Pamela Moore of John Titor fame

Razimus, you don't need to buy into the whole stupid "debunker" mentality. Your theory, substantiated with your evidence, will live or die by the facts. Cheap credulous belief and cheap credulous debunking are both worthless. I will personally be looking at your blog, checking what you say, and then, if you are open to it, giving you my views.

I wish you well in your attempt, and even an attempt is more than a great many people, especially the sheeple at ATS, will ever do. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Come on, brother man. We actually do share quite a few members here with ATS (I'm one of them). We, as individuals, on occassion, have our differences of opinion but we do try not to demean each other's sites as we go along.

Other than that I agree with your post. Raz will or won't have the goods. The consumers of the information will determine that. And I agree that after almost 10 years it's somewhat melodramatic at this point to pump it up with teasers for a future disclosure.

But Raz is Raz. He's been at this search for Titor for a few years. Looking forward to his information.
Yes I am sorry to generalise so badly about ATS. I was the guy who took down John Lear there at long last and got banned without warning for my trouble.

I am deeply suspicious of ATS, always was to be honest. For all its pontificating and the image it presents, it is very troubling to see how it is managed and how opinion is used. As an ex-spook it makes me call SPOOK on that.

So yeah, I was a member there myself so pot, kettle- chill out time for Doghead. Or as I said in another thread, no more coffee for me... oO

Titor and his detractors, of which I proudly call myself one, is the same as the quest to put down the lies of Bob Lazar and John Lear. I sympathise with those on the quest and tell them this: it can be done. Fiction leaves no paper trail. And whatever paper trail you do find- is the key to understanding.

Same with MJ-12. Some genuine documents, some fakes- some hybrids of both. You don't have to compromise. You SHOULDN'T compromise. Bite the bullet and do the hard yards. It's one of the most admirable things to me about Stanton Friedman. He is tenacious and despite his own beliefs a true scientist. If it's bunk, he says so.