The Loss of America as we Know it


Rift Surfer
I am very sad about what America is now becoming and it is happening at record speed.  It seems that the dystopian book 1984 is coming true, with news being edited to meet certain agendas, free speech being torn from us,  the government trying to pay us to "shut up and comply", false accusations (on a weekly basis at least) of racism, high taxes in the horizon, etc.  Voting no longer works because it was proven that it is and can all be rigged at any given moment.  D.C. has become a police state.  If the election were fair and the government was working "for the people", there would not be a need to surround the capital and white house with troops.  If people are THAT unhappy, they are not working "for the people" any more but are working on their own agenda.  Most feel this agenda is a global government, designed to cater to the rich while the rest of us live in poverty.  This is a typical dictatorship scenario, and it is very sad that thousands of people WANT to lose their freedom because the government is hinting that they don't have to work and will get freebies.  They fail to see that they will starve, waiting in line for a loaf of bread, while living in shacks because they can no longer work for a better life.  I am in awe at how many seemingly have fallen for this.  

Furthermore, whether you agree with taking the vaccine or not, my elderly parents cannot get it in my state.  There is not enough.  Yet, the current administration wants to allow millions of more ILLEGAL immigrants to pour in.  How can we allow that when we do not even have enough vaccines for our own people? Why doesn't their own government take care of them?

Back to the topic of freedom -- and you can fact check by doing your own online searches -- a man was recently  arrested for posting memes in 2016.  How many more of use will be arrested because we oppose the communist regime?  

America as we know it is gone.  Our freedom is being taken away on a daily basis.  Why won't Americans stand up?

You're only getting one side of the story, riddled with either leftist propaganda or communist infiltration. Have faith, and go listen to what people like Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, and Scott McKay the Patriot Streetfighter have to say. Are you gonna research these guys, or do I have to research them for you?

I am enjoying the shit show. I can't wait for bullets to start flying in the house. Apparently Republicans wont give up their firearms and continue to bypass metal detectors in the house.

Anyone want to make a prediction on Biden's life expectancy?

I've mentioned it very passingly but there's something I wanted to finally explain further. 

In my original timeline America was not overcome from within, but there was a brief but violent civil war in 2016 after Clinton beat Trump. 

Trump claimed foul and his supporters took up arms against other Americans. This weakened us greatly. He was able to run in 2020 again & lost by a landslide. 

Around this same time California tried to break from the union again. This also weakened us greatly. The tensions between Americans (especially red states & blue states) caused us to falter when the boots finally came. The invasion in America is a well known fixed point in time that many people have failed to change.

In my time the boots came in 2025, and it came from three directions:

-Atlantic, which targeted our major ports

-Pacific, which basically was Californians just letting them walk through their state on the promise of breaking fully from the union

-Canada, which our ally up north was completely unable to stop it due to the events happening in the middle of winter

We always assumed no enemy force could ever drink from the Mississippi if they tried their hardest....but that was in a time when we were united & at our strongest. 

At a time when we were the weakest and least unified, we were swiftly "liberated" by forces primarily from Russia, China, Iran, and Syria. Other smaller countries were with them as well. The EU had already collapsed by that point and were fighting amongst themselves. Our only real allies were Mexico and Canada....but neither of them were equipped to help much. When the tri-states & capitol fell we lost almost all of our most precious arts, artifacts, and history. California became its own nation state in 2026.

My younger self out there is full of righteous anger at Trump & conservatives, but for the wrong reasons. In about 25 years that anger is going to be directed at Baron Trump & his movement. It's unfortunate that young me will probably never see this, because I'd tell her I was mostly wrong. I'd also tell her that I did save Alice, just like I promised. We did finally get that little house on the mountain just took a lot longer. We were able to start over again...just not in the body I would have preferred. I understand better now that she was justified in hating me for so long. She was right, after all...the Unix "problem" wasn't about the stopping the buffer overflow. We needed it. Johnny died because of me. I can see it looks like she pulled one off one of my moves & activated my dead switch. The old Robot Unicorn Attack. I'm sorry if I spammed anyone.

What else can I say, other than stop hating on each other for having such differences of opinions. Both "sides" are wrong right now.

Perhaps this time will be different. I've never seen a universe where Skynet didn't immediately go crazy. Then again I've also never seen a Trump presidency.


'Classicalfan626]You're only getting one side of the story said:
I've heard 4 years of "it's going to happen soon!" and "today is the day it all comes out" and it never does.  I decided not to place any faith in government.  "The Day" never comes.  
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[QUOTE='Einstein]I am enjoying the shit show. I can't wait for bullets to start flying in the house. Apparently Republicans wont give up their firearms and continue to bypass metal detectors in the house.
Anyone want to make a prediction on Biden's life expectancy?
[/QUOTE]I want to believe that, and my husband did visit the gun shop and it was so packed he had no place to park.  (We'll get more ammo online). BUT I've heard this so many times before.  Inauguration day -- where were the militias?  Were they still playing soldier in their back yard?  All these militias promised to save the constitution and all they do is talk.  I will believe it when I see it. I apologize for being bitter, but Trump had the power to save the country and he did not.  He handed it over.  Our freedoms are being stripped from us and the elimination of the white man is slowly happening.  (Kamala can be blamed for this).  I don't think anyone will stand up.  I am preparing to defend my family, but I am no frontline soldier.  I have to protect my kids and property. 

Biden - we all know Kamala and Nancy are already running the country and will be declared President and Vice President very soon.  And we sit powerless because anything we do can land us a spot in jail. 

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Don't believe anything! It appears to be a psyops war. An attempt to push the gullible to the breaking point. I'm sure China would love it if we all started shooting each other. Perhaps a few nukes on Beijing would remind everyone who the real enemy is.

[QUOTE='Einstein]Don't believe anything! It appears to be a psyops war. An attempt to push the gullible to the breaking point. I'm sure China would love it if we all started shooting each other. Perhaps a few nukes on Beijing would remind everyone who the real enemy is.
[/QUOTE]It becomes more and more apparent every day.  That's how quickly things are going down the toilet.  I am still in utter shock that SO MANY will trade in their freedom for a tiny little check twice a year.  The brainwashing worked on SO MANY, and they even trained these people to HATE and become violent towards anyone who opposes the dictatorship.  It definitely IS a psyops war, but why didn't we ALL fall for it?  Maybe the alleged "vaccine" would help take care of that --- get the rest of us.  (There is no way in HELL I'm taking a politically motivated, rushed vaccine backed by BIll Gates).

The militias are not real.  They are just playing soldier.  Nobody will save us, so we must prepare on our own.  I'm going to build a chicken coop soon and start making eggs.  We have lots of fish and wild hogs to eat.  I also have to plant some critter-safe gardens.  The least we rely on the dictatorship, the better, because we KNOW they will start hoarding food and only handing out a loaf at a time.  That's how dictatorships work.  Why do SO MANY support and cheer for communism? I don't get it.  I never will. 

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@Einstein - Have you ever watched the Patriot Street Fighter (Scott McKay)? His updates are initially live on YouTube, then he takes them down and uploads them to Rumble.

@PaulaJedi - Are you willing to just give up and not at least listen to the Patriot Street Fighter? I see too many patriots are giving up, but I think there will be people who will save us, and those are Donald Trump and other patriots. You just got to have faith; pray to God and His angels.

'Classicalfan626]It's a guy named Scott McKay said:
@PaulaJedi[/USER] - If you don't have the time or patience for that, I think you'll be able to see for yourself not too far into the future. Maybe not right now, but in the not too distant future.

@Classicalfan626 I took the first step and added him on Telegram. Patience, please. I am ADHD.  People think it is just attitude, but I can’t control it. I do things on a whim.  I can’t even concentrate to read or write a book.  So, step 1 - I got him on Telegram.  Step 2 will be to listen to some of his stuff in pieces.  
