The Great Time Travel Experiment


Temporal Novice
The idea is very simple: to send a message into the future. If time travel is possible in the future and we have a little luck, then those future time travel scientists will get this message. Once they have the ability to send a message back in time maybe they will be willing to send a message to a specific time and place, where hopefully there will be many people there to witness the event.

And we may have our answer to the question: Is time travel possible?

The more people who hear about this experiment, the better the chances that this message will reach it's intended target. Maybe the message needs to survive for one hundred or one thousand years. Maybe only twenty or thirty. If the message is successfully delivered to a time traveler who is willing and able to send a message back in time, to inform humanity, then we will receive that message at the time, date and location below.

This is the message:
00:00 (gmt) - 16th April 2010 - Millennium Dome, London, UK
Well it's not that simple... in my opinion it needs to be a big event. If we do it right away then only myself and maybe my cat would bare wintess to the event.

Would you believe me if I told you the experiment was a success?
This is the message:
00:00 (gmt) - 16th April 2010 - Millennium Dome, London, UK

I don't quite understand. Is this the message that we're to send; the time and place that we're to send the message to; or both?

If the latter is the case then at 00:00 hrs Zulu time on 16-APR-2010 Millennium Dome will receive a message that reads, "00:00 (gmt) - 16th April 2010 - Millennium Dome, London, UK", correct?

How is this message supposed to inspire them to send a message back in time? It's simply a statement of their local time & date.

I think that you accidentally left some details out of your description of the experiment:

1. The exact message that we are to send;
2. How you expect the recipient to discern that the message is from "the past" (all messages are technically from the past);
3. A specific address and recipient;
4. Mode of transmission of the message;
5. Mode of transmission of the return message;
6. A specific address and recipient(s) for the return message
7. How we discern that the return message is from the future.
1. The exact message that we are to send;

The message is our address in space and time (on Earth):
"00:00 (gmt) - 16th April 2010 - Millennium Dome, London, UK"

2. How you expect the recipient to discern that the message is from "the past" (all messages are technically from the past);

If enough people hear about this experiment, then it will surviuve through history and hopefully a future time travel scientist will hear of the idea.

3. A specific address and recipient;

Unknown and unknown. This will have to be the first time travel scientist who is willing and able to send a message back in time. This is in the Future and I don't know the future.

4. Mode of transmission of the message;

Word of mouth. The internet. Any other way possible.

5. Mode of transmission of the return message;


6. A specific address and recipient(s) for the return message

Address in time and space: "00:00 (gmt) - 16th April 2010 - Millennium Dome, London, UK"
Recpipent: Whoever is present.

7. How we discern that the return message is from the future.

It has to be really obvious that it is from the future. I can imagine a few things that could happen... but it's all sci-fi /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

A door might appear and someone may walk though it.
A wormhole might appear.
A timeship might land.
Who knows? But it must be really obvious to the observers.

Thanks for your quesitons. I understand that I may be unclear. Getting people to understand the idea and function of the message is really important. So I will take all feedback seriously.

I was inspired by a documentary I saw on Google Video, I have the documentary on my site. It's about the man who is creating the worlds first time machine. I imagine most people here have already seen it. I will soon contact the scientist and inform him of the idea. I imagine he'll be at the very least amused by the idea. My website will mainly focus on him and his work. I hope he also gets more attention through my site. Anyway, hopefully he will become aware of the site and contribute to it's content. It would be fab if he could anser peoples questions for example. If he know's about the idea, I'm hoping that will be the beginnings of the ripple that sends a wave of awareness though the scientific community.

The gentlemens name is Dr Ronald Mallett.
Is this idea too simple to be taken seriously? I was expecting at least a little bit of enthusiasm...

1) IMO, yes it is too simple, especially the message itself, as Darby's questions have pointed out.

2) Now that I see you have gone back and edited your previous post that was nonsense about your cat's breath and turned it into something totally different, this tells me you are really about playing games. We get enough of those types here...and they are often ignored. Those of us who have been around long enough do not get enthusiastic about sneaky game-players.

Ray c'mon now if he posted a south park quote you'd have laughed I'm sure ;-) I didn't address the fact that Weberto wanted a face to face public meeting with the supposed time traveler.

A face to face meeting isn't really going to work unless the TT brings a bunch of newspapers from "next week" or some cool technology that hasn't been invented yet. Even then, I'd still have my doubts. The person could work for the newspapers, or have paid them a large sum to make their headlines match. Or any technology they bring could be from the present and stolen out of some secret lab. Or they could bring a bunch of money and pay the crowd that gathers to lie and tell the world that TT is the real deal (cough)

Weberto, that is why I don't think a face to face public meeting isn't going to give any better chance of proving someone is from the future than having them post here on this website.

Now if any alleged time travelers can "pre-select" 10 random numbers chosen by a quantum random number generator, then I will take notice. And for that, they only need to post the numbers from this site in advance on this forum.