or freedom from war or fear or exploitation,” Vodkafan probably read the Beatitudes. Doing so makes more likely one’s ever actually praying vs. reading or reciting The Lord’s Prayer. To pray “Thy will be done” is to learn to pray as though one’s prayers are being answered.

To whom it may concern,


owing to the corruption of the Church, I am no longer religious.

Still, I maintain faith in a benevolent creator--

Enough about me! As I should never have been made the topic

of this thread, I'll resume where this discussion began in another

thread. Therein Vodkafan expressed shock at my being anti-

vaccines and, if I remember correctly, the subject of GMOs was


Not to be utterly depressing, discussion of the NWO need suggest

action to be taken along with ways of coping. I've thrown in music

here and there (TTI Music), will try to end on a hopeful note and

I look forward to introducing you to a 'life coach' in the future.

0 : - ) MGby'all.


More re: GMO and/or Vaccines -

How To Defeat The Globalists

Syzygy, it is of note, and you should be happy, that the communist revolutionary known as mandela has died from neurotoxin natural causes. As time marches on, the globalist villains age and die, and even their wealth cannot stop that.

Syzygy, it is of note, and you should be happy, that the communist revolutionary known as mandela has died from neurotoxin natural causes. As time marches on, the globalist villains age and die, and even their wealth cannot stop that.
Things are never what they seem in Africa nor, for the same reason,in the U.S.A.. Since their independence has always been as sham as
the initially feigned outcome of the Battle of Waterloo, the powerful

have but broadened apartheid. The only difference is that they are

no longer so content to merely set themselves apart. Insatiable greed

together with their satanic envy of God and hatred of their own kind

drives their paranoid desire to decimate the human population.
