Sexual Harrassment & Cyber Bullying

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"What Counts as Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. Online threats, rude texts, and mean tweets, posts, or messages all count. So does posting personal information or videos designed to hurt or embarrass someone else.
Cyberbullying also includes photos, messages, or pages that don't get taken down, even after the person has been asked to do so. In other words, it's anything that gets posted online and is deliberately intended to hurt.
In some situations, cyberbullying is considered harassment.Intimidation or mean comments that focus on things like a person's gender, religion, sexual orientation, race, or physical differences fall into this category. Whether it's done in person or online, this type of meanness counts as discrimination and is against the law in many states. That means law enforcement could get involved, and bullies may face serious penalties."
"Just like other kinds of bullying, sexual bullying involves comments, gestures, actions, or attention that is intended to hurt, offend, or intimidate another person. With sexual bullying, the focus is on things like a person's appearance, body parts, or sexual orientation. Sexual bullying includes spreading gossip or rumors of a sexual nature."

"Sexual bullying or harassment may be verbal (like making rude comments to or about someone), but it doesn't have to be spoken. Bullies may use technology to harass someone sexually (like sending inappropriate text messages or videos). Sometimes harassment and bullying can even get physical."

Bullying is something that happens between children. Disrespect is what happens between adults.

Considering how I like to follow the rules I sure do appreciate you raising this topic under a thread where I am completely on topic by responding! Thanks Paula!!!
Oh the definition of cyber bullying is ironic!!! You mean like when you changed your profile picture and made sarcastic (and insecure) remarks about my profile picture??? It's ok. I forgive you for your cyber bullying ;) lol
Oh no . :( Please make up you two otherwise you will both get sent to the naughty corner. Lets get back to time travel
Adults should know that any discussions - debates that include disagreements are not always going to be warm and fuzzy.

IF your feeler's get bent, sorry, it happens. RainmanTime and myself are NOT babysitters. IF there is anyone here that doesn't like playing here, then go play in a different sandbox.

IF issues can't be resolved by any other means as has been provided and mentioned in the Terms of Service, then they become 'my' problem(s), and I 'will' end my problem(s) 'my' way.