OCT 14th Thread


Dimensional Traveler
Did you see something strange on the Sky, like this picture of Australian City Today..

Click here..

This image has been emailed to me by several people. Hard to say what it is, if it is one...Uncertain. What do you think
end quoted...
Link to Blog...

The Ship of Light...

October 14 come and gone, and no "big light ship", eh recall?

Let's see...by my count of all your date-specific warnings/predictions, you are batting: 0.000

Although I see from the blog link you provide that the "channelers" (or is that "channelees"?) have now modified their stance to say it will happen before Oct 15th is over:

From the blog:

<font color="red"> "Dearest Blossom. All that we choose to say to you is to let go of your fears. We WILL do as we say and before the 15th Oct has come to pass in all corners of your globe this event shall have come to fruition for all to glory in. We shall surprise many in how this all comes about. We say this to you people of earth who are in anticipation of the greatest vibration …

So it is not the end of the 14th that we need to wait for it to pass at all corners of the globe, it is actually the 15th of October that we must wait for." [/COLOR]

And when nothing happens before the end of today, when is the next date we will push off the "big event" to???

At some point even "true believers" ought to see just how silly this is. But I am not holding my breath. Project Scamalot just continues on as if they have not failed.... "we are just putting information out there." Yeah, BAD information! LOL


Finally PROOF that RMT looks....LOL

Can we bet if he did---BEFORE HAND?

Finally PROOF that RMT looks....LOL

Can we bet if he did---BEFORE HAND?

Heh heh. :D No need to bet. The truth is, I had heard about this several weeks ago at another forum I frequent. At that forum is was presented as someone claiming that NASA cancelled the recent shuttle flight, set for the 14th, because they knew this massive UFO was going to appear. It didn't help that the guy making the claim was a known scam artist and promoter of BS in the UK. Anyway, when I saw this post from recall yes, I did check out his links, and yes it was before the 14th. Just like anyone else, I love reading a good bunch of BS...mostly just to see the reactions of some people, especially the ones who believe it without even asking for evidence.

just another alien video on Youtube...

Link to Youtube...

Caption Said:
"still footage of a small silver egg-shaped drone vehicle with it's dead alien occupant being examined at top secret government base (possibly Area 51)...notice this object has no visible door or structural joints, this is because the aliens utilise the principle of molecular fusion...but to us humans this technology remains in the realm of science fiction...(this vid filmed off a flat computer monitor) " /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
<font color="red"> notice this object has no visible door or structural joints [/COLOR]

The Power went off. and use the emergency exit ...
