So John Titor was a hoax.


Temporal Navigator
I'm one of the skeptical regarding everyone's favorite time traveler. I don't think he's given enough evidence to support his claims and therefore is just someone creative, at least.

But this thread isn't about that (really. please don't.).

Although I don't see him as a real time traveler, I guess we all can agree that there had to be a person typing his posts, therefore a person existed/exists. This is what I'd like to address here. This unknown person that once logged on here and came up with John Titor. What do my other skeptical friends of the Institute think this person has been doing during the past 16 years? Do you guys think he's (she? they?) still around visiting the forum without a clue on how to be Titor again? Maybe he forgot about it all and never came back, like many others? What is his affiliation with the user "pamela"? A close relationship as theirs does makes me wonder. Maybe we bumped into him on the street? Took the same bus? Maybe he works with one of us? Maybe he's served us in a fast food restaurant? Maybe he died? Who knows.

My intention with this is to propose an exercise of conjecture. It doesn't need to be accurate or verifiable. Just entertaining hypothesis. Well, that is unless you do have some concrete info about his current status. That would be gold.

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I'll be posting a thread soon with evidence that most people will shoot down or ignore, but there's some new things coming true that are worth a mention. People who have already made up their minds not to believe will automatically shoot it down, though, so I will most likely just post it then let them make their snide remarks, some of which will be aimed towards me because people with no evidence of their own choose the attack method of self defense instead of being polite. Been very busy, though, so I don't know when I'll do it, but soon..... Also, the book I recommended many times makes a lot of good points but people won't read it. People are afraid they may be wrong. Shrug. You can lead a horse to water.....

(I need a few days to gather info and create a good post).

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If I wanted to choose some fiction to believe, I think Alice in Wonderland would be a much better choice. But the line between the sane and insane becomes pretty thin when you start accepting stories as being true. The line breaks when you start making up your own beliefs.

I'll be posting a thread soon with evidence that most people will shoot down or ignore, but there's some new things coming true that are worth a mention. People who have already made up their minds not to believe will automatically shoot it down, though, so I will most likely just post it then let them make their snide remarks, some of which will be aimed towards me because people with no evidence of their own choose the attack method of self defense instead of being polite. Been very busy, though, so I don't know when I'll do it, but soon..... Also, the book I recommended many times makes a lot of good points but people won't read it. People are afraid they may be wrong. Shrug. You can lead a horse to water.....
(I need a few days to gather info and create a good post).
I look forward to your post.

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But he won't drink it... if it's "bad". ?
Deciding the water is bad before you've even seen it? I already know where this is heading, but I'm going to post it anyway. I'm not scared.

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If I wanted to choose some fiction to believe, I think Alice in Wonderland would be a much better choice. But the line between the sane and insane becomes pretty thin when you start accepting stories as being true. The line breaks when you start making up your own beliefs.
I didn't make this up. It will be information passed along.

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I got the frying pan all ready for you. Any time you're ready to jump in.
Ah, you're ok. You won't call me a fruitbat. You're just not going to like all the black hole stuff. LOL. BTW, add bacon. I heard it's good. ?

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This is not what I meant at all you guys...

Here, let me try:

I think the person behind John Titor is still around. He's one of the people reading this. He knows pamela in person. She knew him before the whole thing started. I don't think they planned it to last over 16 years though.

The pictures he provided, those made a difference. Nobody until today has provided pictures, diagrams or illustrations the way he did. Although none of the images pertaining to him had anything out of the ordinary and were also very poor in quality, they are unique.

This person has no reason to reveal himself and never will. Unless, for some reason, he feels some kind of guilt... I don't know. But, if he comes back, he won't come as a time traveler. He won't be able to withstand 16 years of questioning and he knows it. The story would fall apart.

I imagine him coming back saying "Alright guys, that was fun! Oh and by the way, my name is Clive Smith. I live in Oklahoma. Nice to meet you!"

Anyway, If I had to bet, we'll never know who the person behind Timetravel_0 is.

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I, too, doubt that the truth will ever come out. Even if it did, one or more sides in the debate would not acknowledge it. Bigfoot and the Loch Ness onster have both been admitted to be fake, and they still get people all up in arms!

But yes, what the people have actually been doing is very interesting. Little or none of it seems to have been capitalized on, which continues to surprise me. Larry seems to actually be behaving like a lawyer, not a scammer. My guess is the instigator got cold feet and just clammed up. On the other hand, the entire experiement could be to see how the legend holds up, rather than just how the initial hoax went. And that's assuming, of course, that it's a hoax (I completely believe so, but my beliefs are not automatically true).

My bigger wonder is, why has nobody made a better TT story, using the experiences of Titor, and tried to $$ it up?

I imagine him coming back saying "Alright guys, that was fun! Oh and by the way, my name is Clive Smith. I live in Oklahoma. Nice to meet you!"
I knew it. I never trusted that Clive fellow. I think it's his eyes, he's just too... weird....

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Deciding the water is bad before you've even seen it? I already know where this is heading, but I'm going to post it anyway. I'm not scared.
There is an "if" in there.

Yet. I'm predicting a huge backlash from at least 3 specific members.
What?? Who would do that?
I might challenge an idea or opinion but, I wouldn't call it "backlash"...It's debate...Debate can sometimes "seem" unfriendly. :notworthy:

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I believe in God. I'm firm in that conviction. That's why I don't spend my time trying to convince everyone he/she/it exists. When an atheist tells me I'm wrong, I just shrug.

Make of that what you will.
But are people trying their very hardest, almost daily, to convince you God doesn't exist?
Besides, this is the site where the legend began. People are going to talk about Titor here for a very long time whether non-believers like it or not. They have the freedom of choice to not read about it or move to a website that suits their interests.

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