Orion & more...


Temporal Novice
Hi all,

Just sharing what I saw in a dream on 6/6/2014....
I have had similar ones regarding Earth changes but nothing like this last one...Certain information was shown & not sure how it all pulls together, maybe someone out there would understand a little bit better on what some things like universe shrinking means, how can a universe shrink? The things I saw blew my mind.

~ I was told that Orion had two areas not one...(I never heard of Orion until I checked after having dream, that Orion is a constellation.) One we know about & one location that we didn't know about yet but in actuality has been discovered.

~ Pay attention to a person named "Smith"...Smith is a twin. (was told that was not the real name, that the person had a certificate altered to protect identity.) This name would have a connection with the Orion portion of dream. Almost felt like certain people knew about location & existence but that the info. was slated to be released to public based on a certain timeline. I was shown in reality that Smith was a dark haired lady in her 40's... but id had gender as male. I heard the conversation between a group of people & listened as though I was invisible. It was a lab like environment, all white colored walls & very sterile....

~ was shown massive flooding that would rise nano fast, many people perished quickly. No warnings, the few that survived were at very high points & were spared. At one point during dream, certain locations had the water frozen & they became huge sheets of ice.

~ There was no more light..All darkness, even during the day it was night.
~ This part was silly but I was told to fatten up..Eat as much food as you can now because the food supply would be next to nothing soon.

~ Was shown that the remainder of the population all witnessed the moon being ripped from our solar system looking up into the sky & that other planets came right near Earth as if they had lost their place in line... This happens shortly after the massive flooding. That our universe is shrinking.
The fear was something I can't even put into words...You would expect mass panic but it was numbing to say the least, mostly people stuck together...Strangers & families alike.

What the mind can conjure up in dreams...I just hope in this case there is no truth in what I saw for the sake of humanity.
I've had dreams that were so alluring and real, that upon awakening, I wanted to go back.

I had my last nightmare 40 years ago. Something was chasing me. I was scared out of my mind. Running as fast as I could. But it was no use. So I decided to fight. I turned around to face whatever it was that was chasing me. There was nothing there. And that was it. It was like I turned off the nightmare switch in my brain. And to this day, when I fall asleep, it's like falling into peaceful bliss.
Hi all,

Just sharing what I saw in a dream on 6/6/2014....

What the mind can conjure up in dreams...I just hope in this case there is no truth in what I saw for the sake of humanity.

Wrote the following article about translating dreams. The article was really notes in preparation for a more extensive publication. So...keep in mind what I wrote was still in a formative stage - but will address dreams and the translation thereof:

Translating Your Dreams ( Part 1 ) The Unique Dream | Gather
Hi all,

Just sharing what I saw in a dream on 6/6/2014....
I have had similar ones regarding Earth changes but nothing like this last one...Certain information was shown & not sure how it all pulls together, maybe someone out there would understand a little bit better on what some things like universe shrinking means, how can a universe shrink? The things I saw blew my mind.

~ I was told that Orion had two areas not one...(I never heard of Orion until I checked after having dream, that Orion is a constellation.) One we know about & one location that we didn't know about yet but in actuality has been discovered.

~ Pay attention to a person named "Smith"...Smith is a twin. (was told that was not the real name, that the person had a certificate altered to protect identity.) This name would have a connection with the Orion portion of dream. Almost felt like certain people knew about location & existence but that the info. was slated to be released to public based on a certain timeline. I was shown in reality that Smith was a dark haired lady in her 40's... but id had gender as male. I heard the conversation between a group of people & listened as though I was invisible. It was a lab like environment, all white colored walls & very sterile....

~ was shown massive flooding that would rise nano fast, many people perished quickly. No warnings, the few that survived were at very high points & were spared. At one point during dream, certain locations had the water frozen & they became huge sheets of ice.

~ There was no more light..All darkness, even during the day it was night.
~ This part was silly but I was told to fatten up..Eat as much food as you can now because the food supply would be next to nothing soon.

~ Was shown that the remainder of the population all witnessed the moon being ripped from our solar system looking up into the sky & that other planets came right near Earth as if they had lost their place in line... This happens shortly after the massive flooding. That our universe is shrinking.
The fear was something I can't even put into words...You would expect mass panic but it was numbing to say the least, mostly people stuck together...Strangers & families alike.

What the mind can conjure up in dreams...I just hope in this case there is no truth in what I saw for the sake of humanity.

Translation for Orion's Belt:
The Observer.
There are three stars; Zeta, Epsilon, and Delta.
Zeta would categorize The End, Epsilon would categorize small, infinitesimal change, and Delta would categorize big change.
The Observer is at the front of the Belt.
The Observer has two people behind him, his twin think-tanks, his two pupils.
The story of the All-Seeing Eye of Ra, the observer, goes that he gave it up for his daughter; life.

The only thing that could happen at The End is The Beginning. Trust in God, the Alpha and The Omega, for not even Zeta can touch this. He has promised to always protect us, and he will. If not, then things will be as they always have been. I hope you misunderstood your dream; it sounded like birth to me.