Super Sillyness

Just a post for a really dumb reason.

Perhaps to some observers this may seem to be the truth. But, to others with more experience and trained in these matters, this post may mean much, much more. A really dumb reason...bah! So it has come to that.

Just when we thought the waters were safe, the sky had cleared, the grass once again green, the pants on the clothes line dry, the septic tank pumped, and then this revelation!!!

My God, Man! What drives you to this, this, this, etc, etc, etc...

And did you know that long, long ago in the not too distant future there was a man who never was to be, and he was determined to find a lost gold mine. He spent almost none of his entire life searching places he had searched before. One day, just before his flashlight failed, leaving him on the darkest of dark nights, with only the stars and street lights to guide him on this perilous quest, Fate slipped out from behind a tree and slugged him right in the left eye.

As he held the raw meat to his bruised eyeball, he suddenly realized....
My God, Man! What drives you to this, this, this, etc, etc, etc...
I know of which U speak. I know NOT what sends me there. Only that going there seems "right", and certainly that implies "NOT wrong".

As he held the raw meat to his bruised eyeball, he suddenly realized....
just how much his body of raw meat, and its eyeball, shared in common with the slab of raw meat that he held to his face as a means of healing.

Can we describe a matrix of fiction, that may also hold similarities with a matrix of reality?

I do not know for sure... but I have my suspicions.
I know of which U speak. I know NOT what sends me there. Only that going there seems "right", and certainly that implies "NOT wrong".

What is right, and what is wrong? Who sets the standards to make the judgement?

The North American Indians of whom were given a sickness hidden within gifts of blankets? As their people died by the thousands, and then their sacred places and lands ravaged for a glittering stone, who was the savage?

Generations of violence and decadence...will there be a day of reckoning, a day of that all accounts are audited, a day when all the checkbooks are balanced?

Perhaps this, this, this is the memory carried by every cell as it passes through the eons, and has mankinds history etched within its very fabric of existence.

Can we describe a matrix of fiction, that may hold similarities with a matrix of reality?
How simple is the complexity of it all?
Those who know, dont say,
Those who say, dont know.
Those who hear, dont listen,
Those who listen, dont hear.
Those who see, close their eyes,
Those who close their eyes, don't see.
what will we do when the final answer comes down to...

Not So Silly Anymore

What is right, and what is wrong? Who sets the standards to make the judgement?
Indeed this is the Prime Question. Prime Meridian. Prime Distinction.
Can we describe a matrix of fiction, that may hold similarities with a matrix of reality?
Such an offsetting set of matrices forms a schism between REAL and NOT REAL.

Ascertaining which of our senses are real, and which are NOT real... that is the trick to quantifying reality... isn't it?
what will we do when the final answer comes down to...
4 + 2 = 6
6 = (+3) + (-3)

Balanced of Three so it Be.
Re: Getting sfarther from sillyness


The very concept of right and wrong are creations of the lesser god that thrills betwixt Passion, Fear, Conquest, Debauchery and Foundations. This is responsible for our very concepts of right or wrong.

We all, seekers of Truth Universal, should keep our stroll most mystical through the middle gate of knowledge, that which traverse throtug va-daath all the way to the Rathak. By so doing we shall lear to keep from judgement and to adhere fiercely to our feelings most saint and divine. Then shall we know what to do, for the Source Everlasting would awaken in us and guide us all the way to Eternity.

"Oh IHVH wake from your slumber, so Your Prescence could Guide Your People
Open your Eye so You could see the ravages done against your nation."

Until later becomes now

Until later becomes