The Ethics of Time Travel: Is Time Traveling Wrong? Part - 1


Chrono Cadet
Greetings fellow esteemed colleagues of the TTI, I don’t believe I need an introduction.

This thread was created to consider and debate the possibility, if and when Time Travel becomes humanly possible, will it be wrong to use?

My opponent for this debate also needs no introduction. You know him as RMT.

In the tradition of philosophers before us, we will attempt to answer this question and many others, and come face-to-face with the possibilities this technology will impose on mankind and it’s ethical use.

As we begin, please feel free to kindly interject your views if you wish. This is a debate that RMT has asked the TTA to engage him in.

This debate will be on the TTA’s premise that:

Time Travel’s impact on Spiritual & Human advancement, go hand-in-hand.

And that by use of Time Travel to obtain that advancement, is by an unethical means.

Let us begin with an open Q&A forum, or unless you know of a particularly more efficient format you’d like for this to flow, I’m open to suggestions!

Till then, please feel free to begin by asking me anything you have expressed a disagreement with the TTA that stands out to you RMT. Furthermore, all posts made by the TTA on the subject of Time Travel (including those made 6 yrs ago) are fair game in this debate.

The bull is out of it’s pen, and the stage is set, shall we begin?

Happy Hunting

Re: The Ethics of Time Travel: Is Time Traveling W

theoretical issue #1 : Somebody has already initiated time travel, this fictitious person travels to the past, to the future, and alters time so that the entire human race will be destroyed. They then leave you their time travel machine and tell you that unless time is changed again, all life on planet earth will be gone by tomorrow.

Do you, knowing the future through anothers interferrence with time, use the time machine to save the planet?

theoretical issue #2 : in this case, you are fortunate enough to be at Nasa when they spot a huge comet about to impact earth and kill all life on the planet (catch the theme here?). They say "if only we had known about it a day earlier!" because at this point its too late to do anything. You, in your infinite wisdom, happen to have access to a time travel device. Knowing everyone will die the next day and the earth will be shattered into a thousand pieces, and if this information had been known yesterday we could prevent it.

Do you, either use your device, or at least inform the government that you have such a device at your disposal?

more to come after we see how you answer these.

Let us begin with an open Q&A forum, or unless you know of a particularly more efficient format you’d like for this to flow, I’m open to suggestions!
I'd say the traditional point/counter-point and "terms of reference" rules should be good enough. We can try "open fotrum Q&A" but that can often lead a debate somewhere out into the weeds. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Either way, I don't care as much about the form as I do the substance.
This thread was created to consider and debate the possibility, if and when Time Travel becomes humanly possible, will it be wrong to use?
Along the lines of "terms of reference" this point that I have quoted offers us our first "deep" consideration that we must deal with. Before we can assess the "badness or goodness" (ethics) for the use of any technology, we must have a firm handle on how that technology will manifest. Being the scientific "traffic cop" that I usually am, I have to point out that speculating that TT will manifest in the "romantic" notion that are prevalent in stories, TV, and movies is invalid for debating ethics of TT usage. What I mean by this is we could come up with an entire ethical stance grounded on nothing more than "assumptions" about how the technology would become manifest. If those assumptions prove to be incorrect, and TT manifests in a different manner, then the derived ethical standards would be suspect (and possibly erroneous/flawed).

What I am getting at here is that there is little scientific evidence to suggest that the "romantic" notion of TT would ever be the way it would actually manifest. Namely, the ability to maintain your current composition of Mass while "passing thru time" is highly suspect, and there is little foundation that TT would actually manifest in this manner. This is one reason why I believe it is difficult to debate ethics of a technology with any kind of certainty until you know precisely how that technology manifests (and especially what its limiations are). It is certainly easy to pass judgement based on wild speculation of what TT may look like, but such judgement would be based on speculation, not facts.
Time Travel’s impact on Spiritual & Human advancement, go hand-in-hand.
But don't you think this same statement could be made for any revolutionary technology? For example, about 100 years ago mankind could not communicate with each other over vast distances in "real time". Has the evolution of this technology impacted our spiritual tendencies? Certainly it has impacted our human advancement.
And that by use of Time Travel to obtain that advancement, is by an unethical means.
Here is where I think we need "terms of reference" or standards by which we measure "unethical". And once again, we cannot necessarily assume that TT will be implemented in such a way that an existing ethical standard could/would be violatable. For example, do we wish to speculate that TT will definitely permit causality violation? So far, science has no evidence that this could come about.

Those are my initial replies. As you can see, I would like to stay away from unfounded speculations because that is really not much of a debate... more just an opinion-speculation festival! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: The Ethics of Time Travel: Is Time Traveling W

Hi Ren,
theoretical issue #1 : (snip)

Do you, knowing the future through anothers interferrence with time, use the time machine to save the planet?

theoretical issue #2 : (snip)

Do you, either use your device, or at least inform the government that you have such a device at your disposal?
I believe with your theoretical issues you have provided scenarios which support one of my primary contentions in this debate. Namely, that any technology can be used for "good" or "evil", and as such this means that the label of "good" or "evil" is not appropriate to identify any technology. Rather, the ethics of the use of a technology are more solidly aligned with the intent behind how it is used.

Another more mundane example: A firearm is a technology that can certainly aid one in the ethical endeavor of feeding oneself and their family via game. Yet a firearm can also be used in an unethical (from the standpoint of the 6th Commandment) act of murder. And all this leads to the tired (yet valid) saying that "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." To me this points to choices for how to use technology as being the focus of ethical issues... not necessarily the technology itself.

Re: The Ethics of Time Travel: Is Time Traveling W

I believe with your theoretical issues you have provided scenarios which support one of my primary contentions in this debate. Namely, that any technology can be used for "good" or "evil", and as such this means that the label of "good" or "evil" is not appropriate to identify any technology. Rather, the ethics of the use of a technology are more solidly aligned with the intent behind how it is used.

Let's focus on this point. I think it's a good one to start out with. Is a technology always ethically neutral? Or, can there be technologies that no matter what are only good or bad? I think back to my cartoon-watching days. Some evil villian has invented a death-ray of doom or whatnot. In a simple scenario, and because the authors of the cartoon wish it, it's easy to see that technology as inherently evil. But could that same death-ray of doom be used for good, say to blow an impending doomsday comet out of space and thus save the earth? Of course.

But, can we think of any technology that COULD be only inherently evil or good? If we can, then we can move a step further to see if Time Travel falls into the category of a technology that is only inherently evil. I think that would be the arguement TTA needs to make.

Let me take a stab at it...ok....let's see. Ok, a technology that is only inherently evil...hmmm...this may be lame but here goes. A technology (drug or device -whatever) that forces people to do exactly what they don't want to do. Could this technology be used for good? Perhaps if used on evil humans? Would that make it good?

You guys see where I'm going with this?
Re: The Ethics of Time Travel: Is Time Traveling W

You know, after re-reading my almost seems like we may need to focus on what can be defined as "good" vs "evil".

One person's good is another person's evil. It's called moral relativism. We need an absolute or this discussion is pointless.
Re: The Ethics of Time Travel: Is Time Traveling W

Hi iridium,
You know, after re-reading my almost seems like we may need to focus on what can be defined as "good" vs "evil".

One person's good is another person's evil. It's called moral relativism. We need an absolute or this discussion is pointless.
EXACTLY my point. Thus begs the question "IS there an absolute for ethics and morals?" Given that, scientifically, Einstein showed (and we all agree) that the mechanics of the universe hold no absolutes, why should metaphysics be different?

This is precisely why I don't think you can brand a technology as evil, only how one chooses to use it. A rock is a rock, but when a rock is involved in the choice of throwing it at someone else's head it MAY be evil... but then again, if that person is coming at me with a knife, then it is self-defense. NONE of those considerations change the fundamental basics of rock "technology".

In my mind it all points back towards INTENTION.

Re: The Ethics of Time Travel: Is Time Traveling W

A technology (drug or device -whatever) that forces people to do exactly what they don't want to do. Could this technology be used for good? Perhaps if used on evil humans? Would that make it good?

You guys see where I'm going with this?
I certainly do...see post above. What if "what they don't want to do" is give up killing other people? Or raping other people? Chemical and/or medical castration has been deemed by more than one government to be a "good" use of the technology if it prevents more victims of rape by the same predator.

I think one would be hard-pressed to name ANY technology that couldn't just as easily be used for good as for bad. I hate to use another cliche, but it may help us in this debate: "The needs of the many often outweigh the needs of the few, or the one." Isn't this how we, as a society, determine our relative moral standards for good and evil?

Re: The Ethics of Time Travel: Is Time Traveling W

I'm not sure that comparing a firearm to a time machine is valid. Is it not likely there must be a point at which technology will advance to a point where humanity is incapable of responsably using it? I think (though I may be wrong) that most of this forum's members believe in evolution, and so I will phrase my question taking evolution for granted: If humanity evolves at such a rate that it's brain will expand one cubic cm in 10 million years (an arbitrary figure, but you get my drift) and technology is developping at such a rate that in little over 130 years after the invention of the automobile, we have stealth bombers, Mars rovers, and spy satellites, might not giving homo sapiens a time machine be like giving a baby RMT's firearm?
Re: The Ethics of Time Travel: Is Time Traveling W

Hi MilkSkeptic:
I'm not sure that comparing a firearm to a time machine is valid.
Perhaps it isn't if you consider only the comparison and not what it is intended to exemplify. The point I was making applies regardless of whether you use a firearm, a time machine, or a rock. The "thing" is not unethical, rather how you use it could be.
Is it not likely there must be a point at which technology will advance to a point where humanity is incapable of responsably using it?
Well of course, but now am I to understand that you are trying to fit all humanity into one mold? In point of fact, there are people living in this world TODAY who are incapable of responsibly owning a firearm without using it unethically (or should I just say unlawfully). So if we try to use the "broad brush" approach then there will ALWAYS be people alive who cannot be trusted with "Technology A" (insert any technology here). This would then lead to a natural conclusion that we should not develop ANY technology as long as there is one person who cannot use it responsibly.
If humanity evolves at such a rate that it's brain will expand one cubic cm in 10 million years (an arbitrary figure, but you get my drift) and technology is developping at such a rate that in little over 130 years after the invention of the automobile, we have stealth bombers, Mars rovers, and spy satellites, might not giving homo sapiens a time machine be like giving a baby RMT's firearm?
Yet in our world, today, we DO have stealth bombers, Mars rovers, and spy satellites, but they are not available for use by all. There are restrictions, laws, and procedures which are purposefully there to PREVENT people who have "evil intent" from using them at their own whim.

Whether you realize it or not, your focus on "whether or not we are responsible enough to use it" is really supporting the crux of my first point in this argument, namely that it is not the technology itself that is "evil", but rather how it is used. IOW, I do not accept the (apparant) blanket assertion from TTA that the technology of time travel is "unethical", but rather that the unrestricted use of it could lead to unethical actions (as with any technology we have today, and I do mean ANY). And I would have no problem debating how one restricts use such that a technology is available for "good" causes (i.e. nuclear technology to generate nuclear power, etc.)

Re: The Ethics of Time Travel: Is Time Traveling W

Some evil villian has invented a death-ray of doom or whatnot. In a simple scenario, and because the authors of the cartoon wish it, it's easy to see that technology as inherently evil. But could that same death-ray of doom be used for good, say to blow an impending doomsday comet out of space and thus save the earth? Of course.

And in this respect, time travel becomes the ultimate moral/ethical debate, and the only one which matters. Consider the above scenario, now add that since i've got a time travel machine I can travel to the future and see if the "death-ray" will be used for good or evil. in doing so, we could always tell what technology we are ready for and when we are ready for it. defeating the evils of technology once and for all.

in this example time travel determines the true outcome of a technological choice, by looking into the future, and either accepting its outcome or preventing it.

overall the best choice would be to develop time travel technology in order to prevent anyone else from using the same technology for harm.

Can you define exactly what you mean by use of the word "ethical" in this regard?

Ethical behavior generally relates to the conduct of a defined group of people - a profession, club, industry, etc. It doesn't, generally, apply to the entire population.

Moral behavior generally relates to a larger segment of the population such as a particular religion but it still doesn't necessarily encompass the entire population.

Legal behavior relates to statutory law. Of the three it is the only code of conduct that includes the entire population.

Its possible to do an act that violates, for instance, ethical behavior but not moral or legal behavior. One can switch "ethical", "moral" and "legal" around at will in the above sentence and have it still be a true statement.

I'm not making this post to split hairs. What is ethical to one person may not be seen as ethical to another. Example, a physician who euthanizes a terminal suffering patient has violated the ethical standards of his/her profession (not to mention the law). But a veterinarian who euthanizes a terminal suffering patient is wholly within the ethical standards of that profession.
Great start everyone, very intelligent discussions so far.

But don't you think this same statement could be made for any revolutionary technology? For example, about 100 years ago mankind could not communicate with each other over vast distances in "real time".

Has the evolution of this technology impacted our spiritual tendencies? Certainly it has impacted our human advancement.

Yes, I agree. I think you and I had a difference in opinion regarding this point originally on the other thread. Probably on the radicalism aspect of it.

The way it manifests (personally speaking) it “synchronizes” and brings together all “actions and decisions” in order to create the end result that we are designed for and coordinated to be. Unduplicatable “coincidences” are the tell tale signs to this, the violation of human freewill. This is what is translated as Time Travel to the TTA, and why I see it as an unethical practice.

For example: One can live their life knowing the boundaries of their world, and understand basic judgments of right & wrong. Though, one thinks they have a choice. One acts and feels a sense of accomplishment or failure when this “choice” is exercised.

Though, how much of it was really the person’s own doing, if someone pulled the strings to arrange it to be?

If you were placed or moved around like a pawn, isn’t it wrong to suggest to a human being that they have freewill, but really take complete command of their lives to fulfill some end result purpose?

….. "IS there an absolute for ethics and morals?" Given that, scientifically, Einstein showed (and we all agree) that the mechanics of the universe hold no absolutes, why should metaphysics be different?

This is precisely why I don't think you can brand a technology as evil, only how one chooses to use it. A rock is a rock, but when a rock is involved in the choice of throwing it at someone else's head it MAY be evil... but then again, if that person is coming at me with a knife, then it is self-defense. NONE of those considerations change the fundamental basics of rock "technology"

Yes, a rock is a rock, and people commit unethical acts with objects and technology, I agree with that assertion.

But perhaps it is not just a question of man simply being irresponsible with the technology, but also being given the option and chance to be.

If some people are given the chance to take advantage of something or a situation, and think they can get away with it, I think that most will probably do it, IMO. Either from crossing a red light when no one is looking, taking more then 1 free sample, or pocketing a few dollars at the bank they work at; the technology in the places that make things happen may not be what is unethical, but perhaps given the option to exploit them can be.

I believe with your theoretical issues you have provided scenarios which support one of my primary contentions in this debate. Namely, that any technology can be used for "good" or "evil", and as such this means that the label of "good" or "evil" is not appropriate to identify any technology.


I think one would be hard-pressed to name ANY technology that couldn't just as easily be used for good as for bad. I hate to use another cliche, but it may help us in this debate: "The needs of the many often outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."

Ok, any technology can be used for “good” and “evil” got that, however in this scenario; let’s not pin the ethical dilemma on the technology, but on the appropriateness of the society to allow it’s use for the masses.

Suppose in 4000 years from now, a society possess great power, and intends to utilize a technology that can subjugate an individual’s freewill without their knowledge? Why? Because after everything’s been said and done, 1 final endeavor remains, and eludes them. Would that be an unethical use of the technology by this society?

With a bigger picture in place, let’s say the survival of the human race and advancement of their spiritual salvation depended on it. Would the society’s actions then seem more appropriate and willing to be accepted?

In conclusion, is it ever justifiable for a dying race that’s done it all, to manipulate mankind to fullfill their purpose?

And if they have done it and been successful, and their actions can be be verified and proved in the present, where would we stand on the Ethics of Time Travel today?

Those are my initial replies. As you can see, I would like to stay away from unfounded speculations because that is really not much of a debate... more just an opinion-speculation festival!

And unfortunately, speculation of Time Travel is more in abundance. So where does that leave us with this debate?

What can we extrapolate as a temporary framework on the nature of Time Travel thus far? Our understanding of it’s implementation maybe inadequate, though I think conventional wisdom (or not so conventional for the TTA) may yet be able to suggest to the nature of Time Travel, and the ethical and moral implications of it’s use.

Hey Darby,

Can you define exactly what you mean by use of the word "ethical" in this regard?

I don't mean anything fancy by it, other then just basic right and wrong ideals. I mean that Time Traveling would be wrong to advance a society spiritually; I believe it's considered cheating, especially at the cost of lying to the masses to do it.

We don't allow cheating in sports, in writing, in schools, cheating on any level is wrong, IMO.

Ethical behavior generally relates to the conduct of a defined group of people - a profession, club, industry, etc. It doesn't, generally, apply to the entire population.

What does relate and apply also to an entire population is freewill, IMO. Encircled around them, is also a sense of self and a will to live in their own way. I believe this is basic in the foundation of a society’s ethical behavior, and why many differ from our own.

We don't allow cheating in sports, in writing, in schools, cheating on any level is wrong, IMO.

Would you "cheat" in some way if it was the only way to stop someone from raping your wife?

There are some huge concepts that need to be put in place and agreed to before we go to far in this or nothing will come of it.

I don't mean anything fancy by it, other then just basic right and wrong ideals. I mean that Time Traveling would be wrong to advance a society spiritually; I believe it's considered cheating, especially at the cost of lying to the masses to do it.

If you take this statement and apply my analogy to it, lets say society = wife, spirituality = wife's purity, you = husband, threat to society's spirituality = rape, time travel = cheating.

Would you cheat?
Choices & Free Will

In reply to:
But don't you think this same statement could be made for any revolutionary technology? For example, about 100 years ago mankind could not communicate with each other over vast distances in "real time".

Has the evolution of this technology impacted our spiritual tendencies? Certainly it has impacted our human advancement.
Yes, I agree. I think you and I had a difference in opinion regarding this point originally on the other thread. Probably on the radicalism aspect of it.
Most likely it was the radicalism aspect of it. And I am glad to see you discussing choice and free will in your reply, as I do believe this is a major theme in the use of any technology, whether it be for "good" or "evil".

Now let me give an example that will set the stage for some of my rebuttals to your later thoughts: I grew up in Ohio, and not too far from settlements of Amish and Quaker people. Proud, hard-working people who have strong ethical and moral codes within their communities. Yet these two communities also represent excellent case studies with regard to the advanced technology/communications example I gave above. Neither of these groups of people "accept" (i.e. choose to utilize) various aspects of modern technologies... the Amish much moreso than the Quakers, but the point is to show a gamut of possibilities of choices from our "typical" US culture, to the subculture of the Quakers, to the extreme stances of the Amish. An interesting side note is that my flight controls boss was also from Ohio and grew up in a Quaker family. And now here he is the manager of some of the most advanced flight control technology development the world has ever known! The Quakers and the Amish made decisions, as communities, to NOT accept/use/integrate a great deal of modern technologies. If you research the reasoning behind this, I think you will find a lot of similarities between their reasons and your arguments on why you believe TT is unethical.

The way it manifests (personally speaking) it “synchronizes” and brings together all “actions and decisions” in order to create the end result that we are designed for and coordinated to be. Unduplicatable “coincidences” are the tell tale signs to this, the violation of human freewill. This is what is translated as Time Travel to the TTA, and why I see it as an unethical practice.
Now this is where our debate could fall apart because of the differences between belief and actualization. I respect your belief that this is how TT manifests, and that you think it can be implemented such that total violation of human free will could possibly result. However, as a man of science, I must ask "but is this the way that nature will ALLOW such a technology to be actualized?" I do not believe so, because it would literally involve having complete control over ALL Mass, Space, and Time in the universe... and the universe just does not work this way when it comes to control... when you gain tighter control of one aspect of a situation, you necessarily lose some other aspect of control over the situation. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is another way of stating this: The more accurately I know a particle's position, the less accurately I know its momentum. Beyond this argument, the amount of Energy needed to be able to control all Mass, Time, and Space would be larger than the total amount of Energy represented by the universe itself (using a thermodynamic entropy view). Finally, we will really have to examine the intricacies of human free will to know if it is ever possible to totally violate one's free will (which is different than just influencing it).

For example: One can live their life knowing the boundaries of their world, and understand basic judgments of right & wrong. Though, one thinks they have a choice. One acts and feels a sense of accomplishment or failure when this “choice” is exercised.

Though, how much of it was really the person’s own doing, if someone pulled the strings to arrange it to be?

If you were placed or moved around like a pawn, isn’t it wrong to suggest to a human being that they have freewill, but really take complete command of their lives to fulfill some end result purpose?
A fair enough example. And *IF* TT were to manifest in such a way as this, where one could completely subjugate human free will, then the USE of it to do this would certainly be unethical to me. However, I am far from convinced both that the laws of the universe would permit it to manifest this way, and that the human free will is as limited as such an example would seem to imply. The issue is "COMPLETE command of their lives" vs. the ability to "influence their lives" in one, or a handful, of ways. To me, the latter is the only real possibility because of the control/Heisenberg arguments I have provided above.
If some people are given the chance to take advantage of something or a situation, and think they can get away with it, I think that most will probably do it, IMO. Either from crossing a red light when no one is looking, taking more then 1 free sample, or pocketing a few dollars at the bank they work at; the technology in the places that make things happen may not be what is unethical, but perhaps given the option to exploit them can be.
But I am sure you must see where this argument leads! One cannot have advancement without also creating a risk. IOW, the "bad" necessarily comes with the "good". So I would equate this type of argument with being equivalent to "even though we could potentially save a great many lives with stem cell research, there are evils associated with it that people could exploit. Therefore, we should not develop the technology at all." And this line of reasoning doesn't end with one technology, but extends to ALL technologies. This was why I wanted to stress my point about the USE of a technology being the basis of ethics, because it points out that ANY technology can be abused... and is the potential for abuse so bad that we would also not want to avail ourselves of the benefits?

BTW, I do not share the pessimistic view of human nature that you seem to hold. I do not think that "most will probably do it". Again go back to the firearms issue. The vast majority of firearms owners in this country do not abuse this technology. WHY they do not abuse this technology is likely different for each one. For some it is our laws, and their respect for them, that hold them in check. For others, they have a deeper ethic than laws that some might say is the "do unto others" philosophy. It is an individual decision, and one which hinges on human free will. I, for one, as a firearms owner see my ability to own and operate this technology primarily as a means of self-defense. Regardless of formal law, I would not use this technology to rob someone because my internalized model aligns with "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Ok, any technology can be used for “good” and “evil” got that, however in this scenario; let’s not pin the ethical dilemma on the technology, but on the appropriateness of the society to allow it’s use for the masses.

Suppose in 4000 years from now, a society possess great power, and intends to utilize a technology that can subjugate an individual’s freewill without their knowledge? Why? Because after everything’s been said and done, 1 final endeavor remains, and eludes them. Would that be an unethical use of the technology by this society?
OK, again I see you agreeing with my point. It is not about the technology, it is about its use. And I certainly agree that you can pose hypotheticals which would show how any technology can be used for good or evil, as you have done here. What I do not see is a convincing argument that: (a) TT will manifest in the "complete control" means you describe, and more importantly (b) Why you think the potential for evil use of a technology could not be mitigated so that we could enjoy the benefits it may hold.
With a bigger picture in place, let’s say the survival of the human race and advancement of their spiritual salvation depended on it. Would the society’s actions then seem more appropriate and willing to be accepted?

In conclusion, is it ever justifiable for a dying race that’s done it all, to manipulate mankind to fullfill their purpose?

And if they have done it and been successful, and their actions can be be verified and proved in the present, where would we stand on the Ethics of Time Travel today?
I see you arguing in generalities, rather than specifics. And the "generality" that I must oppose is based on the notion that the manifestation of TT would allow any form of "complete control" over a person, a society, or the events they live through. The WHOLE universe operates on ACTION/REACTION. As such, I think it would be a bit naieve to assume that TT could manifest in such a way that "we, the user" of the tech would have complete control over the "ACTION" part of its use, and that there would be no REACTION that "we, the user" would have to contend with.

For example, I brough up causality violation earlier in this thread, and it is a perfect phenomenon to discuss in terms of TT manifestation. I wonder if you could answer these questions:

1) Do you believe that TT will manifest in such a way that the "TT user" could violate causality?
2) If you believe so, then do you not think the violation of causality will result in some natural "reaction" of the universe which the "TT user" (or his technology) would have no control over?

And unfortunately, speculation of Time Travel is more in abundance. So where does that leave us with this debate?
IMHO, I think it leaves us right where I figured it would go. Namely, I do not think we can realistically pass a "believeable" ethical stance on TT technology UNTIL we know its mechanization AND, more importantly, its LIMITATIONS. We FIRST need to know "what is possible and what is not possible", because the "what is not possible" part will certainly shape any emergent ethics about the technology. Furthermore, the "what is not possible" will inform us about how the universe will exhibit a natural response to manipulation of Time. For example, causality violation. *IF* we can develop a technology for TT that would allow us to violate causality, what would be the response of the universe? For all I know, it could completely annihiliate the TT user (or worse).

Having this sort of INFORMATION about how TT will REALLY manifest (and its limitations) is an essential step in developing a moral/ethical/legal stance toward the technology's USE.

Our understanding of it’s implementation maybe inadequate, though I think conventional wisdom (or not so conventional for the TTA) may yet be able to suggest to the nature of Time Travel, and the ethical and moral implications of it’s use.
I respectfully disagree, and the reason I disagree can be summed-up in another time-honored cliche that we use in systems engineering quite a bit:

"You don't know what you don't know. And not knowing what you don't know is a serious impediment to you knowing whether what you are doing is 'right'."

IMO, we need to "know" a lot more about how we MAY be able to manipulate Time, and how the universe will react, before we can understand its moral implications.

There are some huge concepts that need to be put in place and agreed to before we go to far in this or nothing will come of it.
Agreed, iridium. I'd say go ahead and lay them out, but let's see what TTA says with his response.

Rainman, Creedo and Lord Krishna, surried between the two opposeing armies.

Rains and Ardjuna, began to cry, as they had not only noticed all of the differnt social classes, however the fact, that everyone was there!>>What I feel, I can't say
But my love is there for you anytime of day
But if it's not love that you need
Then I'll try my best to make everything succeed

Tell me, what is my life without your love
Tell me, who am I without you, by my side

What I know, I can do
If I give my love now to everyone like you
But if it's not love that you need
Then I'll try my best to make ev'rything succeed
Re: Choices & Free Will

Now let me give an example that will set the stage for some of my rebuttals to your later thoughts:

Either your psychic or know me to well by now /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

I grew up in Ohio, and not too far from settlements of Amish and Quaker people. Proud, hard-working people who have strong ethical and moral codes within their communities. Yet these two communities also represent excellent case studies with regard to the advanced technology/communications example I gave above. Neither of these groups of people "accept" (i.e. choose to utilize) various aspects of modern technologies... the Amish much moreso than the Quakers, but the point is to show a gamut of possibilities of choices from our "typical" US culture, to the subculture of the Quakers, to the extreme stances of the Amish.

That’s great, if they know the pit falls that the technology could lead to their way of life, more power to them.

However, who said anything about the technology for Time Travel would just be a mechanical one?

No-no my good friend, the answer is a lot closer then you may think. For many thousands of years of human thought, we have only hinted to it’s surface, but could never penetrate it.

The big picture has always remained though. And many such as your self believe in the connection to this idea. Thus a New Age approach is applied to this and other concepts.

What exactly is the TTA suggesting?

I have never limited my belief that TT would be wrong and come to pass in just 1 form, i.e. strapping one’s self to a device.

Allow me to clarify my self, by citing the following posts from you:

“Vibration, Consciousness, 2012, & TT Hoaxes” thread:
Several of us here have talked about vibrations, frequencies, resonance and how (scientifically) these concepts of CYCLES are intimately linked with TIME. We can easily witness the energetic power of change that is realized by harmonics and resonance. Not only are these aspects of cycles central to making music (which can affect our emotions in "positive" and "negative" ways), but we also know from mechanics that NATURAL FREQUENCIES at which bodies RESONANT are the points where maximum mechanical energy is released. There are a great many other examples of harmonics and resonance that we can cite from our technologies of today, but these are on a "microcosmic" scale when we consider our solar system, or our galaxy, or even our entire universe.

The important connection we need to make is that the POWER OF CYCLES (harmonics/resonance) that we observe in the microcosm is also one of the major governing factors of our cosmos on a macocosmic scale. That is literally what 2012 is all about. As scientifically shown in other threads, with other links, the Mayan calendar ends its 13th baktun cycle in 2012, and that corresponds to a special "point in time" that marks a changing from the old cycle to the new cycle. Since our earth, and our solar system, and our galaxy (and indeed our entire universe) operate on cycles, then it stands to reason there are points of "resonance" where the ways in which energy expresses itself in the physical domain are different.... are amplified (just like a NATURAL RESONANT FREQUENCY). And it is further no accident or coincidence that our rapid technological maturity here in the INFORMATION age is reaching quite a crecendo as we approach 2012. It is no accident that we have now completely "sequenced" (cycled?) the human genome prior to 2012. And the human genome, as we know, is the "INFORMATION storehouse" for what constitutes humanity.

It’s a fascinating read, anyone can read the rest for themselves if they wish.

You further mention this on the “Consciousness, Cosmology, & Gravity-Jack Sarfatti” thread:
….The aphysical Spirit/Soul/Mind are equal and opposite to the physical Mass/Space/Time. It is an eternal "dance" between the two... one might say an eternal OSCILLATION!

And when we start understanding that our aphysical selves are constantly in an oscillation with the equal and opposite physical Massive SpaceTime, this is where we come to understand just how important FREQUENCY DYNAMICS and FREQUENCY RESPONSE and HARMONICS becomes to understanding how to move beyond our current technology. Our science currently has a good handle on Harmonic Resonance and its effects in the physical measures of Mass, Space, and Time. What we must now come to understand is how Mind couples to Massive SpaceTime, and how we can use the principles of Harmonic Resonance between these two elements to achieve "miracles" (i.e. technologies which were previously branded as "miracles" in spiritual texts).

Yet, yesterday you said this:
However, as a man of science, I must ask "but is this the way that nature will ALLOW such a technology to be actualized?" I do not believe so, because it would literally involve having complete control over ALL Mass, Space, and Time in the universe... and the universe just does not work this way when it comes to control... when you gain tighter control of one aspect of a situation, you necessarily lose some other aspect of control over the situation. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is another way of stating this: The more accurately I know a particle's position, the less accurately I know its momentum. Beyond this argument, the amount of Energy needed to be able to control all Mass, Time, and Space would be larger than the total amount of Energy represented by the universe itself (using a thermodynamic entropy view). Finally, we will really have to examine the intricacies of human free will to know if it is ever possible to totally violate one's free will (which is different than just influencing it).

So which way would nature allow it now Ray?

Ok, let’s take a different approach with the Ethics of Time Travel; let’s say this is how it works.

A vast Temporal Network exists with consciousnesses in harmony, suppose we tap into it, and “influence” the masses through it.

Not as polished as your posts were, but hey it’s been 3 yrs. since I last debated this issue.

A fair enough example. And *IF* TT were to manifest in such a way as this, where one could completely subjugate human free will, then the USE of it to do this would certainly be unethical to me. However, I am far from convinced both that the laws of the universe would permit it to manifest this way, and that the human free will is as limited as such an example would seem to imply. The issue is "COMPLETE command of their lives" vs. the ability to "influence their lives" in one, or a handful, of ways. To me, the latter is the only real possibility because of the control/Heisenberg arguments I have provided above.

Given your vast knowledge and familiarity with your beliefs Ray, I want you to tell me there is no possible way for Time Travel to manifest it’s self through those routes you previously make mention of, and be exploited to influence lives.

But I am sure you must see where this argument leads! One cannot have advancement without also creating a risk. IOW, the "bad" necessarily comes with the "good". So I would equate this type of argument with being equivalent to "even though we could potentially save a great many lives with stem cell research, there are evils associated with it that people could exploit. Therefore, we should not develop the technology at all." And this line of reasoning doesn't end with one technology, but extends to ALL technologies. This was why I wanted to stress my point about the USE of a technology being the basis of ethics, because it points out that ANY technology can be abused... and is the potential for abuse so bad that we would also not want to avail ourselves of the benefits?

Ok, given that there are no absolutes in the universe and in human inferences; and that risks come with the use of certain technologies, wouldn’t something that guarantee’s 100% NO risk at using it and 100% results, wouldn’t it be worthwhile & beneficial to use?

OK, again I see you agreeing with my point. It is not about the technology, it is about its use. And I certainly agree that you can pose hypotheticals which would show how any technology can be used for good or evil, as you have done here. What I do not see is a convincing argument that: (a) TT will manifest in the "complete control" means you describe, and more importantly (b) Why you think the potential for evil use of a technology could not be mitigated so that we could enjoy the benefits it may hold.

In response to (a): tell me RMT, based on what you believe about Massive Space & Time, and oscillation etc…, how can influence and manipulation & exploitation by these means not lead to eventual “complete control?”

(b) Ok, let me clarify on what I think Evil is:

Evil to me, is messing with someone in an unfair and unethical way and not accepting accountability for it or attempting to recognize the error, i.e. stealing, cheating, lying, rape, manipulating their time line and their loved ones.

What we do presently and what we don’t do, with the use of a technology in an evil way is determined and regulated by the laws governing us. With the exception of those with conviction to follow a personal philosophy of "Do unto others..."

If those laws were to ever change and become arbitrary, let’s say no more rights to bare arms, legalized same-sex marriage and other things the current consensus see’s as wrong, wouldn’t future generations see this as social acceptance of what they would define and think evil, wrong & unethical practices are? Thus, technology once deemed inappropriate, now becomes part of the mainstream norms.

So when I mean unethical and evil use of this technology, I mean it’s evil right now. The benefits are not felt here in the present for us, but in the future (or hereafter). However, the ramifications of those changes in the present, violating human freewill and those who can attest to the symptoms of this approach, is evil… though not according to the laws of the future.

I see you arguing in generalities, rather than specifics. And the "generality" that I must oppose is based on the notion that the manifestation of TT would allow any form of "complete control" over a person, a society, or the events they live through.

Sorry about that (here’s another), it’s probably a habit of my Jehovah’s Witness upbringing, my Alien abductions, my extensive and pricey Co$ training, the voices, the numbers, psychic visions and we can’t forget Temporal phasing.

The WHOLE universe operates on ACTION/REACTION. As such, I think it would be a bit naieve to assume that TT could manifest in such a way that "we, the user" of the tech would have complete control over the "ACTION" part of its use, and that there would be no REACTION that "we, the user" would have to contend with.

For example, I brough up causality violation earlier in this thread, and it is a perfect phenomenon to discuss in terms of TT manifestation. I wonder if you could answer these questions:

1) Do you believe that TT will manifest in such a way that the "TT user" could violate causality?
2) If you believe so, then do you not think the violation of causality will result in some natural "reaction" of the universe which the "TT user" (or his technology) would have no control over?

In response to questions:
1) Based on my experience with TT manifestations, I came very close one time in my youth, to pin pointing and unraveling a paradoxal experience in one of my very intense Temporal shifts/phases. Let me try and describe it: you take a déjà vu experience many experience briefly, but combine it with voices and other physical reactions, i.e. head ache, goosebumps, nausea. The situation was very vivid; I recall I found my self also re-experiencing the voice in the experience, and taking strong measures previously to counter them the last time, from occurring again this time. I had an actual dialogue with this voice & my self, I was given instructions on what to attempt, and a strong mental block was automatically erected in anticipation of the subjugation of my will and numerical synchronization to this experience on “queue.” Perhaps this struggle and the manifestation it’s caused to keep an exclusive frame of mind from experiencing this and failed and letting me know of the previous trial and errors, is a sign of causality.

2) For me, the subtleness of control is felt in an amplified manner. I doubt many would feel and react to the control the way I did. The reaction I had previously taken, coupled with a strong conviction of freewill, was not only the reason why the TTA was created, but because of the manifestations that many could also be experiencing and feel about freewill, versus those who forfeit it; an opposing view to TT/Alien’s/& new age doctrine needed to be known.

As for causing causality for the user in the future and the universe, I believe that’s the whole point.

….Namely, I do not think we can realistically pass a "believeable" ethical stance on TT technology UNTIL we know its mechanization AND, more importantly, its LIMITATIONS. We FIRST need to know "what is possible and what is not possible", because the "what is not possible" part will certainly shape any emergent ethics about the technology. Furthermore, the "what is not possible" will inform us about how the universe will exhibit a natural response to manipulation of Time. For example, causality violation. *IF* we can develop a technology for TT that would allow us to violate causality, what would be the response of the universe? For all I know, it could completely annihiliate the TT user (or worse).

Perhaps the universe is designed to compensate and tolerate anomalies & causalities, we yet don’t know. If it’s able to maintain stability through the chaos of a million atomic explosions, the vast gravity of black holes and devastating effects of anti-matter, why would one little change in time, cause it much of any harm to react, rather then for the direct correlating intended subject?

The technology we currently yield, does cause much irreversible changes when implemented, significant natural changes to our (Earthly) universe are clearly noted as a reaction. But again, are we talking about a Time Travel device that can have a devastating impact on the universe and have an anti-time effect if causality levels are to severe? Does a volcano explosion cause a chain reaction throughout the globe affecting all land til eventually it will explode, or is the effect only localized within a certain radius, and all life surrounding the incursion goes on, or adapts to the changes?

Perhaps we should consider TT technology not solely dependent on space & time in relation to it’s effect on the universe and causing causalities in the physical sense, but perhaps on a dimension that is accessible and able to be exploited and cause very little harm or reaction to the universe that can also influence those who inhabit space & time. Consider this notion, my Temporal by-pass theory.

I respectfully disagree, and the reason I disagree can be summed-up in another time-honored cliche that we use in systems engineering quite a bit:

"You don't know what you don't know. And not knowing what you don't know is a serious impediment to you knowing whether what you are doing is 'right'."

IMO, we need to "know" a lot more about how we MAY be able to manipulate Time, and how the universe will react, before we can understand its moral implications.

RMT, I think given the information I have layed out on this post, and citing your beliefs, I think you may be able to find a clear correlation & link to what we are really dealing with here.

I am only sorry that I cannot currently be as thorough in my description and postings as I could have been years ago. One of the prices I had to pay for re-gaining my sanity and living a normal life away from Time Travel.

Yes, I am glad to say that I have not experienced a temporal shift, manifestations and any majorly strong psychic visions in years. I still experience some numerical synchronicities with the double digits once and a while though.

Well, let’s hope that by switching gears a bit here, it can give us a clearer meaning of the Ethics of Time Travel.

Til then, it’s your move RMT

Would you "cheat" in some way if it was the only way to stop someone from raping your wife?

And we come to the shades of gray… the maybe I would and maybe I wouldn’t bend the rules a little.

There is no question of what kind of action I would take in self-defense for a loved one.

There are some huge concepts that need to be put in place and agreed to before we go to far in this or nothing will come of it.

Like RMT said, lay them out. Anything that is however "put in place and agreed to" is subject to the verification within the scope of the logical terms defining the ethical use of a technology that does not as of yet exist. So good-luck making that fly.

If you take this statement and apply my analogy to it, lets say society = wife, spirituality = wife's purity, you = husband, threat to society's spirituality = rape, time travel = cheating.

I believe this example is intent to show how raping someone and Time Traveling fall within the same lines of cheating. Right?

I am already the TTA, and would do everything in my power in self-defense to protect humanity. Except by means of Time Traveling.

Just let me put on my cape and mask, and you and I can go fight the Evil doer’s together, old school style.

Up, Up & away :D.
